Thin-Skinned Little Jackass Of A President Gets Help From His Friends In The Media

The pain for Obama has just started. We're not even close to the primaries and he's already whining his ass off. Just wait till the attacks get hot and heavy.


I fucking love love love it!
He wasn't whining. He was just pointing out how unhinged the gop/teabagger party has become.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.

Huckabee embarasses himself and all Americans and the President calls him on it

Why are Republicans so thin skinned? They attack Obama 24/7 and then whimper when he responds back

Obama is a bigger embarrassment, maybe he is just jealous of Huckabee.

Really, what was the first thing out of the President's mouth when he landed in Kenya, a lecture on how they should accept homosexual love. God almighty isn't there anything more important he could have mentioned?
I don't know about the rest of the world but I have pretty much given up on caring what Obama has to say.

As for unfortunate remarks, apparently the left can say pretty much anything they want and get away with it.

"The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran ..."

Have you actually watched network news recently? It's no more than a broadcast version of "People" magazine.

It has no measurable worth.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

'Waaaaaahhhhh! The Presidunt said something I don't like! Waaaaaaaah!'


Who's crying? We're mocking the shit out of the little pussy. The weasel from the White House can only dish it out. He can't take it.

Yes, indeed. Nothing like calling a sitting president a "pussy", "a weasel", a "skinny little jackass" or "mulatto" and the like.

Righties: keepin' it classy, 24/7.
I'm pretty sure that Obama's even temper is one of the things that pisses off nutters the most.

Did you guys hear his comments to African leaders regarding the need to have changes in leadership?

Barack Obama in Ethiopia If I ran for a 3rd Term I Could Win

He's right. He'd be elected again. That must really burn.

Some Righties have already been screaming that our Preziduhnt will call martial law before the Elekshun and stay our Emperor Caliobama forevuh.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.

Huckabee embarasses himself and all Americans and the President calls him on it

Why are Republicans so thin skinned? They attack Obama 24/7 and then whimper when he responds back

Obama is a bigger embarrassment, maybe he is just jealous of Huckabee.

Really, what was the first thing out of the President's mouth when he landed in Kenya, a lecture on how they should accept homosexual love. God almighty isn't there anything more important he could have mentioned?

You need to get your rightwing phrasing correct

It is not that Obama is "jealous" of Huckabee
It is that he "fears" Huckabee

You will not be warned again
The president does not respond to "every little thing said about him", Skull. In fact...he hardly ever does.

You've swung and missed again.

My god how many times as he taken to the podium to respond to trivial shit?

I have seen quite a few

Not often. You've seen quite a few? Please.....highlight some.

By the you think he shouldn't have responded to the question about what Huckabee said? Do you think that was a trivial comment?

Sorry I don't catalog everything Obama says

But I remember times watching the news where I said to my wife "I can't believe he's actually responding to that shit"
Huckabee seems to forget, the hands pushing all the Jewish folks into ovens, were Christian, much like his own hands.
I'm pretty sure that Obama's even temper is one of the things that pisses off nutters the most.

Did you guys hear his comments to African leaders regarding the need to have changes in leadership?

Barack Obama in Ethiopia If I ran for a 3rd Term I Could Win

He's right. He'd be elected again. That must really burn.

Some Righties have already been screaming that our Preziduhnt will call martial law before the Elekshun and stay our Emperor Caliobama forevuh.
The reality will be even more horrifying for the right when private citizen Obama starts speaking his mind about the assholes who have acted so shamefully and vicious during his presidency. I get the idea that he has had to bite his tongue so many times that his farewell address may have some profanity in it.
I like Huckabee but like Obama he's in over his head when it comes to leadership and thought he was pretty much out of line in use of the holocaust comparison. As far as being thin-skin goes, that's Trump's motif.
The president does not respond to "every little thing said about him", Skull. In fact...he hardly ever does.

You've swung and missed again.
Everything with this asshole is personal. He told Democrats that a vote against the trade agreement was a vote against him personally.
It's all about him.
I get the idea that he has had to bite his tongue so many times that his farewell address may have some profanity in it.

The new president has taken the oath, and before beginning the speech is presented with several documents, which he signs. He turns to the crowd -

"Vice President Rubio, Mr. Chief Justice, Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:

"I have just signed seven Executive Orders that effectively negate the presidency of my predecessor ..."

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