They were just Christians

You made a claim without any rational support:
the idea of you not being a bigot is... very unlikely.”
YOU make a claim, YOU need evidence.

You made the original claim of not being a bigot. So provide evidence to that effect. Or stop quoting me endlessly.

I said i am not a bigot. I say that because i do not discriminate & vilify ANY group of people.So, why is my claim “unlikely”?

Easy. Because anyone who has political biases or leanings discriminates. Even me. Discriminating is not confined to race or ethnic creed. In my case, the ability to discriminate means I can identify the differences between religions, and the similarities. The Muslims in Christchurch, or the Christians in Sri Lanka. All they were doing was expressing their faith. And they were murdered for it.

But only one got attention while the other was completely ignored.

So, why is your claim unlikely? Why am I calling you out on it?

Simply because if you have the slightest ability to differentiate between religions, that gives you a pathway to being bigoted.
Both senseless Christian as well as Muslim terror killings got LOTS of attention.
Why do you claim otherwise?
Home - BBC News
You made a claim without any rational support:
the idea of you not being a bigot is... very unlikely.”
YOU make a claim, YOU need evidence.

You made the original claim of not being a bigot. So provide evidence to that effect. Or stop quoting me endlessly.

I said i am not a bigot. I say that because i do not discriminate & vilify ANY group of people.So, why is my claim “unlikely”?

Easy. Because anyone who has political biases or leanings discriminates. Even me. Discriminating is not confined to race or ethnic creed. In my case, the ability to discriminate means I can identify the differences between religions, and the similarities. The Muslims in Christchurch, or the Christians in Sri Lanka. All they were doing was expressing their faith. And they were murdered for it.

But only one got attention while the other was completely ignored.

So, why is your claim unlikely? Why am I calling you out on it?

Simply because if you have the slightest ability to differentiate between religions, that gives you a pathway to being bigoted.
Both senseless Christian as well as Muslim terror killings got LOTS of attention.
Why do you claim otherwise?
Home - BBC News

Perhaps this one, due to the VERY LARGE death toll. But the Christian persecution elsewhere in Africa and Asia go literally unacknowledged. In fact... I can guarantee you if it were under oh, say 100, none of the major news outlets would run it on the first page. It would be relegated to the "global events" section of the website or like such.

The brevity of acknowledgement is the problem, not so much the lack thereof.
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

Last edited:
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this
Do Cons care about the starving oppressed born babies & children in or outside the U.S.,
If you know you cant feed a child...

Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that (but apparently you took it that way- you must of been thinking about Irosie), but Evangelicals are demons.

By the way, I realize the far right and the right want to blame Muslims for everything under the sun, but in this case I so doubt. Radical Muslims would attack Buddhists not other minorities.
Last edited:
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that, but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that (but apparently you took it that way- you must of been thinking about Irosie), but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny let me give you a taste of your own medicine:

"When have I called Muslims filth? I do not talk like that. But Muslims are demons."
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that (but apparently you took it that way- you must of been thinking about Irosie), but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny just admit you have a mental illness and we can all go on with our lives. Because you did in fact say "evangelical filth" like just yesterday. Do you need me to quote you to it?
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that (but apparently you took it that way- you must of been thinking about Irosie), but Evangelicals are demons.

By the way, I realize the far right and the right want to blame Muslims for everything under the sun, but in this case I so doubt. Radical Muslims would attack Buddhists not other minorities.
The archbishop of Colombo, the country’s capital, blamed the authorities for failing take action against an Islamist group despite an intelligence memo issued at least 10 days before the bombings that warned the group was planning to attack churches.

National Thowheeth Jama’ath, the radical Muslim group blamed for carrying out the attacks

Sri Lanka bombings live update
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that, but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.

So you think demons mean filth. Now tell me where I said you are filth? You won't find it, but I do call fundamentalists aka Evangelicals demons as I call all religious zealots demons, aka a cancer on society. Just like what happened in Sri Lanka.
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that, but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.

So you think demons mean filth. Now tell me where I said you are filth? You won't find it, but I do call fundamentalists aka Evangelicals demons as I call all religious zealots demons, aka a cancer on society. Just like what happened in Sri Lanka.

Do you have dementia?

I quoted you above saying it.
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA
The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque.

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that (but apparently you took it that way- you must of been thinking about Irosie), but Evangelicals are demons.

By the way, I realize the far right and the right want to blame Muslims for everything under the sun, but in this case I so doubt. Radical Muslims would attack Buddhists not other minorities.
The archbishop of Colombo, the country’s capital, blamed the authorities for failing take action against an Islamist group despite an intelligence memo issued at least 10 days before the bombings that warned the group was planning to attack churches.

National Thowheeth Jama’ath, the radical Muslim group blamed for carrying out the attacks

Sri Lanka bombings live update

I know what they say, but the President of Sri Lanka is a Buddhist.
Extremist violence isn’t new

Sri Lanka’s Muslims are predominantly ethnic Tamils and make up about 10% of the population. They have been at the margins of these more recent conflicts – excluded as Tamil speakers, but at odds with the more numerous Hindu Tamils. However, they also have long been subject to Sinhalese persecution, with anti-Muslim riots dating back at least as far as the early 20th century.

As the Tamil Tiger war progressed, Sinhalese Buddhism became more radicalised. Some Sinhalese claimed that all of Sri Lanka should be exclusively Buddhist. With the Tamil Tigers defeated, Sri Lanka’s non-Buddhist communities were again persecuted. This culminated in 2013 with a Buddhist attack on a mosque. Anti-Muslim riots in 2014 resulted in a ten day state of emergency. Last year, there were more anti-Muslim riots. Buddhist monks have also disrupted Christian church services.

Sri Lanka has a history of conflict, but the recent attacks appear different

Radical Buddhism opposes converts
Those who convert to Christianity from a Buddhist or Hindu background are subject to Christian persecution, harassment, and discrimination by family and community. They are put under pressure to recant Christianity. Additionally, Christian churches are frequently targeted by neighbors. This repeatedly leads to mobs protesting against and attacking churches, especially in rural areas. In some of these villages, Christian converts are verbally abused and asked to leave their villages.
Sri Lanka - Open Doors USA

do you have a link for the above or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Pig's head and animal blood left at site of new mosque in south west France

You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that, but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.

So you think demons mean filth. Now tell me where I said you are filth? You won't find it, but I do call fundamentalists aka Evangelicals demons as I call all religious zealots demons, aka a cancer on society. Just like what happened in Sri Lanka.

Do you have dementia?

I quoted you above saying it.

No you quoted me as saying Demons, demons does not mean filth, but you can take it however you want.
noun: demon; plural noun: demons
  1. 1.
    an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
    synonyms: devil, fiend, evil spirit, fallen angel, cacodemon; More
    incubus, succubus;

    antonyms: angel
    • a cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing.
      "I was a little demon, I can tell you"
      synonyms: monster, ogre, fiend, devil, villain, brute, savage, beast, barbarian, animal
      "the man was a demon and he had hurt her to the depths of her being"
      antonyms: saint
    • reckless mischief; devilry.
      "his eyes are bursting with pure demon"
  2. 2.
    a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity.
    "a friend of mine is a demon cook"
    synonyms: genius, wizard, expert, master, adept, virtuoso, maestro, past master, marvel, prodigy; More
You're already on record calling us "Filth" Penny. You're a bigot against Christians and we know this

when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that, but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.

So you think demons mean filth. Now tell me where I said you are filth? You won't find it, but I do call fundamentalists aka Evangelicals demons as I call all religious zealots demons, aka a cancer on society. Just like what happened in Sri Lanka.

Do you have dementia?

I quoted you above saying it.

No you quoted me as saying Demons, demons does not mean filth, but you can take it however you want.
noun: demon; plural noun: demons
  1. 1.
    an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
    synonyms: devil, fiend, evil spirit, fallen angel, cacodemon; More
    incubus, succubus;

    antonyms: angel
    • a cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing.
      "I was a little demon, I can tell you"
      synonyms: monster, ogre, fiend, devil, villain, brute, savage, beast, barbarian, animal
      "the man was a demon and he had hurt her to the depths of her being"
      antonyms: saint
    • reckless mischief; devilry.
      "his eyes are bursting with pure demon"
  2. 2.
    a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity.
    "a friend of mine is a demon cook"
    synonyms: genius, wizard, expert, master, adept, virtuoso, maestro, past master, marvel, prodigy; More

Hey Penny in the last quote you literally said, "The filth is the Evangelicals".

Remember when you said you deal in facts? You typed this. It's there for people to read. Are you crazy? Are you mentally ill
when have I called you filth, I do not talk like that, but Evangelicals are demons.

Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.

So you think demons mean filth. Now tell me where I said you are filth? You won't find it, but I do call fundamentalists aka Evangelicals demons as I call all religious zealots demons, aka a cancer on society. Just like what happened in Sri Lanka.

Do you have dementia?

I quoted you above saying it.

No you quoted me as saying Demons, demons does not mean filth, but you can take it however you want.
noun: demon; plural noun: demons
  1. 1.
    an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
    synonyms: devil, fiend, evil spirit, fallen angel, cacodemon; More
    incubus, succubus;

    antonyms: angel
    • a cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing.
      "I was a little demon, I can tell you"
      synonyms: monster, ogre, fiend, devil, villain, brute, savage, beast, barbarian, animal
      "the man was a demon and he had hurt her to the depths of her being"
      antonyms: saint
    • reckless mischief; devilry.
      "his eyes are bursting with pure demon"
  2. 2.
    a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity.
    "a friend of mine is a demon cook"
    synonyms: genius, wizard, expert, master, adept, virtuoso, maestro, past master, marvel, prodigy; More

Hey Penny in the last quote you literally said, "The filth is the Evangelicals".

Remember when you said you deal in facts? You typed this. It's there for people to read. Are you crazy? Are you mentally ill

Where, give me a quote of me saying that?? Thank you!!
Penny a very serious question. Do you have a mental illness?

Because you said "I do not talk like that" and in the very next sentence called a religious group "demons".

Are you mentally ill? that is a serious question.

So you think demons mean filth. Now tell me where I said you are filth? You won't find it, but I do call fundamentalists aka Evangelicals demons as I call all religious zealots demons, aka a cancer on society. Just like what happened in Sri Lanka.

Do you have dementia?

I quoted you above saying it.

No you quoted me as saying Demons, demons does not mean filth, but you can take it however you want.
noun: demon; plural noun: demons
  1. 1.
    an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
    synonyms: devil, fiend, evil spirit, fallen angel, cacodemon; More
    incubus, succubus;

    antonyms: angel
    • a cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing.
      "I was a little demon, I can tell you"
      synonyms: monster, ogre, fiend, devil, villain, brute, savage, beast, barbarian, animal
      "the man was a demon and he had hurt her to the depths of her being"
      antonyms: saint
    • reckless mischief; devilry.
      "his eyes are bursting with pure demon"
  2. 2.
    a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity.
    "a friend of mine is a demon cook"
    synonyms: genius, wizard, expert, master, adept, virtuoso, maestro, past master, marvel, prodigy; More

Hey Penny in the last quote you literally said, "The filth is the Evangelicals".

Remember when you said you deal in facts? You typed this. It's there for people to read. Are you crazy? Are you mentally ill

Where, give me a quote of me saying that?? Thank you!!

Breaking News - Blasts rock 3 churches, 3 hotels in Sri Lanka; multiple fatalities reported

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