Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

I thought the abortion debate was long over with.

The only way the pro-life crowd can win is t start an amendment that bans abortions. Anything else is an attempt to change public opinion.

Oh, and these 'little' laws that try to make getting an abortion more difficult, they are just lawsuits waiting to happen. In the meanwhile, people will go somewhere else to have an abortion.

The pro-lifers are on the losing end of public policy. Try as you might, but the end result is highly predictable. People will:

1)Ridicule you: because you keep asserting your beliefs into other people lives
2)Distrust you: because you keep using the same asinine and disgusting tactics to coerce people towards your belief.

Then there is
3)Pity you: The Pro-life movement has nowhere to go. It has no new approach to the issue. It accomplish very little. It has turned into a desperate collection of rabblerousers with very poor leadership.

Hence, the pro-life movement is a dysfunctional mass of votes that is cast to any politician that claims to agree with them. Even if they know that politician can't help.
Yet they continue to have a gigantic influence on the debate. They won't go away.
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Ah huh. Well, that's where you change the goal posts. It's no longer about the morality of using the stem cells. Now it's the humanity of abortion.

You'd probably get support for drastically limiting abortions past 20 months, but then again you'd be against even the morning after pill. So, it's even not about the "death of an innocent child," as you'd force a woman to term over a zygot.

So, you're not even posting about harvesting stem cells. You're posting over Roe and a right to choose.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Ah huh. Well, that's where you change the goal posts. It's no longer about the morality of using the stem cells. Now it's the humanity of abortion.

You'd probably get support for drastically limiting abortions past 20 months, but then again you'd be against even the morning after pill. So, it's even not about the "death of an innocent child," as you'd force a woman to term over a zygot.

So, you're not even posting about harvesting stem cells. You're posting over Roe and a right to choose.
Morality is part of humanity dumbass.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I respect life, you don't. Not much else to say
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Ah huh. Well, that's where you change the goal posts. It's no longer about the morality of using the stem cells. Now it's the humanity of abortion.

You'd probably get support for drastically limiting abortions past 20 months, but then again you'd be against even the morning after pill. So, it's even not about the "death of an innocent child," as you'd force a woman to term over a zygot.

So, you're not even posting about harvesting stem cells. You're posting over Roe and a right to choose.
Morality is part of humanity dumbass.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I respect life, you don't. Not much else to say
fuck you, you ignorant name caller.

ps, but thanks for unintentionally admitting that you're not even posting about the stem cells themselves.
What would be the point? We already control what health insurance people have to buy, what kind of toilets they're supposed to use, what lightbulbs they're allowed to use, whether they can catch and use rain water on their own land, etc. What additional control is there in preserving innocent life? There's a REASON people don't like abortion, and it has nothing to do with control.
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Its only ridiculous if you can prove to me you have the right to legislate a womans womb.
I have the right to force you to purchase health insurance.
I have the right to regulate what kind of health insurance you can buy.
I have the right to regulate away your reproductive freedom if you are a man.
I have the right to regulate when you can get a tattoo on your body.
I have the right to regulate what you can put in your body and when you can do it.

There are all kinds of ways your use of your own body are regulated. But, you also seem to forget that there is a second person that's being ignored here. It's not just a womb that's in play.
Those arent ways to regulate my body. I dont have to do any of that. Those are options.

When the second person can exist without the first then you may have a point.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Ah huh. Well, that's where you change the goal posts. It's no longer about the morality of using the stem cells. Now it's the humanity of abortion.

You'd probably get support for drastically limiting abortions past 20 months, but then again you'd be against even the morning after pill. So, it's even not about the "death of an innocent child," as you'd force a woman to term over a zygot.

So, you're not even posting about harvesting stem cells. You're posting over Roe and a right to choose.
Morality is part of humanity dumbass.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I respect life, you don't. Not much else to say
fuck you, you ignorant name caller.

ps, but thanks for unintentionally admitting that you're not even posting about the stem cells themselves.
No problem loser.

Thanks for letting everyone know you'd kill an unborn baby to save your own pathetic ass.

PS. I have no problem with contraception including the morning after pill.
Man oh man, I always knew I was posting with callous left wing loons in the past but this thread really drives it home.

There are a lot of sick puppies on this board. It's not fetal tissue assholes.

They are organs from a baby that has been killed in the womb. Call it pro choice all you want.

It doesn't change the fact of the child's death in the womb by the hand of an abortionist nor the fact that the child's body parts are now a valuable commodity on the market.

Sick. Just fucking sick.
Man oh man, I always knew I was posting with callous left wing loons in the past but this thread really drives it home.

There are a lot of sick puppies on this board. It's not fetal tissue assholes.

They are organs from a baby that has been killed in the womb. Call it pro choice all you want.

It doesn't change the fact of the child's death in the womb by the hand of an abortionist nor the fact that the child's body parts are now a valuable commodity on the market.

Sick. Just fucking sick.
I'm against abortion but pro choice. This hub bub is nothing but emotional appeal.
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Putting the patient at more risk?

Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Ah huh. Well, that's where you change the goal posts. It's no longer about the morality of using the stem cells. Now it's the humanity of abortion.

You'd probably get support for drastically limiting abortions past 20 months, but then again you'd be against even the morning after pill. So, it's even not about the "death of an innocent child," as you'd force a woman to term over a zygot.

So, you're not even posting about harvesting stem cells. You're posting over Roe and a right to choose.
Morality is part of humanity dumbass.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I respect life, you don't. Not much else to say
Yep, you got it. nice slam dunk.
I thought the abortion debate was long over with.

The only way the pro-life crowd can win is t start an amendment that bans abortions. Anything else is an attempt to change public opinion.

Oh, and these 'little' laws that try to make getting an abortion more difficult, they are just lawsuits waiting to happen. In the meanwhile, people will go somewhere else to have an abortion.

The pro-lifers are on the losing end of public policy. Try as you might, but the end result is highly predictable. People will:

1)Ridicule you: because you keep asserting your beliefs into other people lives
2)Distrust you: because you keep using the same asinine and disgusting tactics to coerce people towards your belief.

Then there is
3)Pity you: The Pro-life movement has nowhere to go. It has no new approach to the issue. It accomplish very little. It has turned into a desperate collection of rabblerousers with very poor leadership.

Hence, the pro-life movement is a dysfunctional mass of votes that is cast to any politician that claims to agree with them. Even if they know that politician can't help.
Yet they continue to have a gigantic influence on the debate. They won't go away.

Which debate? The one on abortion. Or the made up one concerning the sale of fetal tissue?

Let say it is the 2nd one. OK, no more transfer of fetal tissue else a fine. Does not stop abortions. It just stop the transfer of fetal tissues. Not a win for the pro-life side even if they win the second debate!

Like I said before. The pro-life side has no leadership. They are rudderless and splashing in circles. Dysfunctional and aimless.

There is no great debate here. Just the P-L trying to cause as much damage before rigor mortis sets into their movement.
What would be the point? We already control what health insurance people have to buy, what kind of toilets they're supposed to use, what lightbulbs they're allowed to use, whether they can catch and use rain water on their own land, etc. What additional control is there in preserving innocent life? There's a REASON people don't like abortion, and it has nothing to do with control.
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Its only ridiculous if you can prove to me you have the right to legislate a womans womb.
I have the right to force you to purchase health insurance.
I have the right to regulate what kind of health insurance you can buy.
I have the right to regulate away your reproductive freedom if you are a man.
I have the right to regulate when you can get a tattoo on your body.
I have the right to regulate what you can put in your body and when you can do it.

There are all kinds of ways your use of your own body are regulated. But, you also seem to forget that there is a second person that's being ignored here. It's not just a womb that's in play.

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals

Anyone who gets a donated organ or tissue that helps save their lives profits from the death of an innocent.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not
Hey, if I need liver stem cells to live, and it's not illegal, and no one is forced or coerced, I want the liver stem cells. You may make an emotional appeal otherwise, but Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox .... and Peyton Manning may disagree.
Don't care.

You may be willing to take a child's life to save your own but I am not
Oh stop with your bullshite. Even assuming "a child's life is taken," it's not taken by the person who may need the stem cells to recover from an illness or injury.
Makes no difference. You profit from the death of an innocent child. And it's not bullshit, it's humanity. That thing that separates us from the animals
Ah huh. Well, that's where you change the goal posts. It's no longer about the morality of using the stem cells. Now it's the humanity of abortion.

You'd probably get support for drastically limiting abortions past 20 months, but then again you'd be against even the morning after pill. So, it's even not about the "death of an innocent child," as you'd force a woman to term over a zygot.

So, you're not even posting about harvesting stem cells. You're posting over Roe and a right to choose.
You are stating that the zygot can save your life, then it is a human being and shouldn't be murdered.
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Putting the patient at more risk?

Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

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