Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
Kinda blows a hole in the pro-abortion argument that these are just blobs of tissue.... but we already knew this.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?

Got your torch and pitch fork ready, do ya?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?
There are none. The practice is the practice. I answered his question nonetheless. I wanted him to feign outrage at my answer so I could ask him why he didn't feel the same way about how Obamacare became law.
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Putting the patient at more risk?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
If it is already illegal, then what law would need to be changed?

If it is already illegal, then why aren't they being prosecuted?

Maybe the ones lying are the people who say they aren't making a profit. I am pretty sure making a profit IS against the law.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats
So basically you find it incomprehensibly offensive to see exactly what you're defending? Isn't that kind of like a Young Turk getting pissed at people shoving pictures of mass graves in Armenia in her face?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
How should I know? Very few elected officials have demonstrated any kind of moral courage about abortion for a long time.
If this is what the OP is making it out to be then this should be grounds for taking away the funding for PP. I thought the GOP was committed to stamping out abortions but for the wrong reasons?
What could be a wrong reason for reducing abortions?
What would be the point? We already control what health insurance people have to buy, what kind of toilets they're supposed to use, what lightbulbs they're allowed to use, whether they can catch and use rain water on their own land, etc. What additional control is there in preserving innocent life? There's a REASON people don't like abortion, and it has nothing to do with control.
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
If it is already illegal, then what law would need to be changed?

If it is already illegal, then why aren't they being prosecuted?

Maybe the ones lying are the people who say they aren't making a profit. I am pretty sure making a profit IS against the law.

The tape have revealed nothing illegal only a few reviled conversations.
If this is what the OP is making it out to be then this should be grounds for taking away the funding for PP. I thought the GOP was committed to stamping out abortions but for the wrong reasons?
What could be a wrong reason for reducing abortions?
What would be the point? We already control what health insurance people have to buy, what kind of toilets they're supposed to use, what lightbulbs they're allowed to use, whether they can catch and use rain water on their own land, etc. What additional control is there in preserving innocent life? There's a REASON people don't like abortion, and it has nothing to do with control.
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Its only ridiculous if you can prove to me you have the right to legislate a womans womb.
Because a prosecuting attorney can not change the law but a passionate public can FORCE that change.

If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
I don't see any illegality. The folks posting or sending out the videos no doubt had distorted what actually occurs through editing the videos to support their ideological position, i.e. make all abortion illegal.

Nevertheless, if it turns out PP is performing legal abortions on women who choose to donate, or sell, fetus remains, and the docs doing the abortions are specifically targeting organs or tissue so the remains are "produced" that's going to have a political effect. And, if the price for the parts is set in a market with abortion providers dickering with medical research folks, that also will have a political effect.
If that passion or emotional response is fueled by lies, what then? Is the means justified?
What lies?

That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
I thought the abortion debate was long over with.

The only way the pro-life crowd can win is t start an amendment that bans abortions. Anything else is an attempt to change public opinion.

Oh, and these 'little' laws that try to make getting an abortion more difficult, they are just lawsuits waiting to happen. In the meanwhile, people will go somewhere else to have an abortion.

The pro-lifers are on the losing end of public policy. Try as you might, but the end result is highly predictable. People will:

1)Ridicule you: because you keep asserting your beliefs into other people lives
2)Distrust you: because you keep using the same asinine and disgusting tactics to coerce people towards your belief.

Then there is
3)Pity you: The Pro-life movement has nowhere to go. It has no new approach to the issue. It accomplish very little. It has turned into a desperate collection of rabblerousers with very poor leadership.

Hence, the pro-life movement is a dysfunctional mass of votes that is cast to any politician that claims to agree with them. Even if they know that politician can't help.
What could be a wrong reason for reducing abortions?
What would be the point? We already control what health insurance people have to buy, what kind of toilets they're supposed to use, what lightbulbs they're allowed to use, whether they can catch and use rain water on their own land, etc. What additional control is there in preserving innocent life? There's a REASON people don't like abortion, and it has nothing to do with control.
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Its only ridiculous if you can prove to me you have the right to legislate a womans womb.
I have the right to force you to purchase health insurance.
I have the right to regulate what kind of health insurance you can buy.
I have the right to regulate away your reproductive freedom if you are a man.
I have the right to regulate when you can get a tattoo on your body.
I have the right to regulate what you can put in your body and when you can do it.

There are all kinds of ways your use of your own body are regulated. But, you also seem to forget that there is a second person that's being ignored here. It's not just a womb that's in play.

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