Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Putting the patient at more risk?

Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

The local DAs are controlled by the political class...abortion clinics are sacrosanct in most jurisdictions...look at Kermit Gosnell...and the house of horrors that went on for years...all because he was an abortionist......

Letting the public see this.....puts the pressure on the politicians to let the DAs do their work....
That they are illegally harvesting and selling baby parts.
Semantics. The act is the problem. The money only compounds it.

What act? Scientific research on fetal remains? The set of established rules and guideline by which research companies can procure viable specimens or the clinics that receive handling fees for said specimens? Or just the act of abortion itself?
You're a little slow I see.

We're done here

Right you've already conceded the point that no law has been broken and that this is merely an emotional ploy for sympathy.
You're just too slow.

My problem as is the publics, hopefully, is the act.
Dumbfucks like you are content to hide your acceptance of a barbaric act behind a piece of paper that says it's ok.
So in response to that ignorance we need to CHANGE that piece of paper.

Got it? Probably not

Better stop before you get to emotional about it.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

Yeah, like dimocrap SCUM persecutors are going to bring charges.....

What kind of stupid are you?
The "retardican scum" have the majority in Congress - if there were charges to bring, they would be brought.

You do realize the Congress has no law enforcement power right.....that belongs to abortion supporter obama........
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Putting the patient at more risk?

Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves. is against the law to sell baby parts for money..........we are getting to the point where this is going to be hard to hide...and people might just go to jail......
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

Yeah, like dimocrap SCUM persecutors are going to bring charges.....

What kind of stupid are you?
The "retardican scum" have the majority in Congress - if there were charges to bring, they would be brought.

You do realize the Congress has no law enforcement power right.....that belongs to abortion supporter obama........

Local jurisdictions have enforcement powers as do state governors.
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Putting the patient at more risk?

Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves. is against the law to sell baby parts for money..........we are getting to the point where this is going to be hard to hide...and people might just go to jail......

There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.
I thought the abortion debate was long over with.

The only way the pro-life crowd can win is t start an amendment that bans abortions. Anything else is an attempt to change public opinion.

Oh, and these 'little' laws that try to make getting an abortion more difficult, they are just lawsuits waiting to happen. In the meanwhile, people will go somewhere else to have an abortion.

The pro-lifers are on the losing end of public policy. Try as you might, but the end result is highly predictable. People will:

1)Ridicule you: because you keep asserting your beliefs into other people lives
2)Distrust you: because you keep using the same asinine and disgusting tactics to coerce people towards your belief.

Then there is
3)Pity you: The Pro-life movement has nowhere to go. It has no new approach to the issue. It accomplish very little. It has turned into a desperate collection of rabblerousers with very poor leadership.

Hence, the pro-life movement is a dysfunctional mass of votes that is cast to any politician that claims to agree with them. Even if they know that politician can't help.
Yet they continue to have a gigantic influence on the debate. They won't go away.

Which debate? The one on abortion. Or the made up one concerning the sale of fetal tissue?

Let say it is the 2nd one. OK, no more transfer of fetal tissue else a fine. Does not stop abortions. It just stop the transfer of fetal tissues. Not a win for the pro-life side even if they win the second debate!

Like I said before. The pro-life side has no leadership. They are rudderless and splashing in circles. Dysfunctional and aimless.

There is no great debate here. Just the P-L trying to cause as much damage before rigor mortis sets into their movement.

They aren't selling "tissue" they are selling whole parts....lungs, hearts, that means it isn't just a glob of tissue, but a small human being killed....and people are seeing that in a way that is hard to ignore....unless you are a lefty, in which case you hate people anyway.......and think the world is overpopulated and don't see the problem with killing babies....
Putting the patient at more risk?

Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves. is against the law to sell baby parts for money..........we are getting to the point where this is going to be hard to hide...and people might just go to jail......

There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

The local DAs are controlled by the political class...abortion clinics are sacrosanct in most jurisdictions...look at Kermit Gosnell...and the house of horrors that went on for years...all because he was an abortionist......

Letting the public see this.....puts the pressure on the politicians to let the DAs do their work....

Doctored videos cut to give the appearance of something that isn't is not "letting the public see this", it is a willful attempt to pull the wool over the sheep's (Opps did I say sheep? I meant public) eyes.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.
Then they shouldn't be so upset that they were caught on video. You can't have it both ways.

If the video were unedited and clear - no problem, but it's heavily edited, very unclear about what is being talked about.

The clarity is crystal and laser focused.

People who claim the editing obviously don't understand film making.

If you are providing proof to a point being made, you do NOT leave hours and hours of recordings in the documentary that are not germane to the point.

They should allow 50 hours of banal conversation in a documentary? It would quickly bore the view to tears.....

Which is one reason the left wants it left in the final product.

However, if there are crimes that have been committed, the prosecutor is going to be interested in the on topic material, not anything else.

Crimes or no......this is a reasonable expose` of what PP is really about and if the taxpayers don't want their taxes going to this house of horrors, they have that right to demand taxes do not.
Or because they don't have a case.

Ah, they do. Three tapes in less than three weeks shows the brass of Planned Parenthood conspiring with people to sell fetal body parts. The burden rests on you to prove otherwise. Public opinion is shifting against them.

And, just a passing thought...

People such as yourself were calling them fetuses or "clumps of cells" not long ago, but now suddenly they have viable body parts that would only belong to a viable human being. What's the logic in that?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

The local DAs are controlled by the political class...abortion clinics are sacrosanct in most jurisdictions...look at Kermit Gosnell...and the house of horrors that went on for years...all because he was an abortionist......

Letting the public see this.....puts the pressure on the politicians to let the DAs do their work....

Doctored videos cut to give the appearance of something that isn't is not "letting the public see this", it is a willful attempt to pull the wool over the sheep's (Opps did I say sheep? I meant public) eyes.
Assumes an intent non in evidence. The film they have speaks for itself.

Why leave in mundane recordings of people spoon gruel into their mouths?
I thought the abortion debate was long over with.

The only way the pro-life crowd can win is t start an amendment that bans abortions. Anything else is an attempt to change public opinion.

Oh, and these 'little' laws that try to make getting an abortion more difficult, they are just lawsuits waiting to happen. In the meanwhile, people will go somewhere else to have an abortion.

The pro-lifers are on the losing end of public policy. Try as you might, but the end result is highly predictable. People will:

1)Ridicule you: because you keep asserting your beliefs into other people lives
2)Distrust you: because you keep using the same asinine and disgusting tactics to coerce people towards your belief.

Then there is
3)Pity you: The Pro-life movement has nowhere to go. It has no new approach to the issue. It accomplish very little. It has turned into a desperate collection of rabblerousers with very poor leadership.

Hence, the pro-life movement is a dysfunctional mass of votes that is cast to any politician that claims to agree with them. Even if they know that politician can't help.
Yet they continue to have a gigantic influence on the debate. They won't go away.

Which debate? The one on abortion. Or the made up one concerning the sale of fetal tissue?

Let say it is the 2nd one. OK, no more transfer of fetal tissue else a fine. Does not stop abortions. It just stop the transfer of fetal tissues. Not a win for the pro-life side even if they win the second debate!

Like I said before. The pro-life side has no leadership. They are rudderless and splashing in circles. Dysfunctional and aimless.

There is no great debate here. Just the P-L trying to cause as much damage before rigor mortis sets into their movement.

They aren't selling "tissue" they are selling whole parts....lungs, hearts, that means it isn't just a glob of tissue, but a small human being killed....and people are seeing that in a way that is hard to ignore....unless you are a lefty, in which case you hate people anyway.......and think the world is overpopulated and don't see the problem with killing babies....

The woman consenting to the abortion is donating parts and tissue. Feel free to offer that woman a chance to donate the fetus to you and you can carry it to term. Otherwise - as long as no law (in regards to selling body parts) is broken - it is no one else's business.
You seem to think that PP is upfront and honest.

If what they are doing is upfront and legitimate, then why aren't they just shrugging their shoulders and going on about their business?

Why are they lining up attack dog political operatives to destroy the organization that outed them?
Or because they don't have a case.

Ah, they do. Three tapes in less than three weeks shows the brass of Planned Parenthood conspiring with people to sell fetal body parts. The burden rests on you to prove otherwise. Public opinion is shifting against them.

The tapes show nothing of the kind. An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case. The burden is on YOU - the one making the claim, to prove it - not me.

And, just a passing thought...

People such as yourself were calling them fetuses or "clumps of cells" not long ago, but now suddenly they have viable body parts that would only belong to a viable human being. What's the logic in that?

People like myself? What exactly are you going on about? Fetus is the correct terminology - at a certain stage of development. "Viable body parts" - what ever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus. If you cut off your hand it's not grow into a mini-you. There's no logic in what you just said - just word games.
You seem to think that PP is upfront and honest.

If what they are doing is upfront and legitimate, then why aren't they just shrugging their shoulders and going on about their business?

Why are they lining up attack dog political operatives to destroy the organization that outed them?

What makes you think the creators of this video are "upfront and honest"? Perhaps they are lining up their "attack dogs" because this so-called organization has done the same.
You seem to think that PP is upfront and honest.

If what they are doing is upfront and legitimate, then why aren't they just shrugging their shoulders and going on about their business?

Why are they lining up attack dog political operatives to destroy the organization that outed them?

What makes you think the creators of this video are "upfront and honest"?
They are NOT trying to hide.....Planned Parenthood is.
Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves. is against the law to sell baby parts for money..........we are getting to the point where this is going to be hard to hide...and people might just go to jail......

There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.

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