They Were Warned: Covington Catholic teen sues 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.

Rape victims asked for it.

Stupid comment.
well when you reply to stupid it's hard to raise it back up.

Thats what she said.
you can leave your and your wifes pillow talk about of this.
so the question is, can the kid become a supreme court justice now?
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.
The kid acted like an ass.

Rape victims asked for it.

Stupid comment.
well when you reply to stupid it's hard to raise it back up.

Thats what she said.
you can leave your and your wifes pillow talk about of this.

Another tasteless comment from a trump boot licker. How not surprising.
Rape victims asked for it.

Stupid comment.
well when you reply to stupid it's hard to raise it back up.

Thats what she said.
you can leave your and your wifes pillow talk about of this.

Another tasteless comment from a trump boot licker. How not surprising.
just responding to my audience in kind. i've come to find when speaking to an idiot, speak in their language.
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what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!
Stupid comment.
well when you reply to stupid it's hard to raise it back up.

Thats what she said.
you can leave your and your wifes pillow talk about of this.

Another tasteless comment from a trump boot licker. How not surprising.
just responding to my audience in kind. i've come to find when speaking to an idiot, speak in their language.

You sound pretty frustrated.
candycorn where'd you go? why don't you answer the question on what the kid did? you're too fking chicken to expose your lie. Another one at that. wow, you lie frequently in here. No worries, your failure to respond is my answer as always. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!
He could have stepped aside and made room for the drummer like the other kids did

He could have wiped the silly sneer off of his face
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
It's gonna be fun when those parents are left with the legal bills.
It will be even more fun when a go fund me account is set up for their legal bills AND they also win the right to have each and every defendant pay for the legal bills too!
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

Calling for kids to be raped, burned alive, and thrown into wood chippers is perfectly fine, huh?

Typical - Violent intolerant Dems turn into SICK F*ing snowflakes.

'12-year-old Barron Trump should be ripped from “his mother’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles.”'
- Peter Fonda

community - aarp

Never said it was fine, said it was the way of our society.

No, that's the way of THE DESTROYERS of our society.

The way of our society is to do exactly what the Sandmann family is doing: seek proper redress of grievances through peaceful, civilized, legal channels.

People face this sort of thing every day of the year on social media, it causes many to leave social media either for good or for a time. How many times have we seen people destroyed for being fat or such things?

It is not right or fair, but it is the society we have created.
this is NOT social media we're talking about. The kid does not have any notoriety so the public figure defense won't fly.

It is likely that a liberal court will throw this out. But it will still force each and every entity listed to spend money defending their indefensible behavior.

I personally hope they bankrupt a majority of them.
what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

Calling for kids to be raped, burned alive, and thrown into wood chippers is perfectly fine, huh?

Typical - Violent intolerant Dems turn into SICK F*ing snowflakes.

'12-year-old Barron Trump should be ripped from “his mother’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles.”'
- Peter Fonda

community - aarp

Never said it was fine, said it was the way of our society.

No, that's the way of THE DESTROYERS of our society.

The way of our society is to do exactly what the Sandmann family is doing: seek proper redress of grievances through peaceful, civilized, legal channels.

People face this sort of thing every day of the year on social media, it causes many to leave social media either for good or for a time. How many times have we seen people destroyed for being fat or such things?

It is not right or fair, but it is the society we have created.
this is NOT social media we're talking about. The kid does not have any notoriety so the public figure defense won't fly.

It is likely that a liberal court will throw this out. But it will still force each and every entity listed to spend money defending their indefensible behavior.

I personally hope they bankrupt a majority of them.
this will go to the conservative supreme court. no worries.
Calling for kids to be raped, burned alive, and thrown into wood chippers is perfectly fine, huh?

Typical - Violent intolerant Dems turn into SICK F*ing snowflakes.

'12-year-old Barron Trump should be ripped from “his mother’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles.”'
- Peter Fonda

community - aarp

Never said it was fine, said it was the way of our society.

No, that's the way of THE DESTROYERS of our society.

The way of our society is to do exactly what the Sandmann family is doing: seek proper redress of grievances through peaceful, civilized, legal channels.

People face this sort of thing every day of the year on social media, it causes many to leave social media either for good or for a time. How many times have we seen people destroyed for being fat or such things?

It is not right or fair, but it is the society we have created.
this is NOT social media we're talking about. The kid does not have any notoriety so the public figure defense won't fly.

It is likely that a liberal court will throw this out. But it will still force each and every entity listed to spend money defending their indefensible behavior.

I personally hope they bankrupt a majority of them.
this will go to the conservative supreme court. no worries.
Let us hope so. A precedent needs to be set that with the great power the media has, comes even greater power to get it right. The first time.
Never said it was fine, said it was the way of our society.

No, that's the way of THE DESTROYERS of our society.

The way of our society is to do exactly what the Sandmann family is doing: seek proper redress of grievances through peaceful, civilized, legal channels.

People face this sort of thing every day of the year on social media, it causes many to leave social media either for good or for a time. How many times have we seen people destroyed for being fat or such things?

It is not right or fair, but it is the society we have created.
this is NOT social media we're talking about. The kid does not have any notoriety so the public figure defense won't fly.

It is likely that a liberal court will throw this out. But it will still force each and every entity listed to spend money defending their indefensible behavior.

I personally hope they bankrupt a majority of them.
this will go to the conservative supreme court. no worries.
Let us hope so. A precedent needs to be set that with the great power the media has, comes even greater power to get it right. The first time.
when a liberal judge doesn't even know the constitution, it's sad.

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