Third-Party Group No Labels Votes To Field A Presidential Candidate

"It’s possible the group ultimately may not find a candidate." -from the link
That's no reason to vote for a shitty candidate on purpose.
Fortunately, the Democrats have an excellent candidate.

And that's why the NoLabels thing won't get any traction with Democrats.
I don't know how they figure this will not aid Trump, but that's up to them.

The never-Trump ex-Republicans are claiming this is some kind of set up from Trump sympathizers, but who knows.

Regardless, if this is the election where we finally see a solid third party spring up, fine.
It's very hard for a minority party candidate to get on the ballot for all 50 States.

But as long as they get on the ballot in the blue States, that will be fine. :laugh:
I don't know how they figure this will not aid Trump, but that's up to them.

The never-Trump ex-Republicans are claiming this is some kind of set up from Trump sympathizers, but who knows.

Regardless, if this is the election where we finally see a solid third party spring up, fine.

^^^The scared Biden supporter voices his worst fear.

Well vote for a candidate that has absolutely no prayer or vote for the lesser of two evils. At this point? It's Trump
The thing is whatever the opinion of Trump personally, his policy, actions, vision were good for pretty much every American in all demographics. The only people who didn't like his policies or the results he got were the hard nosed leftists who hate America and want it to fail in favor of Marxist totalitarianism. I won't vote for Trump because I like him--I often don't like him all that much--but I will vote for him gladly to get the results he got in his first term.
The decision comes after Super Tuesday all but confirmed a November showdown between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Members of No Labels, a third-party presidential movement, voted Friday to move forward with nominating a candidate for president.

Eight hundred delegates from 50 states, split between Republicans and Democrats, held the vote at a virtual meeting, ABC News reported.

“They take their responsibility seriously,” No Labels convention chair Mike Rawlings, a former Dallas mayor, said of the 800 delegates. “Even though we met virtually, their emotion and desire to bring this divided nation back together came right through the screen. I wasn’t sure exactly where No Labels delegates would land today, but they sent an unequivocal message: Keep going.”

The group leading the launch of a “unity ticket” plans to announce its candidate selection process on March 14. However, an official with No Labels told Politico it’s possible the group ultimately may not find a candidate.

No Labels has said for months that it would attempt to enter a candidate in the 2024 race if it became clear on Super Tuesday that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump would be the respective Democratic and Republican nominees. The two walked away from the night with just one loss between them: GOP candidate Nikki Haley, who’s since suspended her campaign, carried Vermont.

More at the link below...


I am very sad to hear this. I fear this may be a spoiler for President Biden. What do you think?

The only viable third party candidate would be RFK Jr.

Anyone else would be a joke.
It doesn't matter. That's no reason to vote for a shitty candidate on purpose.

It doesn't matter. That's no reason to vote for a shitty candidate on purpose.

It doesn't matter. That's no reason to vote for a shitty candidate on purpose.
If you're referring to Biden I agree. DJT will give us a return to the folowing as your wokeness has indicated...

I don't know how they figure this will not aid Trump, but that's up to them.
If they offer a candidate better than Biden or Trump (how could they be worse?), they'll be doing the nation a service.
The never-Trump ex-Republicans are claiming this is some kind of set up from Trump sympathizers, but who knows.
Partisans literally can't comprehend the idea of just wanting a decent president. It must be a trick by the "other side"!
Regardless, if this is the election where we finally see a solid third party spring up, fine.
They won't get "solid" unless we vote for them.
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The thing is whatever the opinion of Trump personally, his policy, actions, vision were good for pretty much every American in all demographics. The only people who didn't like his policies or the results he got were the hard nosed leftists who hate America and want it to fail in favor of Marxist totalitarianism. I won't vote for Trump because I like him--I often don't like him all that much--but I will vote for him gladly to get the results he got in his first term.

My family was better off while Trump was POTUS

I've read somethings online about Tater's sad speech.

It's still the economy and border security with Americans.

People are fed up
Bad news for the Biden folks.
NOBODY in their right mind would vote for kissy face "selfie inflicting" FAKE Biden~! Only the sickest Liberals, (like the ones they had last night all loving up on the old wrinkled man) on the lame SOTU 👽

What a circus show that was. I watch the IDIOT Biden stall going to the stage, instead he selfies with the FAKE Liberals (just like him) and they all smiled and hugged him. I thought I would PUKE! 🤢

Then he spent his time SCREAMING at the audience like a 100 old man with Dementia. What a LOSER! :p
It seems to be only Republicans proclaiming the glory of No Labels, just as it's only Republicans proclaiming the glory of Kennedy.

Thus, I don't see them taking voters from Democrats.
I don't want to see a president elected by a minority of the voters. Bush Jr. and Trump were and they were disasters.

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