They Put a Car With Trump Bumper Stickers in Da Hood...

Trump supporter car destroyed in black neighbourhood (Social experiment)

Guy on YouTube places Trump stickers/slogans on his car and parks it in a black neighbourhood to see what type of reaction he gets

Car ends up getting destroyed

Is Donald Trump this hated by blacks?
no, blacks are just this programmed by the commies.who.edumuncate them.
Well, I can't say the guy who owns that car did not have it coming
joey salads is a dumbass he pays people to perform in these videos, he probably offered them 100 bucks each

Yeah, because blacks never act like this.
So why would black people hate trump? its not like him and his supporters are racists or anything lol

Why would ANYONE have issues with a person who is ok with someone calling his own daughter "a piece of ass".?

"Make America great again"?

It will become better by default when he loses the election and we can all believe that a nut like him could never become president of this country.
What an interesting social experiment. Lets park a car adorned with Hillary for pres outside a bar in the middle of nowhere Mississippi and see what happens.

For science.
Without whites there would be no museums

Absolutely. The Museum of Tolerance is a great example.

Museum of Tolerance

9786 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 772-2505

I went here as part of a school trip. I am in the play Anne Frank and so my cast and I decided to go. We started with the Anne Frank exhibit first. Our tour guide had no idea what she was saying. She would skip very important things and we would just walk past them. Several times she began a sentence saying "and this was named after"... and she would pause and just say "well anyways" and continue on going.
She talked to all of us like we were five yes old, when we are in high school. When we finished the anne frank tour, the only way to get out was the way we came in. We walked past several groups and interupted them. It was time for us to eat, so we went to the cafe. We had preordered our food, but when we got their they were short on the food we ordered. We had already payed for the food too. We had too wait for everyone's food to be ready. The fries were like little pieces of cement, and the hamburgers, I'm sure, went even meat. We began the second tour of the Holocaust exhibit and we skipped two parts immediately. Our tour guide said we were short on time because we took so long eating. The Holocaust portion of the museum is all just a bunch of videos. With not enough seats, you have to stand the whole time. When we went in this room which I assume was the gas chamber, but our tour guide never told us, it was just some more videos. Another group walked in and our tour guide immediately kicked us out, but we hadn't even finished the video. That was the end of the museum. None of my cast nor my director liked it. We all agreed that if we had learned one thing, it was to never go back there again.
Without whites there would be no museums

Absolutely. The Museum of Tolerance is a great example.

Museum of Tolerance

9786 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 772-2505

I went here as part of a school trip. I am in the play Anne Frank and so my cast and I decided to go. We started with the Anne Frank exhibit first. Our tour guide had no idea what she was saying. She would skip very important things and we would just walk past them. Several times she began a sentence saying "and this was named after"... and she would pause and just say "well anyways" and continue on going.
She talked to all of us like we were five yes old, when we are in high school. When we finished the anne frank tour, the only way to get out was the way we came in. We walked past several groups and interupted them. It was time for us to eat, so we went to the cafe. We had preordered our food, but when we got their they were short on the food we ordered. We had already payed for the food too. We had too wait for everyone's food to be ready. The fries were like little pieces of cement, and the hamburgers, I'm sure, went even meat. We began the second tour of the Holocaust exhibit and we skipped two parts immediately. Our tour guide said we were short on time because we took so long eating. The Holocaust portion of the museum is all just a bunch of videos. With not enough seats, you have to stand the whole time. When we went in this room which I assume was the gas chamber, but our tour guide never told us, it was just some more videos. Another group walked in and our tour guide immediately kicked us out, but we hadn't even finished the video. That was the end of the museum. None of my cast nor my director liked it. We all agreed that if we had learned one thing, it was to never go back there again.

It sounds like the issue was the guide,not the museum. My visits there have been totally different.
Let's see how the primitive little darlings respond:

I think it's staged. AKA, a fake.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Correction. You wish it was staged. Be honest.

It's a hoax. it WAS staged.

There isn't a doubt.

When caught, the race baiting Trumphumper admitted it.

Kinda hard *not* to do when someone videotaped the actors from above.


Actually there is a lot of other evidence that that video is fake, watch the video directly on Youtube and read the comments. (although there are a lot of comments now, it's harder to find than it was earlier)

Basically it was a comment by an acquaintance of his that knew the video he made was fake, before the birds-eye video was posted.
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Let's see how the primitive little darlings respond:

I think it's staged. AKA, a fake.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Correction. You wish it was staged. Be honest.

It's a hoax. it WAS staged.

There isn't a doubt.

When caught, the race baiting Trumphumper admitted it.

Kinda hard *not* to do when someone videotaped the actors from above.


Actually there is a lot of other evidence that that video is fake, watch the video directly on Youtube and read the comments.

I know. I posted it earlier.

They Put a Car With Trump Bumper Stickers in Da Hood...

Sometimes you have to make it simple for the simpletons.
It seems the video participants have outsmarted all of us viewers as everyone is baffled as to whether its real or fake!
Not baffled. Its 100% real. Fake videos are pretty much always obvious. This one shows no signs whatsoever of being fake.
Except for this part.

The first thing Dice points out is that the car bashing thugs had their faces blurred in the video. (Apparently Salads was unable to get the thugs to sign a release or something.) The really convincing evidence though was the SnapChat photo someone took from a nearby building showing the "thugs" waiting in the wings while Joey shoots his intro. Here's a screenshot.


Here's Dice's complete takedown of the Joey Salads hoax. It is a thing of beauty.

The Shocking Truth About the Thugs Who Destroyed the 'Trump Car' in That Viral Video | RedState

Did all of you that are demanding the video was not fake just miss this post or are you simply ignoring it?

This is pretty straight forward and shows it is utterly fake.
Let's see how the primitive little darlings respond:

I think it's staged. AKA, a fake.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Correction. You wish it was staged. Be honest.

It's a hoax. it WAS staged.

There isn't a doubt.

When caught, the race baiting Trumphumper admitted it.

Kinda hard *not* to do when someone videotaped the actors from above.


Do you know who that is in the picture? I'm assuming this is supposed to be a screenshot from a video. Provide a link to the video.
BTW, you guys would HATE Mark Dice. Now you look to him for truth

Whether it's fake, or not, This sort of thing happens a lot. Just look at the news. There are a small percentage of blacks who have no respect for the law. They steal, rape, and murder without conscience. You cannot defend them. In fact, Blacks are responsible for 50 percent of all murders and over 90 percent of all violent crime. This, despite the fact that they are a small minority. We should shoot every one of them. Crime rates would plummet if we did. We should have picked our own damn cotton.

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