They Must Be Really Scared: Obama Campaign To Sell Birth Certificate T-Shirts & Mugs


May 29, 2010
And it has a picture on the front of Obama with the words 'Made In The USA' below. That maybe true but this is false advertising since the birth certificate has been debunked by multiple expert computer graphic analyists as a forgery. What Obama is doing is tacky and childish. He is pretty much admitting guilt through his actions. An honest person would release the original to be verified through a private attestation firm, instead of playing childish theatrics. What we have here is another distraction from the real issue and that is Obama is not a natural born citizen despite being allegedly born in Hawaii because his father was a British National who held allegiance to the British Crown and that allegiance was passed to Obama at his birth. The founders wanted a president with born sole allegiance to the USA through U.S. citizen parentage like all other post grandfather presidents with the exception of Chester Arthur who was later found ineligible due to his father being naturalized after Chester was born instead of before.
And it has a picture on the front of Obama with the words 'Made In The USA' below. That maybe true but this is false advertising since the birth certificate has been debunked by multiple expert computer graphic analyists as a forgery. What Obama is doing is tacky and childish. He is pretty much admitting guilt through his actions. An honest person would release the original to be verified through a private attestation firm, instead of playing childish theatrics. What we have here is another distraction from the real issue and that is Obama is not a natural born citizen despite being allegedly born in Hawaii because his father was a British National who held allegiance to the British Crown and that allegiance was passed to Obama at his birth. The founders wanted a president with born sole allegiance to the USA through U.S. citizen parentage like all other post grandfather presidents with the exception of Chester Arthur who was later found ineligible due to his father being naturalized after Chester was born instead of before.

I'll buy some of those, to go along with this;
And it has a picture on the front of Obama with the words 'Made In The USA' below. That maybe true but this is false advertising since the birth certificate has been debunked by multiple expert computer graphic analyists as a forgery. What Obama is doing is tacky and childish. He is pretty much admitting guilt through his actions. An honest person would release the original to be verified through a private attestation firm, instead of playing childish theatrics. What we have here is another distraction from the real issue and that is Obama is not a natural born citizen despite being allegedly born in Hawaii because his father was a British National who held allegiance to the British Crown and that allegiance was passed to Obama at his birth. The founders wanted a president with born sole allegiance to the USA through U.S. citizen parentage like all other post grandfather presidents with the exception of Chester Arthur who was later found ineligible due to his father being naturalized after Chester was born instead of before.


Capitalism at its Finest! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Sounds like a damned good advertising campaign if you ask me.

Everyone, even those who don't follow politics very closely, knows that this has been an issue over the last 2.5 years. It meets the issue head-on and makes a joke of it.

Sounds like a very good idea to me.

It's a good move politically. He must have figured he had Hillary in the bag, so he back-burnered it for future use if need be.
And it has a picture on the front of Obama with the words 'Made In The USA' below. That maybe true but this is false advertising since the birth certificate has been debunked by multiple expert computer graphic analyists as a forgery. What Obama is doing is tacky and childish. He is pretty much admitting guilt through his actions. An honest person would release the original to be verified through a private attestation firm, instead of playing childish theatrics. What we have here is another distraction from the real issue and that is Obama is not a natural born citizen despite being allegedly born in Hawaii because his father was a British National who held allegiance to the British Crown and that allegiance was passed to Obama at his birth. The founders wanted a president with born sole allegiance to the USA through U.S. citizen parentage like all other post grandfather presidents with the exception of Chester Arthur who was later found ineligible due to his father being naturalized after Chester was born instead of before.

The idiocy of the right boomerangs and ends up becoming a money-making enterprise for Obama while also acting as a walking billboard against RW stupidity.

I think that's called poetic justice (at its finest).
I Thought Barry said the Birth Cert thing was Silliness... More important Issues facing the Nation...

Then what's with this:


mal --

Let me introduce you to Jerome Corsi.

This week he released a new book that the publisher says will be a bestseller "of historic proportions."

The title is "Where's the Birth Certificate?" -- yes, really.

Corsi's work is a greatest-hits reel of delusions, ranging from 9/11 conspiracies to claiming that there is an infinite supply of oil in the Earth's core. In 2008, he published a book about Barack Obama claiming, among other things, that he (a) is a secret Muslim; (b) is secretly anti-military; (c) secretly dealt drugs; and (d) secretly supported terrorist actions when he was eight years old. So many secrets! called Corsi's work "a mishmash of unsupported conjecture, half-truths, logical fallacies and outright falsehoods."

There's really no way to make this stuff completely go away. The only thing we can do is laugh at it -- and make sure as many other people as possible are in on the joke.

So let's just do this -- get your Obama birth certificate mug here:


Last year, the President said, "I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead."

This is about as close as we can get.

If the facts can't make these ridiculous smears go away, we can at least have a little fun with it.

And then we'll get back to the important work of supporting the President as he tackles real problems like high gas prices, the deficit, and unemployment.



Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- Mug not your thing? How about a T-shirt?

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.


Fucking Shameless...

But he is Barry after all.


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And it has a picture on the front of Obama with the words 'Made In The USA' below. That maybe true but this is false advertising since the birth certificate has been debunked by multiple expert computer graphic analyists as a forgery. What Obama is doing is tacky and childish. He is pretty much admitting guilt through his actions. An honest person would release the original to be verified through a private attestation firm, instead of playing childish theatrics. What we have here is another distraction from the real issue and that is Obama is not a natural born citizen despite being allegedly born in Hawaii because his father was a British National who held allegiance to the British Crown and that allegiance was passed to Obama at his birth. The founders wanted a president with born sole allegiance to the USA through U.S. citizen parentage like all other post grandfather presidents with the exception of Chester Arthur who was later found ineligible due to his father being naturalized after Chester was born instead of before.

The idiocy of the right boomerangs and ends up becoming a money-making enterprise for Obama while also acting as a walking billboard against RW stupidity.

I think that's called poetic justice (at its finest).

To bad for you liberal scum your fascist boy hussein obama also has a record to run on.And it is HORRIBLE!lol
And it has a picture on the front of Obama with the words 'Made In The USA' below. That maybe true but this is false advertising since the birth certificate has been debunked by multiple expert computer graphic analyists as a forgery. What Obama is doing is tacky and childish. He is pretty much admitting guilt through his actions. An honest person would release the original to be verified through a private attestation firm, instead of playing childish theatrics. What we have here is another distraction from the real issue and that is Obama is not a natural born citizen despite being allegedly born in Hawaii because his father was a British National who held allegiance to the British Crown and that allegiance was passed to Obama at his birth. The founders wanted a president with born sole allegiance to the USA through U.S. citizen parentage like all other post grandfather presidents with the exception of Chester Arthur who was later found ineligible due to his father being naturalized after Chester was born instead of before.

The idiocy of the right boomerangs and ends up becoming a money-making enterprise for Obama while also acting as a walking billboard against RW stupidity.

I think that's called poetic justice (at its finest).

To bad for you liberal scum your fascist boy hussein obama also has a record to run on.And it is HORRIBLE!lol

You ready for the next t-shirt?

On the front, there will be a picture of Bush dressed up like Chester from "Gunsmoke" tacking up a wanted dead or alive poster of OBL. On the back will be a picture of Obama as Matt Dillion holstering his smoking six shooter after gittin' his man.
The idiocy of the right boomerangs and ends up becoming a money-making enterprise for Obama while also acting as a walking billboard against RW stupidity.

I think that's called poetic justice (at its finest).

To bad for you liberal scum your fascist boy hussein obama also has a record to run on.And it is HORRIBLE!lol

You ready for the next t-shirt?

On the front, there will be a picture of Bush dressed up like Chester from "Gunsmoke" tacking up a wanted dead or alive poster of OBL. On the back will be a picture of Obama as Matt Dillion holstering his smoking six shooter after gittin' his man.

That'll look cool.
The idiocy of the right boomerangs and ends up becoming a money-making enterprise for Obama while also acting as a walking billboard against RW stupidity.

I think that's called poetic justice (at its finest).

To bad for you liberal scum your fascist boy hussein obama also has a record to run on.And it is HORRIBLE!lol

You ready for the next t-shirt?

On the front, there will be a picture of Bush dressed up like Chester from "Gunsmoke" tacking up a wanted dead or alive poster of OBL. On the back will be a picture of Obama as Matt Dillion holstering his smoking six shooter after gittin' his man.
Your punk boy obama told real men to get the Job done.As he sat in the safty of the Whitehouse.Your fascist punk obama also bankrupted this nation and destroyed
millions of jobs.Iam PROUD to HATE obama.
To bad for you liberal scum your fascist boy hussein obama also has a record to run on.And it is HORRIBLE!lol

You ready for the next t-shirt?

On the front, there will be a picture of Bush dressed up like Chester from "Gunsmoke" tacking up a wanted dead or alive poster of OBL. On the back will be a picture of Obama as Matt Dillion holstering his smoking six shooter after gittin' his man.

That'll look cool.

Should show Obama using (43)'s Posse to "Git em"...

Cause that's all Barry did...

Used what he Complained and Campaigned Against.

But go right ahead and Play Dress up with the Barry Doll. :thup:

You're good at Dress up, aren't you Bodey. :lol:


You ready for the next t-shirt?

On the front, there will be a picture of Bush dressed up like Chester from "Gunsmoke" tacking up a wanted dead or alive poster of OBL. On the back will be a picture of Obama as Matt Dillion holstering his smoking six shooter after gittin' his man.

That'll look cool.

Should show Obama using (43)'s Posse to "Git em"...

Cause that's all Barry did...

Used what he Complained and Campaigned Against.

But go right ahead and Play Dress up with the Barry Doll. :thup:

You're good at Dress up, aren't you Bodey. :lol:



Yeah, let's give all the credit to Chester. He cleans out the stall in the barn where Matt Dillion's horse craps. Good job, Chester. The Marshall couldn't have done it without you!
Maybe obama can invite his blackpanther scum he and holder protected and get a picture with them.
Fucking purple lipped big eared freak obama.
You ready for the next t-shirt?

On the front, there will be a picture of Bush dressed up like Chester from "Gunsmoke" tacking up a wanted dead or alive poster of OBL. On the back will be a picture of Obama as Matt Dillion holstering his smoking six shooter after gittin' his man.

That'll look cool.

Should show Obama using (43)'s Posse to "Git em"...

Cause that's all Barry did...

Used what he Complained and Campaigned Against.

But go right ahead and Play Dress up with the Barry Doll. :thup:

You're good at Dress up, aren't you Bodey. :lol:



except obama went into pakistan to get him, which mccain (and probably bush) refused to do.
That'll look cool.

Should show Obama using (43)'s Posse to "Git em"...

Cause that's all Barry did...

Used what he Complained and Campaigned Against.

But go right ahead and Play Dress up with the Barry Doll. :thup:

You're good at Dress up, aren't you Bodey. :lol:



except obama went into pakistan to get him, which mccain (and probably bush) refused to do.

Pure conjecture from a liberal idiot.I think they got him because of intel from
waterboarding that Bush approved.Thanks Bush,your the real hero.hussein obama
is a punk and muslim loving coward.

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