Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

Or because they don't have a case.

Ah, they do. Three tapes in less than three weeks shows the brass of Planned Parenthood conspiring with people to sell fetal body parts. The burden rests on you to prove otherwise. Public opinion is shifting against them.

The tapes show nothing of the kind. An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case. The burden is on YOU - the one making the claim, to prove it - not me.

And, just a passing thought...

People such as yourself were calling them fetuses or "clumps of cells" not long ago, but now suddenly they have viable body parts that would only belong to a viable human being. What's the logic in that?

People like myself? What exactly are you going on about? Fetus is the correct terminology - at a certain stage of development. "Viable body parts" - what ever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus. If you cut off your hand it's not grow into a mini-you. There's no logic in what you just said - just word games.

Listen to yourself. "Viable body parts" - whatever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus." What?How dare you insult my intelligence in such a fashion. According to those barbarians at Planned Parenthood, a fetus is certainly viable enough to harvest fully recognizable human body parts that would otherwise be attributed to a "clump of cells."

Oh don't be such a pompous twit Templar - you can do better than that.

Viable has multiple definitions and when it refers to a fetus - it is specific:

: capable of living; especially : having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of surviving outside the mother's womb <a viable fetus>
: capable of growing or developing <viable seeds> <viable eggs>
a : capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately <viable alternatives>

b : capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state>

c (1) : having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate> (2) : financially sustainable <a viable enterprise>

The whole abortion logic you liberals present has collapsed.

"An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case" you say. Your analysis perhaps. You are all in some sort of "defend and deny" mode.

It's not my analysis - it's what is in there. What, specifically is said to make the case?
Putting the patient at more risk?

Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.
The top people in your party cannot tell the truth to save their lives. You expect me to believe a low level liberal to give a woman a truly informed discussion about abortion? Lol They fought against the woman to see an ultrasound before she has an abortion, but it's okay to use it on them if they need an organ. Off a bag of cells?

Thanks for making my point: You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.

No wonder you feel the need to legislate my uterus.
A scared young woman needs to be shown all the alternatives before she makes a life long decision.
I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.

And what evidence can you provide that supports this?

he can't.....he can't show that there wasn't pressure to produce the organs......or a quota.....

If this is investigated, someone will find a dollar made, an organ procured....and people will be going to jail.....
Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.
The top people in your party cannot tell the truth to save their lives. You expect me to believe a low level liberal to give a woman a truly informed discussion about abortion? Lol They fought against the woman to see an ultrasound before she has an abortion, but it's okay to use it on them if they need an organ. Off a bag of cells?

Thanks for making my point: You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.

No wonder you feel the need to legislate my uterus.
A scared young woman needs to be shown all the alternatives before she makes a life long decision.

But that might cut into the profit margin.....
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats

So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
Gotta pay to keep the lights on, and the extra security because of the nutters...
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats

So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
Gotta pay to keep the lights on, and the extra security because of the nutters...

You mean the nutters killing babies every day.....? And calling it "tissue?"
Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.
The top people in your party cannot tell the truth to save their lives. You expect me to believe a low level liberal to give a woman a truly informed discussion about abortion? Lol They fought against the woman to see an ultrasound before she has an abortion, but it's okay to use it on them if they need an organ. Off a bag of cells?

Thanks for making my point: You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.

No wonder you feel the need to legislate my uterus.
A scared young woman needs to be shown all the alternatives before she makes a life long decision.
Case in point. He thinks they are lambs to the slaughter instead of rational people making a rational choice.
thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats

So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
Gotta pay to keep the lights on, and the extra security because of the nutters...

You mean the nutters killing babies every day.....? And calling it "tissue?"
Last time I checked they were called fetuses, made up of tissues, and other things.
What makes you think the creators of this video are "upfront and honest"?
They are NOT trying to hide.....Planned Parenthood is.

You're free to believe what you want but the way they edited the tape certainly puts deception high on their list. The undedited tape fails to support their case.
That is like saying cutting out the bloopers from a drama is the producers way of saying that the movie is serious and not to be taken as a comedy.

You've seen the unedited tape? Because if you have, why are you not making it public? If you haven't, then your statement has no validity.

No, it's like saying cutting out the drama and leaving in the bloopers. And even then what they are talking about is ambiguious in the edited tape, and far less so (ie referencing tissue donation not selling) in the unedited.
Incorrect. If that were the case, you and the rest wouldn't even give this the time of day..

It is obvious that the documentary was edited to bring to light what Planned Parenthood is doing. Hours of people driving cars, walking hallways, talking about their favorite sports teams....brings to the documentary nothing.

That is not the way that documentary's are written.

There is no indication that is what was deleted from the edits.

What's obvious to me was the "documentary" (and I hesitate to call it that because it in no way resembles a documentary was intended to scapegoat PP. Where are honest upfront interviews and questions? Where is there a full explanation from PP as to what they are doing? Why are they not given a chance to talk? Why so heavily edited?

Let Me put it this way. Why is the footage of all the WWII units marching to the German Concentration camps included in the holocaust films?

It is because it has no bearing on the issue.

IF that was edited out. is against the law to sell baby parts for money..........we are getting to the point where this is going to be hard to hide...and people might just go to jail......

There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

What specifically did she say that is "evil"?
She was talking about putting forceps above or below the organ they want. You know the baby can feel pain. If they have organs that can be used on adults. Prisoners getting executed gets better treatment. Now that is evil. Like I say for people that support this kind of killing. Unless you repent and change your ways, there will be a special place in hell for you.
So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
Gotta pay to keep the lights on, and the extra security because of the nutters...

You mean the nutters killing babies every day.....? And calling it "tissue?"
Last time I checked they were called fetuses, made up of tissues, and other things. mean human babies.......right...that's what I said.....
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats

So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Where's the transcript of this? What was the entire conversation here? Per-item what thing? Shipping costs? What is he talking about?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats

So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Where's the transcript of this? What was the entire conversation here? Per-item what thing? Shipping costs? What is he talking about?

LOL @ shipping costs. Stop the charade, they are selling human body parts and all the spin will never change that
There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

What specifically did she say that is "evil"?
She was talking about putting forceps above or below the organ they want. You know the baby can feel pain. If they have organs that can be used on adults. Prisoners getting executed gets better treatment. Now that is evil. Like I say for people that support this kind of killing. Unless you repent and change your ways, there will be a special place in hell for you.
For pain you need a full-developed and functioning nervous system, something a fetus doesn't have for a long time. Your pain argument is garbage, which is why the courts keep tossing it, not to mention those in the know. Abortion is gruesome but at least be honest about it. Screaming Baby Killing BTW is not being honest.
I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.

And what evidence can you provide that supports this?

he can't.....he can't show that there wasn't pressure to produce the organs......or a quota.....

If this is investigated, someone will find a dollar made, an organ procured....and people will be going to jail.....

The Doctors are not the one who decide to come to PP and have an abortion. Or do you guys think these doctors ghoulishly walk the streets look for susceptible young pregnant women whom they can convince to give up the baby for parts?

If they had anything to make a legal case against PP or any of their doctors why try it in the court of public opinion.
Or because they don't have a case.

Ah, they do. Three tapes in less than three weeks shows the brass of Planned Parenthood conspiring with people to sell fetal body parts. The burden rests on you to prove otherwise. Public opinion is shifting against them.

The tapes show nothing of the kind. An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case. The burden is on YOU - the one making the claim, to prove it - not me.

And, just a passing thought...

People such as yourself were calling them fetuses or "clumps of cells" not long ago, but now suddenly they have viable body parts that would only belong to a viable human being. What's the logic in that?

People like myself? What exactly are you going on about? Fetus is the correct terminology - at a certain stage of development. "Viable body parts" - what ever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus. If you cut off your hand it's not grow into a mini-you. There's no logic in what you just said - just word games.

Listen to yourself. "Viable body parts" - whatever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus." What?How dare you insult my intelligence in such a fashion. According to those barbarians at Planned Parenthood, a fetus is certainly viable enough to harvest fully recognizable human body parts that would otherwise be attributed to a "clump of cells."

Oh don't be such a pompous twit Templar - you can do better than that.

Viable has multiple definitions and when it refers to a fetus - it is specific:

: capable of living; especially : having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of surviving outside the mother's womb <a viable fetus>
: capable of growing or developing <viable seeds> <viable eggs>
a : capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately <viable alternatives>

b : capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state>

c (1) : having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate> (2) : financially sustainable <a viable enterprise>

The whole abortion logic you liberals present has collapsed.

"An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case" you say. Your analysis perhaps. You are all in some sort of "defend and deny" mode.

It's not my analysis - it's what is in there. What, specifically is said to make the case?

And you think posting a dictionary definition is going to help your case? So now you are picking and choosing when and where the term "viable" applies?

Please stop this nonsense. You aren't even trying to prove anything, other than "it's what's in there!" Do you take me for a fool? You would argue with your eyes just so you don't have to acknowledge what you see.

I've watched the videos. The latest one is the most damning of the three. You have the temerity to argue that there was no violations of the law, no wrong doing, yet as you can see, people like "Stem Express" are giving quotes for human fetal tissue like a car insurance company.
Last edited:
I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.

And what evidence can you provide that supports this?

he can't.....he can't show that there wasn't pressure to produce the organs......or a quota.....

If this is investigated, someone will find a dollar made, an organ procured....and people will be going to jail.....

The Doctors are not the one who decide to come to PP and have an abortion. Or do you guys think these doctors ghoulishly walk the streets look for susceptible young pregnant women whom they can convince to give up the baby for parts?

If they had anything to make a legal case against PP or any of their doctors why try it in the court of public opinion.

That's not evidence. Where is the hard evidence? You are deflecting. Notice how you won't even address me directly.
They are NOT trying to hide.....Planned Parenthood is.

You're free to believe what you want but the way they edited the tape certainly puts deception high on their list. The undedited tape fails to support their case.
That is like saying cutting out the bloopers from a drama is the producers way of saying that the movie is serious and not to be taken as a comedy.

You've seen the unedited tape? Because if you have, why are you not making it public? If you haven't, then your statement has no validity.

No, it's like saying cutting out the drama and leaving in the bloopers. And even then what they are talking about is ambiguious in the edited tape, and far less so (ie referencing tissue donation not selling) in the unedited.
Incorrect. If that were the case, you and the rest wouldn't even give this the time of day..

It is obvious that the documentary was edited to bring to light what Planned Parenthood is doing. Hours of people driving cars, walking hallways, talking about their favorite sports teams....brings to the documentary nothing.

That is not the way that documentary's are written.

There is no indication that is what was deleted from the edits.

What's obvious to me was the "documentary" (and I hesitate to call it that because it in no way resembles a documentary was intended to scapegoat PP. Where are honest upfront interviews and questions? Where is there a full explanation from PP as to what they are doing? Why are they not given a chance to talk? Why so heavily edited?

Let Me put it this way. Why is the footage of all the WWII units marching to the German Concentration camps included in the holocaust films?

It is because it has no bearing on the issue.

IF that was edited out.
You watched a lot of marching scenes when doing Holocaust research, have you? I know those scenes of the troops opening C-rations in the mud were riveting.....I hear the survivors often talk about that when recounting their stay at the Hitler Hilton's...
There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

What specifically did she say that is "evil"?
She was talking about putting forceps above or below the organ they want. You know the baby can feel pain. If they have organs that can be used on adults. Prisoners getting executed gets better treatment. Now that is evil. Like I say for people that support this kind of killing. Unless you repent and change your ways, there will be a special place in hell for you.

According to the JAMA - fetal perception of pain is highly unlikely before the third trimester. Given that 99% of abortions occur before the third trimester (in fact most are in the first) and that third trimester abortions are far more regulated and usually not done unless the mother's life or health is in danger - I'm not sure what you are talking about is "evil". The abortion is going to happen regardless. What the discussion if over is whether or not organ's or tissue can be donated and thus far that is legal.

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