They Were Warned: Covington Catholic teen sues 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities

This suit could be interesting. Some more conservative or conventional media may just want to settle for a smaller sum if the public seems to be backing the young man. Once you have some settling, the pressure is on for the rest and the settlements could go skyward!

I'd be very surprised if the legal counsel for every single one of them didn't advise them to try to settle quietly out-of-court. Ironically, the media are not fond of coming under public scrutiny themselves.

DID YOU SAY QUIETLY? No such thing in media! Once they are found guilty, 2020 belongs to the Republicans!
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
Folks have sued Fox news in the past over their accuracy and have lost. This will turn out no different.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
It's gonna be fun when those parents are left with the legal bills.
I think they were already offered pro bono representation weren't they?
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
It's gonna be fun when those parents are left with the legal bills.

It's being done on a contigency basis if they win, pro bono if they lose. Dumbass.
that is a normal day on social media any more.
This how you justify your comment...?

'B...b..but everyone on social media is doing it...'
No one is excusing it. Pointing out it exists isn't excusing. Just like pointing out that tiny donnie is a liar isn't excusing it.

There were no threads calling it out when it happened to David Hogg.
Hey MarcATL, can I borrow your deflection meme?


Sorry, just had to..
Sounds like a serious case of whine ass. Lets see how it turns out.

You would know about whining. That's for sure. However these asshats KNOWINGLY LIED about what actually happened. Funny how you give those assholes a pass and attack the kid.

You must be a progressive, they can only win a fight in a pack, and against women, children, and the aged.
Nothing more fun than watching white racists feign outrage when called out on their actions.


We can't make this stuff up.

Notice they are all yelling at the one student who actually is African American in real life.

It writes itself.
Nothing more fun than watching white racists feign outrage when called out on their actions.


We can't make this stuff up.

Notice they are all yelling at the one student who actually is African American in real life.

It writes itself.

Ahhhh, you lie yet again. derpy you are such a loser. That was a BLACKOUT game. Has everything to do with the schools know, the colors they use on their flag? And nothing to do with race you fucking moron.
Subjecting that child to death threats and public ridicule is straight up fucked and those who did it should be ashamed.

Hypocrites and cvnts, every last one of them.

The kid did nothing,. The actual villain is the Native American agent provocateur and scumbag POS who stole valor, eff him in the keister...twice.
I agree! Attacking innocent children is a disgrace. Especially those who have already been victimized by the ultra violent right wing.

Sounds like a serious case of whine ass. Lets see how it turns out.

You would know about whining. That's for sure. However these asshats KNOWINGLY LIED about what actually happened. Funny how you give those assholes a pass and attack the kid.

You must be a progressive, they can only win a fight in a pack, and against women, children, and the aged.
I attacked a kid now? Your strawman is legendary.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
Folks have sued Fox news in the past over their accuracy and have lost. This will turn out no different.

Actually, it probably will. FOX made a unintentional error. These idiots KNOWINGLY lied. Big difference. Furthermore, when presented with the evidence that they lied, they were then given the opportunity to retract their false claims and apologize. They decided to double down on stupid and refused.

It will take a long time, but they are going to get boned up the ass. As they should for committing this abomination.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities

what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.
No. That was a purely partisan (Liberal) knee-jerk reaction on the part of much of the media.

I hope the kid sticks it to 'em good-and-proper, and takes-in a $hitload of money by way of damages.

Liberal elements in the media have had it all their way in recent years. It will be good to see them bitch-slapped around a bit.
Sounds like a serious case of whine ass. Lets see how it turns out.

You would know about whining. That's for sure. However these asshats KNOWINGLY LIED about what actually happened. Funny how you give those assholes a pass and attack the kid.

You must be a progressive, they can only win a fight in a pack, and against women, children, and the aged.
I attacked a kid now? Your strawman is legendary.

No, just your stupidity is legendary. You called it a "serious case of whine ass". Who else could that possibly apply to?

Now piss off, loser.
Subjecting that child to death threats and public ridicule is straight up fucked and those who did it should be ashamed.

Hypocrites and cvnts, every last one of them.

The kid did nothing,. The actual villain is the Native American agent provocateur and scumbag POS who stole valor, eff him in the keister...twice.
I agree! Attacking innocent children is a disgrace. Especially those who have already been victimized by the ultra violent right wing.

Trillions of dollars spent to stop bullying. Most of these insane tragedies are on your side.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
This is the start of something GREAT. Let the children show the way.
Sounds like a serious case of whine ass. Lets see how it turns out.

You would know about whining. That's for sure. However these asshats KNOWINGLY LIED about what actually happened. Funny how you give those assholes a pass and attack the kid.

You must be a progressive, they can only win a fight in a pack, and against women, children, and the aged.
I attacked a kid now? Your strawman is legendary.

No, just your stupidity is legendary. You called it a "serious case of whine ass". Who else could that possibly apply to?

Now piss off, loser.
I do lose sometimes. Thanks bud.
Sandman has to prove his allegations, and his actions on film speak for themselves.
He was not being pleasant or just smiling, nor did anyone else get that close to him.
He was the one who deliberately entered into personal space.
He is going to lose.
School kids should not even be allowed to wear political paraphenalia like MAGA hats.
Nor was he there for peaceful purposes, but as part of an organized protest.
Sandman has to prove his allegations, and his actions on film speak for themselves.
He was not being pleasant or just smiling, nor did anyone else get that close to him.
He was the one who deliberately entered into personal space.
He is going to lose.
School kids should not even be allowed to wear political paraphenalia like MAGA hats.
Nor was he there for peaceful purposes, but as part of an organized protest.

Wow, you must live on a different planet where facts are reversed.
Nothing more fun than watching white racists feign outrage when called out on their actions.


We can't make this stuff up.

Notice they are all yelling at the one student who actually is African American in real life.

It writes itself.

Ahhhh, you lie yet again. derpy you are such a loser. That was a BLACKOUT game. Has everything to do with the schools know, the colors they use on their flag? And nothing to do with race you fucking moron.
And I repeat:

White people wearing black paint on their faces is historically racist and offensive.

Not particularly difficult words. You might want to look a few of them up. Unless, you just don't know what Republicans stand for. We all know. It's as obvious as the black on a white guy's face who painted it that way.

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