They Said It - They're Doing It: Trump Supporters Being Punished For Supporting Trump

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have had their accounts locked or have been banned permanently as the Socialist left mirror the CCP in their move to silence Conservatives and Trump Supporters.

Just as how they have been reported to have voiced, they want / intend to punish everyone who supported / supports President Trump. They have even called for rounding up Trump supporters and put them in re-education camps to eliminate all those who oppose liberal socialist ideology and liberal socialist agenda.

ABC recently put out an article recently calling for a 'PURGE' of the 'Trump Movement' and Trump supporters.

It's happening. Here's just 1 example of the Leftist Socialists carrying out their plan:

He attended a Trump rally, and for that the Left is destroying his ability to work, making a livelihood!

Support Trump - be 'Cancelled', by PUNISHED.

WELCOME TO THE USSA - United Socialist States of America.
I see Tom Fitten got banned from twitter.
No one uses the court system more than Tom.
No, they're being punished for supporting insurrection. Too bad. If you were there on Wednesday even if you didn't storm the Capitol, you stood up to be counted with traitors and seditionists. This wasn't another 1776. It was a deliberate attempt to interrupt a basic Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. As we learn more and more about the violence, we now know they were intent on achieving these goals by kidnapping Representatives and well as the Vice President, and then forcing them to throw out the electors and re-install Donald Trump as President. Sorry, as with the election, no do overs. Free speech has its limits. This isn't cancel culture. On Wednesday, if you were there, you were a traitor. If you suffer financial or other repercussions because of it, too bad.

Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)
Wrong. The left hates free speech and will stop at nothing to completely squelch it. This is your communist party, that same party of slavery and segregation. This is what they are, an enemy of the US.

Here's the thing. Until the last 12 months or so, your "free speech" was just amusing. Most of us thought you were just bat shit crazy for blindly supporting a complete fraud. But you were harmless. You speech wasn't malevolent. Then comes the pandemic and your savior coughs up a giant furball. You lay no blame at his feet. What's worse, you start looking for scapegoats to deflect the blame away from his incompetence. Then he loses the election and it's two months of screaming "FRAUD!!!" When there was none. A steady increasing volume of bile, cloaked in "patriotism" culminating in Wednesday. YOU and people who believe as you do are the enemy of this country. Well, thanks for standing up and finally saying so out loud. Keep it up. That move to squelch your speech will quickly move to silence. People have had enough. You've gone from amusing to cancer in one short year. No longer is it about policy disagreement. It's about asserting your will.
No, they're being punished for supporting insurrection. Too bad. If you were there on Wednesday even if you didn't storm the Capitol, you stood up to be counted with traitors and seditionists. This wasn't another 1776. It was a deliberate attempt to interrupt a basic Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. As we learn more and more about the violence, we now know they were intent on achieving these goals by kidnapping Representatives and well as the Vice President, and then forcing them to throw out the electors and re-install Donald Trump as President. Sorry, as with the election, no do overs. Free speech has its limits. This isn't cancel culture. On Wednesday, if you were there, you were a traitor. If you suffer financial or other repercussions because of it, too bad.

Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)
Wrong. The left hates free speech and will stop at nothing to completely squelch it. This is your communist party, that same party of slavery and segregation. This is what they are, an enemy of the US.

Here's the thing. Until the last 12 months or so, your "free speech" was just amusing. Most of us thought you were just bat shit crazy for blindly supporting a complete fraud. But you were harmless. You speech wasn't malevolent. Then comes the pandemic and your savior coughs up a giant furball. You lay no blame at his feet. What's worse, you start looking for scapegoats to deflect the blame away from his incompetence. Then he loses the election and it's two months of screaming "FRAUD!!!" When there was none. A steady increasing volume of bile, cloaked in "patriotism" culminating in Wednesday. YOU and people who believe as you do are the enemy of this country. Well, thanks for standing up and finally saying so out loud. Keep it up. That move to squelch your speech will quickly move to silence. People have had enough. You've gone from amusing to cancer in one short year. No longer is it about policy disagreement. It's about asserting your will.

You don't need to explain who you are. We already know and will fail.
No, they're being punished for supporting insurrection. Too bad. If you were there on Wednesday even if you didn't storm the Capitol, you stood up to be counted with traitors and seditionists. This wasn't another 1776. It was a deliberate attempt to interrupt a basic Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. As we learn more and more about the violence, we now know they were intent on achieving these goals by kidnapping Representatives and well as the Vice President, and then forcing them to throw out the electors and re-install Donald Trump as President. Sorry, as with the election, no do overs. Free speech has its limits. This isn't cancel culture. On Wednesday, if you were there, you were a traitor. If you suffer financial or other repercussions because of it, too bad.

Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)

And yet you were fine with your lunactics taking over portions of Portand, including the police station for months. Anybody fired over that?

I supported Trump, particularly over Biden/Harris. I am smarter than you and likely more successful than you as are many Trump supporters. If your boss makes more than 150k/yr, he/she is likely a Republican . If you drive through upscale neighborhoods all over this country, with only a few exceptions, you will find the majority are Republican and Trump supporters. If you drive through lower-end, crime ridden neighborhoods, with only a few exceptions, you will find the majority are Democrats and never-Trumpers. That is a demographic factoid that you self-proclaimed geniuses don’t seem to understand. Successful folks are by and large Republicans because by golly, they don’t need the government to wipe their butts for them.
Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)

Why do you tell lies that have already been debunked? But thank you for the Socialist propaganda and hate-driven opinion.
No, they're being punished for supporting insurrection. Too bad. If you were there on Wednesday even if you didn't storm the Capitol, you stood up to be counted with traitors and seditionists. This wasn't another 1776. It was a deliberate attempt to interrupt a basic Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. As we learn more and more about the violence, we now know they were intent on achieving these goals by kidnapping Representatives and well as the Vice President, and then forcing them to throw out the electors and re-install Donald Trump as President. Sorry, as with the election, no do overs. Free speech has its limits. This isn't cancel culture. On Wednesday, if you were there, you were a traitor. If you suffer financial or other repercussions because of it, too bad.

Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)
Wrong. The left hates free speech and will stop at nothing to completely squelch it. This is your communist party, that same party of slavery and segregation. This is what they are, an enemy of the US.

Here's the thing. Until the last 12 months or so, your "free speech" was just amusing. Most of us thought you were just bat shit crazy for blindly supporting a complete fraud. But you were harmless. You speech wasn't malevolent. Then comes the pandemic and your savior coughs up a giant furball. You lay no blame at his feet. What's worse, you start looking for scapegoats to deflect the blame away from his incompetence. Then he loses the election and it's two months of screaming "FRAUD!!!" When there was none. A steady increasing volume of bile, cloaked in "patriotism" culminating in Wednesday. YOU and people who believe as you do are the enemy of this country. Well, thanks for standing up and finally saying so out loud. Keep it up. That move to squelch your speech will quickly move to silence. People have had enough. You've gone from amusing to cancer in one short year. No longer is it about policy disagreement. It's about asserting your will.

You don't need to explain who you are. We already know and will fail.

You've already lost. And the amusing part with your lord and savior, all of it was self-inflicted.
Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)

Why do you tell lies that have already been debunked? But thank you for the Socialist propaganda and hate-driven opinion.

I don't care what the fringes say. Problem is, I can't tell the fringe from the reasonable people on your side of the aisle anymore...hell, I don't even know if the word reasonable still exists among you true believers.
No, they're being punished for supporting insurrection. Too bad. If you were there on Wednesday even if you didn't storm the Capitol, you stood up to be counted with traitors and seditionists. This wasn't another 1776. It was a deliberate attempt to interrupt a basic Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. As we learn more and more about the violence, we now know they were intent on achieving these goals by kidnapping Representatives and well as the Vice President, and then forcing them to throw out the electors and re-install Donald Trump as President. Sorry, as with the election, no do overs. Free speech has its limits. This isn't cancel culture. On Wednesday, if you were there, you were a traitor. If you suffer financial or other repercussions because of it, too bad.

Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)

And again, they’re not really being ‘punished’; their accounts are being closed because they violated the platform’s rules.

What rules? “Objectionable material”?
See what happens when you lose the revolution?
'...lose the fight AGAINST the SOCIALIST revolution?'

Yup - Oppressive CCP-style Socialism
If I ever do join a revolution it won't be for fools like Donald Trump.

If you voted for Kamala Harris and AOC, you already joined a revolution. Those folks are Socialists and you gave them power. The childlike hatred for Trump, the man, gave these lunatics the keys to the kingdom.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have had their accounts locked or have been banned permanently as the Socialist left mirror the CCP in their move to silence Conservatives and Trump Supporters.

Just as how they have been reported to have voiced, they want / intend to punish everyone who supported / supports President Trump. They have even called for rounding up Trump supporters and put them in re-education camps to eliminate all those who oppose liberal socialist ideology and liberal socialist agenda.

ABC recently put out an article recently calling for a 'PURGE' of the 'Trump Movement' and Trump supporters.

It's happening. Here's just 1 example of the Leftist Socialists carrying out their plan:

He attended a Trump rally, and for that the Left is destroying his ability to work, making a livelihood!

Support Trump - be 'Cancelled', by PUNISHED.

WELCOME TO THE USSA - United Socialist States of America.
You're not being punished for supporting Trump.

You're being punished for sedition and insurrection.
So how come, people not even living in the U.S are being banned from the internet for even supporting Trump?
Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps. We know who you are. I don't have the time or the energy, plus, I wouldn't want that much stupid crowded into one place. :)

Why do you tell lies that have already been debunked? But thank you for the Socialist propaganda and hate-driven opinion.

I don't care what the fringes say. Problem is, I can't tell the fringe from the reasonable people on your side of the aisle anymore...hell, I don't even know if the word reasonable still exists among you true believers.

You voted for a demented man and Kamala Harris for president and vice-president. There is absolutely NOTHING reasonable about that.
Oh, no one is talking about rounding Trump supporters up into camps

The stupid lie above is astounding, considering amount of proof out there that leftyloons ARE talking about rounding up Trump supporters and flinging them into reeducation camps. There are asshats right here on usmb saying it. There's a fucking thread with a poll about it here for fucksake. Come on now... we all know you can lie better than that.

This caterwauling about punishing/rounding up/silencing the right is about as unAmerican as it comes. There wasn't a Nazi who ever lived that wouldn't be proud of you people.

Fuck yourself.
Let us see..Trumpist supporters of sedition and insurrection are being punished for seeking to overthrow the newly elected the government fo the United States, call me shocked.

You would think that “conservatives”, and I use the word conservatives as a joke, would be against sedition, but no..they sold their souls to Trump long ago.

Those that call for sedition, insurrection and violence against our government offices should be shunned if not outright arrested, if they incited, encouraged or abetted this sedition and insurrection.

These people need to be pushed to the dustbin of history where they all belong.
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You guys have been screaming CIVIL WAR for quite some time now, making threats about your guns and potential violence.

And THIS is going to make you ball up into the fetal position?

Some "warriors".

It is because we are not as short-sighted as Democrats. When the government condones censorship of opposing views we have a serious issue. If you are truly an independent as you claim, you would understand just how dangerous this is.
Let us see..Trumpist supporters of sedition and insurrection are being punished for seeking to overthrow newly elected the government fo the United States, call me shocked.

You would think that “conservatives”, and I use the word conservatives as a joke, would be against sedition, but no..they sold their souls to Trump long ago.

Those that call for sedition, insurrection and violence against our government offices should be shunned if not outright arrested, if they incited, encouraged or abetted this sedition and insurrection.

These people need to be pushed to the dustbin of history where they all belong.

People who were standing outside protesting the results of a clearly compromised election without so much as an investigation should be punished? Wow
Let us see..Trumpist supporters of sedition and insurrection are being punished for seeking to overthrow newly elected the government fo the United States, call me shocked.

You would think that “conservatives”, and I use the word conservatives as a joke, would be against sedition, but no..they sold their souls to Trump long ago.

Those that call for sedition, insurrection and violence against our government offices should be shunned if not outright arrested, if they incited, encouraged or abetted this sedition and insurrection.

These people need to be pushed to the dustbin of history where they all belong.

People who were standing outside protesting the results of a clearly compromised election without so much as an investigation should be punished? Wow
Wow..continuing to lie about election fraud? You know it is a lie but you continue to push that lie. Your own party which conducted recounts and investigations found no election fraud. Trump’s own former Communications Director came out and said the election was not stolen and was all a lie to buy time.

Yeah a protest is not seizing, sacking and looting the Capitol Building resulting in death. It used to be “Conservatives” were the law and order party but we know that is the new lie. Inciting violence and disrespect for our Constitution is what Republicans and conservatives do.

Put COUNTRY BEFORE TRUMP and stop with your friggin lies about election fraud.
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