Things that REQUIRE an ID


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
IF you need an ID for all these things how do people get away without having one ..


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You'd be better served by questioning the premise of why you need to show ID for things as mundane as boarding an airliner or checking into a hotel, rather than using such absurdities of the federal surveillance state as a cudgel to insist that everyone become equal in "papers please?" serfdom.

Oh no.. they still vote when they are dead :badgrin:
Actually, the bulk of the vote fraud is perpetrated during the tabulation process, not in the voting booth...True story.

While I'm perfectly good with purging the registration rolls of the dead, illegals and outright fraudsters, the voter ID thing it totally fishy.
Take your pretty boy avatar mr jim crowe and forget something that does not need to be fixed. Voter fraud ratio. 1 to 15 million votes.
What is happening is the republicans attempt fraud voters of the right to vote.
Take your pretty boy avatar mr jim crowe and forget something that does not need to be fixed. Voter fraud ratio. 1 to 15 million votes.
What is happening is the republicans attempt fraud voters of the right to vote.
Oh, bullshit.

Though the voter ID scam is about something other than vote fraud, the last thing it's about is disenfranchising pigmented people and the sainted pooooooor.

Go peddle your race baiting moonbat conspiracy crap somewhere else.
And the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud continues to mount. When you think of the millions of people who have died since the begining to give us our freedom and our government of electing our own leaders, I truly find it tragic how hard the left works to cheat elections and how hard they work to allow cheating to continue...

What happens when 1,099 felons vote in an election that's decided by just 312 votes? Proof that voter fraud is real—and a real problem.

York: When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots |
You know I can't swear to this but I would be willing to bet that a photo I.D. is also required to get food stamps, welfare, and just about every form of government assistance out there funny how no one has complained about that as being racist or unfair to the poor.
I think at the end of the day, the left is feeling the noose tighten around their neck and they are in full blown panic mode.

  • The ACORN scandal exposed (huge loss of power)

  • Voter Fraud exposed

  • Voter ID laws implemented (huge loss of power)

  • The awakening of the American people (ie the rise of the Tea Party)

  • The exploding popularity of Glenn Beck (who exposes the lies and corruption)
With the people now awake & engaged, the tools to expose lies/corruption, and laws being implemented to ensure legal, constitutional government, I think there is a bright future on the horizon for America. I think the death of progressivism has begun.
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Actually, not - conservatives can never exhibit their ignorance too often.

Driving, buying airline tickets, buying a car, opening a checking account, and everything else listed in the OP are not fundamental rights.

Voting is.
Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure the left files those things under life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness along with every other thing the left seems to think is the governments job to provide for you if you can't do it yourself. Which begs the question why can't they provide you with a photo I.D. for voting if you don't have one given there so many other things they feel they can and should provide?
And the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud continues to mount. When you think of the millions of people who have died since the begining to give us our freedom and our government of electing our own leaders, I truly find it tragic how hard the left works to cheat elections and how hard they work to allow cheating to continue...

What happens when 1,099 felons vote in an election that's decided by just 312 votes? Proof that voter fraud is real—and a real problem.

York: When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots |

We've already thoroughly discredited that story weeks ago. Minnesota Majority's results were completely bogus.

IF you need an ID for all these things how do people get away without having one ..

I cannot believe this unbelievably stupid illogic continues to be brought up again and again and again like a Whack-A-Mole.

Please learn to think critically before making a fool of yourself like this again.

Are you people out there emailing each other the same stupid ideas over and over? "Ho ho ho! I bet the guys at USMB have never seen THIS one before!"

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IF you need an ID for all these things how do people get away without having one ..

I cannot believe this unbelievably stupid illogic continues to be brought up again and again and again like a Whack-A-Mole.

Please learn to think critically before making a fool of yourself like this again.


Well please explain it to us then "genius". Funny how you call it "illogic" but can't explain how or why it is "illogic"...
And the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud continues to mount. When you think of the millions of people who have died since the begining to give us our freedom and our government of electing our own leaders, I truly find it tragic how hard the left works to cheat elections and how hard they work to allow cheating to continue...

What happens when 1,099 felons vote in an election that's decided by just 312 votes? Proof that voter fraud is real—and a real problem.

York: When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots |

We've already thoroughly discredited that story weeks ago. Minnesota Majority's results were completely bogus.


LMAO!!!! Please share.... :lol:

Actually, not - conservatives can never exhibit their ignorance too often.

Driving, buying airline tickets, buying a car, opening a checking account, and everything else listed in the OP are not fundamental rights.

Voting is.

Hospitals and doctor's offices ask for ID when you go in for a check up.

The reason we need IDs for checking accounts and any other important matter is to prevent fraud. When fraud is present in any degree and the system is set up in a way that cannot prevent it, it's important to protect the voting rights of citizens. For every illegal alien or dishonest person that votes more than once, they take a vote away from a legitimate voter. Who is disenfranchised by not proving we are citizens.

I think it's a giant lie that some Dem supporters are unable to get ID. I know damn well they are getting welfare if they don't work and you need an ID for either one of those.

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