Third Grader Forced To Remove Jesus Loves Me Mask

The lawyer is right. The school cannot enact a policy that prohibits free religious speech. This could have gone MUCH higher in the courts, that's why the school backed down. Some lawyer with a brain told them to cool the fuck off or they'd be looking at a huge lawsuit.
does anyone have ANY HOPE AT ALL that the little girl will
win her law suit? ANY HOPE AT ALL???
Did you watch the interview? If not's a recap:
1. School did not create the policy about not wearing religious and political attire (including masks) until after the day the girl wore her Jesus Loves Me mask. Prior to that day reportedly, other students had been wearing Black Lives Matter. This will weigh in on the outcome.

2. The treatment of Black Lives Matter masks and Jesus Loves Me masks should be treated the same, however, the girl was told by a teacher that she couldn't wear that mask, gave her another one to wear, and was told "so she didn't cause trouble".

3. Relevant to #2, there was no mention during the interview of any incident that had caused the teacher to have concern about trouble. This will weigh in on the outcome.

These factors will weigh in heavily on the judge's mind (could be settled prior to that stage if school doesn't want any more publicity about it). Considering our current social war for equality- in which most support, along with those on the far left who are demanding equity- where they want the same outcome for all regardless of effort, I'd say she has a good case due to the media attention.

So yes, unless you have counter-evidence to present ,I'd say the family won't be losing.
I have a personal experience which was UTTERLY BOTCHED BY MY STATE SUPREME
COURT ----for political reasons------it's an EPIC STORY of our current "era".

Uh, to share it assuming it's relative to the OP? It sounds like your experience that you mentioned explains your previous post about not thinking the case has a chance.
I'm sure the wingers would still be supporting this child if the mask said Gay Power.

That's a tough one because although I wouldn't be supporting homosexuality, they still have a right to free speech even though I don't really want to hear it.
I'm sure the wingers would still be supporting this child if the mask said Gay Power.

Fair treatment of students in a public school system means every student is held to the same standards of conduct, including dress code. One action, if deemed in violation of the rules, has the same consequence for all kids.

So yes, if a kid is singled out for the same behavior other kids are doing it's not going to go well if the administration is on its game.
does anyone have ANY HOPE AT ALL that the little girl will
win her law suit? ANY HOPE AT ALL???
Did you watch the interview? If not's a recap:
1. School did not create the policy about not wearing religious and political attire (including masks) until after the day the girl wore her Jesus Loves Me mask. Prior to that day reportedly, other students had been wearing Black Lives Matter. This will weigh in on the outcome.

2. The treatment of Black Lives Matter masks and Jesus Loves Me masks should be treated the same, however, the girl was told by a teacher that she couldn't wear that mask, gave her another one to wear, and was told "so she didn't cause trouble".

3. Relevant to #2, there was no mention during the interview of any incident that had caused the teacher to have concern about trouble. This will weigh in on the outcome.

These factors will weigh in heavily on the judge's mind (could be settled prior to that stage if school doesn't want any more publicity about it). Considering our current social war for equality- in which most support, along with those on the far left who are demanding equity- where they want the same outcome for all regardless of effort, I'd say she has a good case due to the media attention.

So yes, unless you have counter-evidence to present ,I'd say the family won't be losing.
I have a personal experience which was UTTERLY BOTCHED BY MY STATE SUPREME
COURT ----for political reasons------it's an EPIC STORY of our current "era".

Uh, to share it assuming it's relative to the OP? It sounds like your experience that you mentioned explains your previous post about not thinking the case has a chance.
it's not over yet-----when the WHOLE thing is over---I will share
I don't know why people still send their kids to school and not home-school. If they work and don't have time or the means to home school them themselves, there are other maybe starting a neighborhood of parents that can take turns teaching different subject.

Public schools are a breeding ground of negative experiences for children. Teachers nowadays do not teach the three R's, or allow what our country was founded on...IN GOD WE TRUST. It's all brainwashing now..not teaching. Unless its to treach nastiness.
Potterhead2021 I am not optimistic

Well, then, that's your problem.

pathetic, you are

I must be the only one who doesn't get it. :/ (Obviously it has something to do about being an unbeliever though.)
it is quite obvious you don't get it....this TWAT is representing AMERICA....if the national anthem, and the AMERICAN flag bother this TWAT, then go live in china bitch
its has nothing to do w/ religion
I don't know why people still send their kids to school and not home-school. If they work and don't have time or the means to home school them themselves, there are other maybe starting a neighborhood of parents that can take turns teaching different subject.

Public schools are a breeding ground of negative experiences for children. Teachers nowadays do not teach the three R's, or allow what our country was founded on...IN GOD WE TRUST. It's all brainwashing now..not teaching. Unless its to treach nastiness.
Public schools are a breeding ground of negative experiences for children.
through a neutral policy of leaving your prejudices at their home -

the religious implication is an undesirable encroachment as the posters in this thread repeatedly prove by their sullenness and reference to alternative private facilities created for their purposes that many are more than happy for them to have to be rid of their autocratic indifference for a public hegemony.
I don't know why people still send their kids to school and not home-school. If they work and don't have time or the means to home school them themselves, there are other maybe starting a neighborhood of parents that can take turns teaching different subject.

Public schools are a breeding ground of negative experiences for children. Teachers nowadays do not teach the three R's, or allow what our country was founded on...IN GOD WE TRUST. It's all brainwashing now..not teaching. Unless its to treach nastiness.
Public schools are a breeding ground of negative experiences for children.
through a neutral policy of leaving your prejudices at their home -

the religious implication is an undesirable encroachment as the posters in this thread repeatedly prove by their sullenness and reference to alternative private facilities created for their purposes that many are more than happy for them to have to be rid of their autocratic indifference for a public hegemony.
Wanna put that in laymans terms?
The mods are now just deleting member's posts without even notifying them. They can't handle dissent in any form.
The mods are now just deleting member's posts without even notifying them. They can't handle dissent in any form.
It’s no big deal, just like you think that the young wanting to express herself is not a big deal. Right?
it is quite obvious you don't get it....this TWAT is representing AMERICA....if the national anthem, and the AMERICAN flag bother this TWAT, then go live in china bitch
its has nothing to do w/ religion

What does that all have to do with yelling at a cloud though? I mean I agree with you don't get me wrong, I just don't see how they go together. :/

I would have informed the parents if the school has a policy against political, religious or commercial slogans on articles of clothing.

Work it out by agreement with parents in person before enforcing a policy for everyone.

90% of these conflicts can all be addressed by consulting directly.
School policies can be mediated without running to the media or courts.

See Matthew 18:15-20 if families are Christian and have grievances

For Constitutional standards, the right of people peaceably to assemble and petition means addressing each other to settle in peace. Treating people with equal respect as govt means working this out and making decisions together based on common school policies.

Not running like babies to cry in the media and sue in court. All that can be prevented. But if schools do NOT believe in due process before punishing students, no I would not fund or send my kids to such a school.

If you do not respect rights and beliefs equally by protecting due process, I would not use that school.

I would recommend all schools teach conflict resolution and offer assistance to provide that help. And keep local disputes out of court that otherwise waste taxpayer resources.
I doubt school administration would've had a problem with this mask:

View attachment 507030
If this kept happening at my school, I would have students organize peer counseling to address conflicts between them, and teachers/parents also have access to ombudsmen and conflict resolution. The community can decide what they want to do about school policies.

If they disagree so much they need separate schools, start planning on it.

Lower student teacher ratios are better anyway. If we create more schools and clinics per district, more people can access services without conflicting demands or interests, and more people have jobs. Win win.
The money to pay for more schools and teachers will come from reduction in crime and violence feeding prisons that cost us several times more in tax money.

I would have informed the parents if the school has a policy against political, religious or commercial slogans on articles of clothing.

Work it out by agreement with parents in person before enforcing a policy for everyone.

90% of these conflicts can all be addressed by consulting directly.
School policies can be mediated without running to the media or courts.

See Matthew 18:15-20 if families are Christian and have grievances

For Constitutional standards, the right of people peaceably to assemble and petition means addressing each other to settle in peace. Treating people with equal respect as govt means working this out and making decisions together based on common school policies.

Not running like babies to cry in the media and sue in court. All that can be prevented. But if schools do NOT believe in due process before punishing students, no I would not fund or send my kids to such a school.

If you do not respect rights and beliefs equally by protecting due process, I would not use that school.

I would recommend all schools teach conflict resolution and offer assistance to provide that help. And keep local disputes out of court that otherwise waste taxpayer resources.

You didn't watch the video did ya? The school didn't have a written policy till AFTER they violated the students first amendment rights.


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