Think it's time for a recap regarding what's happening in politics today


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
Anyone claiming Trump is doing nothing these days should pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish thus far even though he's being fought on every issue. Then notice how rabid the Democrats have been trying to stop him who have even broken almost every law on the books to do so.

Honestly, with all they've continued to spin on Trump trying to get him impeached while spewing such hateful rhetoric through their biased media that's literally putting him in the cross hairs of every lunatic waiting to take a shot, I think it's awesome he's managed to get anything done at all.

But instead of talking about him, let's talk about what the Democrats have done:

1. They stopped Trump's travel ban which would stop would be terrorists from entering without proper vetting.

2. They continue to harbor illegals in Sanctuary Cities which is not to help them but rather to gain their votes in upcoming elections which they intend to rig like they did in the 2016 one.

3. They continue to do nothing except go after Trump and his team like it's their job to let all else slide and instead find something/anything they can to impeach him for. That endeavor takes their full focus. How is that helping the American people? We're paying their salaries to do that while N. Korea and other outside factions are on the march readying themselves for an invasion? REALLY?

4. All the criminality Comey has been guilty of that includes covering for Hillary, Loretta Lynch, and Obama which if not for him and the court system was actually legit, they'd no doubt be incarcerated today.

5. Given the fact much of Hillary and Obama's actions were downright treasonous, those two realistically could be facing the death penalty right now if anyone really gave a rat's ass about making sure justice was served.

5. The DNC has become so corrupt in fact they've now assembled a Kangaroo court to impeach Trump using Mueller who as it turned out is a personal friend of Comey's. Talk about a conflict of interest and an OBVIOUS SET UP! Anyone else with actual integrity wouldn't have even accepted the job. And in fact Mueller should actually be facing disbarment for doing so. That is again, IF the system wasn't so corrupt.

Bottom line, the American people should be beyond frenzied about not only what the democrats and their biased media minions are doing which includes breaking the law, but also be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

Due to all of this, the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands. If something isn't done soon to stop the democrats spreading their ideology of hate, more will copy that nut job Hodgkinson until the country is engaged in a civil war which no doubt would have Obama grinning from ear to ear since that's obviously been his goal all along.
People committing treason should be tried for it and if guilty punished. Today, scum libs reward criminals.
It is time to be honest and call things as they are. First there is no longer a Democratic Party. It is now for all practical purposes the communist party of America! Their members no longer believe in American ldeals or values! Their members should be considered enemies of the country! Democrats share no values with everyday Americans.
Anyone claiming Trump is doing nothing these days should pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish thus far

Amazing. That's how you open your OP and not once in it do you actually mention specific things Trump has done.
the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

You consider what's going on with Trump "frying?" Really? Trump has been subjected to nothing other than scrutiny. That comes with his having assumed high public office. Quite frankly, were he to have lived his life more nearly as a "boy scout" than as a brigand, the power of the magnifying glass wouldn't be nearly as high as it is. But he didn't; thus it is.

Nixon was "frying." Clinton, once he was impeached, was "frying." Trump's "bacon" is not in or near the frying pan, or even in the "slaughterhouse." It sits on the side of the "boor" (pun intended) where it's always been.

the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

The relative quiescence coming from other high ranking GOP officials re: Trump and his antics has little if anything to do with the extent to which Trump is an upstart. It has everything to do with much of what he says being indefensible and in most cases reprehensible. The only people defending Trump are those who are as reprobate as he.

the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands....until the country is engaged in a civil war...

Really? That's the sort of behavior to which you think the average American, or even average human being, is given when they are merely frustrated? I think you're very wrong. Frustration is hardly -- if all that is preached in church and school and so on is taken to heart -- a strong enough emotion to incite murder, war, and other extreme behaviors such as you've noted.
Anyone claiming Trump is doing nothing these days should pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish thus far

Amazing. That's how you open your OP and not once in it do you actually mention specific things Trump has done.
the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

You consider what's going on with Trump "frying?" Really? Trump has been subjected to nothing other than scrutiny. That comes with his having assumed high public office. Quite frankly, were he to have lived his life more nearly as a "boy scout" than as a brigand, the power of the magnifying glass wouldn't be nearly as high as it is. But he didn't; thus it is.

Nixon was "frying." Clinton, once he was impeached, was "frying." Trump's "bacon" is not in or near the frying pan, or even in the "slaughterhouse." It sits on the side of the "boor" (pun intended) where it's always been.

the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

The relative quiescence coming from other high ranking GOP officials re: Trump and his antics has little if anything to do with the extent to which Trump is an upstart. It has everything to do with much of what he says being indefensible and in most cases reprehensible. The only people defending Trump are those who are as reprobate as he.

the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands....until the country is engaged in a civil war...

Really? That's the sort of behavior to which you think the average American, or even average human being, is given when they are merely frustrated? I think you're very wrong. Frustration is hardly -- if all that is preached in church and school and so on is taken to heart -- a strong enough emotion to incite murder, war, and other extreme behaviors such as you've noted.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points which are absolutely ludicrous. After reading my post anyone with a truly objective open mind would have found it informative and possibly even enlightening. None of what I stated was lies or fake news by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyone claiming Trump is doing nothing these days should pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish thus far

Amazing. That's how you open your OP and not once in it do you actually mention specific things Trump has done.
the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

You consider what's going on with Trump "frying?" Really? Trump has been subjected to nothing other than scrutiny. That comes with his having assumed high public office. Quite frankly, were he to have lived his life more nearly as a "boy scout" than as a brigand, the power of the magnifying glass wouldn't be nearly as high as it is. But he didn't; thus it is.

Nixon was "frying." Clinton, once he was impeached, was "frying." Trump's "bacon" is not in or near the frying pan, or even in the "slaughterhouse." It sits on the side of the "boor" (pun intended) where it's always been.

the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

The relative quiescence coming from other high ranking GOP officials re: Trump and his antics has little if anything to do with the extent to which Trump is an upstart. It has everything to do with much of what he says being indefensible and in most cases reprehensible. The only people defending Trump are those who are as reprobate as he.

the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands....until the country is engaged in a civil war...

Really? That's the sort of behavior to which you think the average American, or even average human being, is given when they are merely frustrated? I think you're very wrong. Frustration is hardly -- if all that is preached in church and school and so on is taken to heart -- a strong enough emotion to incite murder, war, and other extreme behaviors such as you've noted.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points which are absolutely ludicrous. After reading my post anyone with a truly objective open mind would have found it informative and possibly even enlightening. None of what I stated was lies or fake news by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points
You actually needed to post something to tell me you had nothing you care to say about my comments? Simply not responding would have achieved the same thing, and called for even less effort.
Anyone claiming Trump is doing nothing these days should pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish thus far

Amazing. That's how you open your OP and not once in it do you actually mention specific things Trump has done.
the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

You consider what's going on with Trump "frying?" Really? Trump has been subjected to nothing other than scrutiny. That comes with his having assumed high public office. Quite frankly, were he to have lived his life more nearly as a "boy scout" than as a brigand, the power of the magnifying glass wouldn't be nearly as high as it is. But he didn't; thus it is.

Nixon was "frying." Clinton, once he was impeached, was "frying." Trump's "bacon" is not in or near the frying pan, or even in the "slaughterhouse." It sits on the side of the "boor" (pun intended) where it's always been.

the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

The relative quiescence coming from other high ranking GOP officials re: Trump and his antics has little if anything to do with the extent to which Trump is an upstart. It has everything to do with much of what he says being indefensible and in most cases reprehensible. The only people defending Trump are those who are as reprobate as he.

the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands....until the country is engaged in a civil war...

Really? That's the sort of behavior to which you think the average American, or even average human being, is given when they are merely frustrated? I think you're very wrong. Frustration is hardly -- if all that is preached in church and school and so on is taken to heart -- a strong enough emotion to incite murder, war, and other extreme behaviors such as you've noted.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points which are absolutely ludicrous. After reading my post anyone with a truly objective open mind would have found it informative and possibly even enlightening. None of what I stated was lies or fake news by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points
You actually needed to post something to tell me you had nothing you care to say about my comments? Simply not responding would have achieved the same thing, and called for even less effort.
I was hoping you would reread the post and tell me where I was wrong about the democrats and by doing so it would ring like a Chinese gong in your brain I just might have been on to something. But I'm now seeing what others keep saying which is there's little hope for most of you on the left. All I know is something needs to happen to wake you progressives up because this country really is in serious trouble if not.

I realize you won't be able to identify to any of this because your brain just isn't wired that way but here goes anyway.

For eight extremely long years conservatives watched Obama run this country into the toilet as they waited patiently to get their shot to fix the mess he created. Did you see any of them become unhinged and try everything they could to impeach Obama even going as far as creating a kangaroo court of special prosecutors to try and make that happen? Or physically attack democrats in the street just because their party won the election and they didn't agree? Put on face masks to hide their identities to carry out that agenda which their college professors endorsed? Speaking of that, did they brainwash liberal's kids with conservative ideology like the professors in colleges are doing to conservative students that are spreading their socialist Marxist ideology?
Anyone claiming Trump is doing nothing these days should pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish thus far

Amazing. That's how you open your OP and not once in it do you actually mention specific things Trump has done.
the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

You consider what's going on with Trump "frying?" Really? Trump has been subjected to nothing other than scrutiny. That comes with his having assumed high public office. Quite frankly, were he to have lived his life more nearly as a "boy scout" than as a brigand, the power of the magnifying glass wouldn't be nearly as high as it is. But he didn't; thus it is.

Nixon was "frying." Clinton, once he was impeached, was "frying." Trump's "bacon" is not in or near the frying pan, or even in the "slaughterhouse." It sits on the side of the "boor" (pun intended) where it's always been.

the American people should ... be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and pull the presidency out from underneath them.

The relative quiescence coming from other high ranking GOP officials re: Trump and his antics has little if anything to do with the extent to which Trump is an upstart. It has everything to do with much of what he says being indefensible and in most cases reprehensible. The only people defending Trump are those who are as reprobate as he.

the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands....until the country is engaged in a civil war...

Really? That's the sort of behavior to which you think the average American, or even average human being, is given when they are merely frustrated? I think you're very wrong. Frustration is hardly -- if all that is preached in church and school and so on is taken to heart -- a strong enough emotion to incite murder, war, and other extreme behaviors such as you've noted.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points which are absolutely ludicrous. After reading my post anyone with a truly objective open mind would have found it informative and possibly even enlightening. None of what I stated was lies or fake news by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm not even going to bother responding to any of your talking points
You actually needed to post something to tell me you had nothing you care to say about my comments? Simply not responding would have achieved the same thing, and called for even less effort.
I was hoping you would reread the post and tell me where I was wrong about the democrats and by doing so it would ring like a Chinese gong in your brain I just might have been on to something. But I'm now seeing what others keep saying which is there's little hope for most of you on the left. All I know is something needs to happen to wake you progressives up because this country really is in serious trouble if not.

I realize you won't be able to identify to any of this because your brain just isn't wired that way but here goes anyway.

For eight extremely long years conservatives watched Obama run this country into the toilet as they waited patiently to get their shot to fix the mess he created. Did you see any of them become unhinged and try everything they could to impeach Obama even going as far as creating a kangaroo court of special prosecutors to try and make that happen? Or physically attack democrats in the street just because their party won the election and they didn't agree? Put on face masks to hide their identities to carry out that agenda which their college professors endorsed? Speaking of that, did they brainwash liberal's kids with conservative ideology like the professors in colleges are doing to conservative students that are spreading their socialist Marxist ideology?
I was hoping you would reread the post and tell me where I was wrong about the democrats
I didn't have something I cared to say about your remarks about Democrats, which is why I didn't quote and are write someting about your comments about Democrats. If that's what you wanted of me, you could have just asked rather than tell me you weren't going to bother responding to my remarks.

That said, insofar as the following is what you think of me, you can be certain I now won't comply with your request that I reread your remarks about Democrats.
I realize you won't be able to identify to any of this because your brain just isn't wired that way but here goes anyway.
Insulting me is not an effective means to getting me to read one's comments or to obtaining from me a substantive response about one's comments. Indeed, that above passage is where I stopped reading the post in which it's found.

tell me where I was wrong about the democrats and by doing so it would ring like a Chinese gong in your brain I just might have been on to something.

I can assure you that when I deliver comments to others, my doing so does not make anything "ring like a Chinese gong" in my brain. That happens when others have insightful, rigorously developed, well organized, and highly credible ideas they share with me, not when I share ideas with them.

When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.
-- Dalai Lama XIV​

I'm now seeing what others keep saying which is there's little hope for most of you on the left.

I'm not a member of "the left," nor am I enrolled with "the right." Some of my views align with people on "the left," and other align with people on "the right."
The libs have made progress too. I think today they started an investigation into why their collusion investigation hasn't turned up any evidence.

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