They're Coming to America.

Whenever your "back then" was, you sound like a prejudiced American of European heritage.

Not restricting the talent pool by place of origin, race, gender, and other arbitrary, self-serving, demographic factors accrues to the betterment of the nation.
“Back then” means the immigrants 1) came in legally and 2) did not demand Americans provide them with free housing and food.
To stop or suppress illegal immigration, we must restore the independence of the various countries in Central and South America we indirectly took over. We turned most of these countries into Banana Republics, installed dictators and hard liners, and they sold themselves out the U.S. And the citizenry took the hit. It's exactly why they keep coming here. These countries are now run by gangs, and if you don't join one, you're dead. We cut deals with the puppets we put in there, and the people of those countries no longer benefit.

One great example was the installation of Augusto Pinochet of Chile back in the seventies, headed up by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger. Chile is rich in copper and other minerals such as Lithium, and we wanted hose mineals. Once Pinochets military took over, the people no longer owned the resources. And to this day, with an oppressive new Constitution he drew up during that period, the majority of the people still suffer to this day.

United States intervention in Chile - Wikipedia We are everywhere, taking over everyone and everything, and the scapegoats are the illegals; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -
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At this stage, educational and economic development in the blighted nations that families are fleeing is the only incentive that will dispose them to remain there. It's not easy to achieve, but that is the only real solution. Equipping refugees with the means of taking back the nations from they flee is an essential part of that repatriation.
take your own advice ....i can at least prove i lived with make me are just like bobo...lots of stories...
Stop talking shit. Just admit you made a stupid statement and move on.
The professional political lizard in the white house has TWISTED immigration laws by calling his flood, a RELAXED ASYLEE program outside of congress. Leftism is an adolescent ideology only believed by naïve teens and washed up older people reminiscing about when they were 20 and attractive.

If you are 20 and not a Liberal, you dont have a heart
If you are 40 and not a Conservative, you dont have a brain. President John Adams

Why do you people keep voting for professional politicians ?
Hyper-partisan rhetoric offers no real solutions.

There is no records of John Adams ever uttering such nonsense, nor Winston Churchill to whom it is often falsely ascribed.

Competent public servants have proved themselves preferable to failed casino operators in matters of statecraft. Especially to ones that lie.

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The general consensus was that we were a much better country with a 1970 level population.....1/3rd less than today.
Your personal "general consensus" of nostagia-driven Minniver Cheevy fantasists offers no rational solutions. That sort is a constant throughout the nation's history.

Many Americans who viewed their Halcyon days as the 1950s viewed your '70s as an era of dire decline and dissolution.

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….pay legit real core Americans who know, love and respect our constitution, history, traditions, values and morals ...
Deporting all the goons who savagely attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021, showing their contempt for the nation's Constitution, its history of peaceful transfers of power, its civic values, and its democratic tradition seems a bit harsh.
.….she won’t work for our public school system.…why do you?
To serve the needs of students that some other people would just as soon ignore. Students who need someone who gives a shit to look out for them. Not every family can afford to send their children to private schools, but EVERY American suffers the consequences of an uneducated populace.
“Back then” means the immigrants 1) came in legally and 2) did not demand Americans provide them with free housing and food.
Desperate families fleeing for their lives do not have the power to "demand that Americans provide them with free housing and food."

The moral values that underscore the laws of America are delineated in the Christian corporal works of mercy: Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, etc.

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