Thieves rob new police watch

Ever wonder what could happen in a blue city when police & the courts were not taking action against criminals ? No need to wonder any longer. Just watch this video.

The way they solved the problem with violence in Venezuela was by starting up militias in neighborhoods to keep the criminals out.

They started neighborhood watch programs. Men were stationed along the streets watching for strangers coming into their area.

The cops were useless. America is becoming that way right now.

The only way to reverse this is vote every Democrat out of office so they can get rid of all of the diversity hires in law enforcement.
The way they solved the problem with violence in Venezuela was by starting up militias in neighborhoods to keep the criminals out.

They started neighborhood watch programs. Men were stationed along the streets watching for strangers coming into their area.

The cops were useless. America is becoming that way right now.

The only way to reverse this is vote every Democrat out of office so they can get rid of all of the diversity hires in law enforcement.
Actually, the fault lies with the state legislatures. They make the laws. Sadly, they aren't passing the laws that are needed. The problem is that the most pressing issues of the day get lost in the stack of trivial stuff on their desks.
The documentary film, Black Gestapo, shows how the citizens of Watts eliminated honky crime gangs in their community through organization.

To this very day, the problem of white gangsters operating in the City of Watts has been totally irradicated.

The way they solved the problem with violence in Venezuela was by starting up militias in neighborhoods to keep the criminals out.

They started neighborhood watch programs. Men were stationed along the streets watching for strangers coming into their area.

The cops were useless. America is becoming that way right now.

The only way to reverse this is vote every Democrat out of office so they can get rid of all of the diversity hires in law enforcement.
This trend where MAGA has been hyping up how great Venezuela is lately is quite amusing
Actually, the fault lies with the state legislatures. They make the laws. Sadly, they aren't passing the laws that are needed. The problem is that the most pressing issues of the day get lost in the stack of trivial stuff on their desks.
The primary problem is wherever there's a shooting, the black/ female police commish or chief of police is behind the mic telling us what happened but never mentioning the fact that they aren't enforcing the laws that are on the books.
The citizens of New York know better nowadays that to interfere with the criminal element.

Daniel Penny will be on trial for his life next month in the Big Rotten Apple for getting involved.
Justice may just have to be waived in America. The police have lost control obviously and innocent citizens are going to be dying by gun in epidemiic numbers if something isn't done to help the police.

Call in the armed forces?

In any case, it's only copy watches that re being stolen!

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