They Were Warned: Covington Catholic teen sues 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities

what a snowflake he is...cannot take a little criticism.

I wonder if his mommy and daddy sued to get him better grades and that is where he learned it from.

Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.
candycorn where'd you go? why don't you answer the question on what the kid did? you're too fking chicken to expose your lie. Another one at that. wow, you lie frequently in here. No worries, your failure to respond is my answer as always. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What was the question?
check post #163.

not worth the effort.
there you go. liar liar pants on fire.

It wasn’t even worth the effort for you to re-state the question
Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
candycorn where'd you go? why don't you answer the question on what the kid did? you're too fking chicken to expose your lie. Another one at that. wow, you lie frequently in here. No worries, your failure to respond is my answer as always. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What was the question?
check post #163.

not worth the effort.
there you go. liar liar pants on fire.

It wasn’t even worth the effort for you to re-state the question
I didn't restate the question to you. I actually gave you the post to the question. but again, you're so fking stupid you made it up again.
The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!
Excuse me, but you think what happened to him is a little criticism? Tell us all about the time you had your reputation smeared in front of billions of people world wide for something you weren't guilty of all to satisfy an insatiable appetite for political correctness. Oh, that didn't happen to you? And yet, here you are judging, rather ignorantly.

This isn't to mean I agree with the lawsuits. We'll see how it pans out and what arguments they use to justify this action, but for you to poo-poo what happened to him and dismiss his retribution as he acting like a little baby really illustrates how incredibly out of touch and out of your depth you are. He was not a politician putting himself out there. He is a 17 year old kid who got victimized for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and this could follow him around for the rest of his life. Any school or job he applies to in the future, all they have to do is Google his name and see the stuff written about him. You don't think that will have an affect five, ten, twenty years down the road? I don't know how old you are, but we're in the digital age now. This stuff will be out there, easily accessible, forever and he will always be judged on it by others regardless of the outcomes.

The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

I generally don't read Cornball's posts, but I'm not exactly falling off my chair in shock.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

The smirk=ass.
The kid acted like an ass.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

He shouldn't have been there in the first place, because public streets are only for people backing leftist-approved positions. How DARE conservatives think they're real people, and citizens, with rights and shit?!
how? what exactly did the kid do? let's hear this.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.

Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.
He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

He shouldn't have been there in the first place, because public streets are only for people backing leftist-approved positions. How DARE conservatives think they're real people, and citizens, with rights and shit?!
well actually, they expected he should have walked away when the fake Vietnam vet walked up to him with his drum. He was my hero for not moving. I fking enjoyed the shit out of that. I especially enjoyed the outcry by the left when he did absolutely nothing and they cried foul.

More fking batshit crazy deranged syndrome shit as usual. TDS baby.
Last edited:
He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

He shouldn't have been there in the first place, because public streets are only for people backing leftist-approved positions. How DARE conservatives think they're real people, and citizens, with rights and shit?!
well actually, they expected he should have walked away when the fake Vietnam vet walked up to him with his drum.

He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.

Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.

I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.
He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

He shouldn't have been there in the first place, because public streets are only for people backing leftist-approved positions. How DARE conservatives think they're real people, and citizens, with rights and shit?!
well actually, they expected he should have walked away when the fake Vietnam vet walked up to him with his drum. He was my hero for not moving. I fking enjoyed the shit out of that. I especially enjoyed the outcry by the left when he did absolutely nothing and they cried foul.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't he and his friends waiting there for a bus? So . . . walking away wasn't really an option, then, completely aside from the fact that he had every bit as much right to be on that sidewalk as anyone else (however much Cornball and her ilk would like to illegalize conservatives going outside of isolated ghettos).
He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.

Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.

I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.

he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.

Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.
how did he act like an ass? why can't you say it? will your mouth explode off your face if you say it?
He didn't hit the activist who was in his face and he didn't run away. In other words, HE did the right thing while adults around him were acting like idiots!

He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

The smirk=ass.
never moved, his expression never changed. smirk? it was his normal facial expression ahead of the fake vietnam vet moving in. no smirk. you have to show he reacted, he didn't. never moved, his lips never moved. you made it up.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.

Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.

I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.

he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
he didn't move, so how exactly is it at all possible he acted? dudette, please, you keep making things up here. you still haven't answered what he did. come on now, just say it, he did nothing. he did what you didn't want him to do, which was nothing. you hate that he did nothing. come on, that's why you called him an ass. right? come on, state your facts. Cause I'm quite confident that is why you think he was an ass. he had no right to not move, correct? He should have cowered away.

For the record, he's my hero. It took all kinds of balls to stand and do absolutely nothing. Me, I would have spat in that fake vietnam vet's face. just saying, that would have been a normal reaction. Balls, big ass mthr fking balls.
He had the unutterable nerve to be in a public place, blatantly disagreeing with accepted morality as dictated by the Great Leaders. So he was automatically in the wrong, because everyone knows that non-leftists have no right to leave their ghettos.
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
the kid never moved so how is it he acted like an ass. Never fking moved. the Indian liar moved and got in his face. again, the facts are hard for you to absorb, I get it. you hate fking facts. Facts don't allow you to make up shit.

Like Benghazi!!!

The smirk=ass.
never moved, his expression never changed. smirk? it was his normal facial expression ahead of the fake vietnam vet moving in. no smirk. you have to show he reacted, he didn't. never moved, his lips never moved. you made it up.


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