They Put a Car With Trump Bumper Stickers in Da Hood...

48464b1dd63089aaddf92f17ddc0420c004e443026556dbfc2b416aa35751885_1.jpg BESERK LIARS MANIA Just another boring publicity stunt by the Jerry Springer style citizens: (Who are you referring to)
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I would never put a political bumper sticker on my car because I wouldn't want that to cause some asshole to key it.
Looks fake. Hired fake actors.

Naw, only the Dems do that.

"“The thing that we have to watch, is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing,” states Foval while describing the conduit of information between the DNC, Clinton campaign, Political Action Committees, the AFL-CIO and other organizations. “There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it.”
Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies | Project Veritas Action
I would never put a political bumper sticker on my car because I wouldn't want that to cause some asshole to key it.
Um, you wouldnt be "causing" them to key it.

They would be doing it of their own free will, and you are not responsible for "causing" a gawd damned thing.
Looks like it is illegally parked
Parked in a parking spot? Looks like you didn't actually watch the video, jackass.

Illegal to park there on a Tuesday after 1 PM

Those citizens were merely reminding the driver of his civic duty

Your knee jerk support of violent criminals is not surprise.

MOre interesting was the presenters claim that locals were Trump supporters but afraid to say anything.

Fear of violence. Just another tool in the democratic tool box.
Just think what would have happen if there were people in that car

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