They Were Warned: Covington Catholic teen sues 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities

Those rude little snots will lose too, if they dare try it.
'Rude Little Snots'?

Yeah, how dare those CHILDREN wear hats supporting their President?

How dare they just STAND THERE and SMILE as Stolen Valor scumbag and Black Hate Group members get in their face, scream curse words, and try to intimidate these kids?!

Despite the false accusations being debunked, you're still pushing the lies.

Just curious, many times did YOU threaten them or call for violence against these children?
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities

Why is this in Politics? It's about a kid making fun of an American Indian in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
This should be in Media, Current Events, or the Right Wing Bat Shit Bullshit forum.
Oh right, O/P is a Trumpanzee and they are allowed to post shit wherever they want.

Are you so stupid as to continue pushing that lie still? Keep it up and you go on myignorelist. I will not allow my brain to be polluted with your nonsense.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities

Why is this in Politics? It's about a kid making fun of an American Indian in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
This should be in Media, Current Events, or the Right Wing Bat Shit Bullshit forum.
Oh right, O/P is a Trumpanzee and they are allowed to post shit wherever they want.

Are you so stupid as to continue pushing that lie still? Keep it up and you go on myignorelist. I will not allow my brain to be polluted with your nonsense.
Like Pelosi, I refuse to allow FACTS to sway my partisan hatred, voluntary ignorance, and support for violent intolerance.
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.
He's a CHILD, liberals viciously attacked for wearing a hat supporting his President....who called for violence against be raped, burned alive, and thrown head-1st into a wood chipper while they ignored the Stolen Valor Vet and the Black Hate Group causing trouble.

:wtf:is wrong with you / snowflakes?

Two words: David Hogg. Stuff your fake outrage in a sock.

I agree that Hogg was treated harshly by conservatives, but I think comparing him to Sandmann is an apples to oranges juxtaposition. Hogg embraced his fame (or notoriety) and was a bit of an instigator himself. He willingly put himself out there in the line of fire as an anti-gun activist after the incident at Douglas High knowing full well what the blow back would be. He was a media darling. Sandmann did nothing at all. He has largely avoided unwanted attention and the media has destroyed him despite he being the victim.
Hogg put himself in front of the public by dancing for the media. Sandmann didn't ask for this child abuse from people who should know better.
Dancing for the media? What does that mean? Because his friends were murdered?

And to me, a smirking teen looks like a smirking teen.

They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
Folks have sued Fox news in the past over their accuracy and have lost. This will turn out no different.

Actually, it probably will. FOX made a unintentional error. These idiots KNOWINGLY lied. Big difference. Furthermore, when presented with the evidence that they lied, they were then given the opportunity to retract their false claims and apologize. They decided to double down on stupid and refused.

It will take a long time, but they are going to get boned up the ass. As they should for committing this abomination.
Great, let's see the evidence they lied....
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
Lol I love how you feign outrage over this kid yet had no problem making fun of kids that survived a school shooting.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
Sue them all and take all their money and force them into jobs as mall general managers or all on the streets walking around all bitter and angry like "Pig Vomit" in Howard Stern's classic film, "Private Parts."

They deserve every bit of misfortune that comes to them.

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what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
Lol I love how you feign outrage over this kid yet had no problem making fun of kids that survived a school shooting.

Agreed. The OP is pretty fucked up mentally
that is a normal day on social media any more.
This how you justify your comment...?

'B...b..but everyone on social media is doing it...'
No one is excusing it. Pointing out it exists isn't excusing. Just like pointing out that tiny donnie is a liar isn't excusing it.

There were no threads calling it out when it happened to David Hogg.

Ah, that's bullshit, on the left went ballistic every time someone dared to question little David's stance on gun control! Hogg was and is a publicity hog who used a tragedy to make himself famous. The kid on that school trip just stood there and smiled.
that is a normal day on social media any more.
This how you justify your comment...?

'B...b..but everyone on social media is doing it...'
No one is excusing it. Pointing out it exists isn't excusing. Just like pointing out that tiny donnie is a liar isn't excusing it.

There were no threads calling it out when it happened to David Hogg.

Ah, that's bullshit, on the left went ballistic every time someone dared to question little David's stance on gun control! Hogg was and is a publicity hog who used a tragedy to make himself famous. The kid on that school trip just stood there and smiled.

Fell free to produce a single post from me doing such a thing.
Yup, the kid just stood and smiled

Ended up all over the news , w/the right having conniptions over 'fake news'

and now the right has built an entire narrative around the issue

or, in other words manufactured their own 'news'

how sad is that?

that is a normal day on social media any more.
This how you justify your comment...?

'B...b..but everyone on social media is doing it...'
No one is excusing it. Pointing out it exists isn't excusing. Just like pointing out that tiny donnie is a liar isn't excusing it.

There were no threads calling it out when it happened to David Hogg.

Ah, that's bullshit, on the left went ballistic every time someone dared to question little David's stance on gun control! Hogg was and is a publicity hog who used a tragedy to make himself famous. The kid on that school trip just stood there and smiled.

Fell free to produce a single post from me doing such a thing.
not that i recall.

but i don't see the connection between the 2.

one was at home when a shooting when down at his school and he worked to insert himself into the social situation and tried to become a CNN political figure at the time. he went and sought out attention. hell, he boycotted the NRA in their parking lot. only i believe the NRA was closed that day so he doesn't really think things through very well. just screams the social justice talking point of the day and demands boycotts to anyone who doesn't follow him around.

the other was simply at a school function and got caught up in a bizarre situation and just smiled his way through it and suddenly became hated cause catholic and maga. those 2 facets made him wrong and deserving of a beating for his smirking. that passive action on his part to try and NOT make it a viral story made him the target of school attacks, on his parents, the entertainment industry stopped putting on blackface long enough to take shots at him and his family...

the 2 situations simply don't compare. one cried out for attention and got it. the other got it cause that's just what we do anymore.
Yup, the kid just stood and smiled

Ended up all over the news , w/the right having conniptions over 'fake news'

and now the right has built an entire narrative around the issue

or, in other words manufactured their own 'news'

how sad is that?


So Covington High School goes to DC on a field trip to support a Pro Life event. Also at the event is a Black Hate group causing trouble. Also in attendance is a 'Stolen Valor' Vet getting in people's faces.

The students end the field trip by returning to the spot where the bus is going to pick them up.

Hearing all the chanting and cursing going on, the kids ask their chaperone if they can sing one of their school cheers to drown out the language / noise. The chaperone gives them permission. They sing their school cheer....and unfortunately draws attention from the Black Hate group and the 'Stolen Valor Vet'...who notice their 'CRIME' of wearing red hats showing support for out President.

The Vet and others walk over to the CHILDREN and get in their faces...the faces of an attempt to intimidate them, 'bully' them...

One of the kids does not move.
- When he is asked later why he did not move / give ground to the protestors he incredibly answers back that at 1st he did not know if the Vet was going to move past them or what he was doing. In the end, he says, the Vet had a Constitutional Right to walk up to him...and HE HAD A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO STAND THERE.

- The dumbass liberal 'journalist' then asked the child if he saw how his refusal to back down / to move was seen as an offense of some sort, arrogant / challenging. At this point the child has shown that he is smarter than the 'journalist' as he has already explained to her how it was his RIGHT to stand there, which - by the way again - was where their bus was coming to pick them up...which he reminds her of.

When they get in this child's face he does not react out of fear, does not show he is intimidated, and does not display any emotion of anger or disrespect. He stands there and SMILES....for which the Fake News Media, snowflakes, and liberals villainized him for...and called for violence against him, a child, for.
- In George Orwell's book, '1984', it tells about how 'in the future' there is something called a 'Face Crime', a crime of illegally displaying unapproved EMOTION on one's face. The Liberal Fake News Media, snowflakes, and Hollywood nut jobs literally made Orwell's 'Face Crime' come true by applying it to this child.

Choosing to ignore the Stolen Valor Vet's and the Black Hate Group's actions in favor of demonizing children for daring to wear 'MAGA' Hats, daring to STAND there while these others were trying to intimidate them, and daring to SMILE, the libtard media went way over the top on attacking these kids.

See, reporting fake news about them just because they are wearing MAGA Hats, if that is all they did, would be expected / normal. That's not the case, though. These 'journalists' demonized them and even called for violence against them - one said, 'Someone should punch this kid in the face'.

:wtf:This is supposed to be a NEWS agency....that REPORTS the news....not calls for violence against children. Of course their actions sparks a libtard 'stupid' / Insanity' Frenzy....

Violently intolerant, mentally unstable, Trump-hating nut jobs piled on, calling for this child / these children to be raped, burned alive, and even thrown head-1st into a wood chipper.


And YOUR DUMB ASS, in defense of these lowlife pieces of fecal matter doing all of this blames the kids, blames Conservatives for 'blowing it all out of proportion', and for 'manufacturing this whole thing'....


Dude, you have an IQ lower than a gerbil. :p
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.
He's a CHILD, liberals viciously attacked for wearing a hat supporting his President....who called for violence against be raped, burned alive, and thrown head-1st into a wood chipper while they ignored the Stolen Valor Vet and the Black Hate Group causing trouble.

:wtf:is wrong with you / snowflakes?

Two words: David Hogg. Stuff your fake outrage in a sock.

I agree that Hogg was treated harshly by conservatives, but I think comparing him to Sandmann is an apples to oranges juxtaposition. Hogg embraced his fame (or notoriety) and was a bit of an instigator himself. He willingly put himself out there in the line of fire as an anti-gun activist after the incident at Douglas High knowing full well what the blow back would be. He was a media darling. Sandmann did nothing at all. He has largely avoided unwanted attention and the media has destroyed him despite he being the victim.
Hogg put himself in front of the public by dancing for the media. Sandmann didn't ask for this child abuse from people who should know better.
Dancing for the media? What does that mean? Because his friends were murdered?

And to me, a smirking teen looks like a smirking teen.

The African American Israelite men should have been arrested.
This how you justify your comment...?

'B...b..but everyone on social media is doing it...'
No one is excusing it. Pointing out it exists isn't excusing. Just like pointing out that tiny donnie is a liar isn't excusing it.

There were no threads calling it out when it happened to David Hogg.

Ah, that's bullshit, on the left went ballistic every time someone dared to question little David's stance on gun control! Hogg was and is a publicity hog who used a tragedy to make himself famous. The kid on that school trip just stood there and smiled.

Fell free to produce a single post from me doing such a thing.
not that i recall.

but i don't see the connection between the 2.

one was at home when a shooting when down at his school and he worked to insert himself into the social situation and tried to become a CNN political figure at the time. he went and sought out attention. hell, he boycotted the NRA in their parking lot. only i believe the NRA was closed that day so he doesn't really think things through very well. just screams the social justice talking point of the day and demands boycotts to anyone who doesn't follow him around.

the other was simply at a school function and got caught up in a bizarre situation and just smiled his way through it and suddenly became hated cause catholic and maga. those 2 facets made him wrong and deserving of a beating for his smirking. that passive action on his part to try and NOT make it a viral story made him the target of school attacks, on his parents, the entertainment industry stopped putting on blackface long enough to take shots at him and his family...

the 2 situations simply don't compare. one cried out for attention and got it. the other got it cause that's just what we do anymore.

Interesting how we allow our personal views to color all that we see.

You see Sandman as someone who just happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, ignoring all his friends behind him cheering him on, telling him to keep it up, whatever "it" was. He could have walked away, he could have actually said something vice having a staring contest. Is what happened to him afterwards wrong, absolutely, but anyone that is surprised by it has not been paying attention.

You see Hogg as an attention whore who just wanted to be in the limelight, ignoring that his school was just shot up and that he lost friends and classmates. Yeah, I think Hogg is an idiot and I do not agree with his views on gun control, but at the same time I can understand why he might feel that way. Talking to my son (who is 16) after that shooting helped me to understand it from a teens perspective as well. So, while I do not agree with him, I will not condemn him.
No one is excusing it. Pointing out it exists isn't excusing. Just like pointing out that tiny donnie is a liar isn't excusing it.

There were no threads calling it out when it happened to David Hogg.

Ah, that's bullshit, on the left went ballistic every time someone dared to question little David's stance on gun control! Hogg was and is a publicity hog who used a tragedy to make himself famous. The kid on that school trip just stood there and smiled.

Fell free to produce a single post from me doing such a thing.
not that i recall.

but i don't see the connection between the 2.

one was at home when a shooting when down at his school and he worked to insert himself into the social situation and tried to become a CNN political figure at the time. he went and sought out attention. hell, he boycotted the NRA in their parking lot. only i believe the NRA was closed that day so he doesn't really think things through very well. just screams the social justice talking point of the day and demands boycotts to anyone who doesn't follow him around.

the other was simply at a school function and got caught up in a bizarre situation and just smiled his way through it and suddenly became hated cause catholic and maga. those 2 facets made him wrong and deserving of a beating for his smirking. that passive action on his part to try and NOT make it a viral story made him the target of school attacks, on his parents, the entertainment industry stopped putting on blackface long enough to take shots at him and his family...

the 2 situations simply don't compare. one cried out for attention and got it. the other got it cause that's just what we do anymore.

Interesting how we allow our personal views to color all that we see.

You see Sandman as someone who just happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, ignoring all his friends behind him cheering him on, telling him to keep it up, whatever "it" was. He could have walked away, he could have actually said something vice having a staring contest. Is what happened to him afterwards wrong, absolutely, but anyone that is surprised by it has not been paying attention.

You see Hogg as an attention whore who just wanted to be in the limelight, ignoring that his school was just shot up and that he lost friends and classmates. Yeah, I think Hogg is an idiot and I do not agree with his views on gun control, but at the same time I can understand why he might feel that way. Talking to my son (who is 16) after that shooting helped me to understand it from a teens perspective as well. So, while I do not agree with him, I will not condemn him.
what was sandman supposed to do? if someone got in your face like that when you were 16, what would you have done?

from your personal views now coloring what you're seeing. what would you have done?

we'll save hogg for later cause again, i don't see them as the same. one went looking for attention, one had it dropped on him.
The news reported on what information was available

Smirk Boy got what he had coming

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