Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops is against the law to sell baby parts for money..........we are getting to the point where this is going to be hard to hide...and people might just go to jail......

There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.

That and a heart and liver are more sensitive than limbs thus need more protection in shipping.

But distortion and stupidity is the only thing Republicans know how to do.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
No additional trauma? Is death traumatic in your opinion?
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Its only ridiculous if you can prove to me you have the right to legislate a womans womb.
I have the right to force you to purchase health insurance.
I have the right to regulate what kind of health insurance you can buy.
I have the right to regulate away your reproductive freedom if you are a man.
I have the right to regulate when you can get a tattoo on your body.
I have the right to regulate what you can put in your body and when you can do it.

There are all kinds of ways your use of your own body are regulated. But, you also seem to forget that there is a second person that's being ignored here. It's not just a womb that's in play.
Those arent ways to regulate my body. I dont have to do any of that. Those are options.

Getting pregnant is an option.

When the second person can exist without the first then you may have a point.

So you believe we should protect the lives of babies who can survive being born prematurely? IOW, every medical advance that allows babies to survive at earlier stages also shrinks the window for a legal abortion?
Hey, condoms break, rape happens, women run into financial trouble, BC pills mess up.. Even then, women can do whatever the fuck they want.
I thought the abortion debate was long over with.

The only way the pro-life crowd can win is t start an amendment that bans abortions. Anything else is an attempt to change public opinion.

Oh, and these 'little' laws that try to make getting an abortion more difficult, they are just lawsuits waiting to happen. In the meanwhile, people will go somewhere else to have an abortion.

The pro-lifers are on the losing end of public policy. Try as you might, but the end result is highly predictable. People will:

1)Ridicule you: because you keep asserting your beliefs into other people lives
2)Distrust you: because you keep using the same asinine and disgusting tactics to coerce people towards your belief.

Then there is
3)Pity you: The Pro-life movement has nowhere to go. It has no new approach to the issue. It accomplish very little. It has turned into a desperate collection of rabblerousers with very poor leadership.

Hence, the pro-life movement is a dysfunctional mass of votes that is cast to any politician that claims to agree with them. Even if they know that politician can't help.
Yet they continue to have a gigantic influence on the debate. They won't go away.

Which debate? The one on abortion. Or the made up one concerning the sale of fetal tissue?

Let say it is the 2nd one. OK, no more transfer of fetal tissue else a fine. Does not stop abortions. It just stop the transfer of fetal tissues. Not a win for the pro-life side even if they win the second debate!

Like I said before. The pro-life side has no leadership. They are rudderless and splashing in circles. Dysfunctional and aimless.

There is no great debate here. Just the P-L trying to cause as much damage before rigor mortis sets into their movement.
Keep the faith, that's all I can say.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
No additional trauma? Is death traumatic in your opinion?
It's a fucking fetus, LOL. I care more about my pet rats then I do a damn fetus.
Please try to use commonly accepted definitons for words and we shan't have an issue. If you're going to insist on making up new definitions you're going to end up looking ridiculous.

You aren't even attempting to argue your point. Instead, your argument is purely genetic. Attack me, attack the OP, attack the people who put out the video as dishonest... true Alinskyism. Pathetic.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
No additional trauma? Is death traumatic in your opinion?
It's a fucking fetus, LOL. I care more about my pet rats then I do a damn fetus.
For Grandpa, zygots are people too. So, keep your "eye on the ball" with him.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.

When they have images of the 'fetus' trying to actively dodge the surgical instruments that are being used to destroy it....

That's murder.

If it makes you feel better to avoid that word. Have at it. I'll see you in Hell.

Ever heard a Doctor say to a pregnant woman, "Your 'fetus' looks' wonderful. Your 'fetus' is doing great. Your fetus is developing and maturing on schedule. Your fetus is healthy and normal.''

WORDS MATTER. We thing with words. We don't think in pictographs or images. We think in words.

And if dimocrap scum can get YOU to think of it as a fetus.....

Ignorance is bliss.

It's baby. That fucking simple
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
No additional trauma? Is death traumatic in your opinion?
It's a fucking fetus, LOL. I care more about my pet rats then I do a damn fetus.

And unwittingly, you just revealed the true motives behind the liberal abortion platform. Animals have more importance than human babies do. That's sickening. Truly.
You have actual evidence?

Presumptive evidence, yes.

Why does PP charge more for a heart, liver or brain than they do for a leg or an arm?

Answer me that?

Does it cost less to ship 5lbs of arms than it does to ship 5lbs of hearts or livers?

Of course it doesn't. Same cryo-containeers, same shipping method, same -- Everything.

Shipping of organs is not done all the same - different organs and tissue types have different amounts of time in which they are still viable this is true in adult organs. You could also have different costs in the difficulty of getting certain parts undamaged and cost difference depending on who does what at each stage. It's not a one-size fits all.

And what is THE Number 1 profit motive on the Planet? Supply and demand.

Hearts, livers, brains, etc are in more demand. So PP is charging more for them.

Are they? Fetal organs are not necessarily used in the same way as adult organs. And frankly - given the extremely low prices and the fact there probably isn't much volume overall since most abortions are done very early- what profit is there in taking the risk in doing something so outright illegal? It make no sense.
Ole bull, they stick forceps up their vagina to save the part they are wanting to harvest. Abortion is a risky procedure as it is, much more when you prolong the procedure.

Abortion has extremely low risks, especially when performed in the first trimester (which the vast majority is) - even when done later the risk is less than that of pregnancy to childbirth. A woman has to consent to donating fetal tissue and it's an informed consent. You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.
The top people in your party cannot tell the truth to save their lives. You expect me to believe a low level liberal to give a woman a truly informed discussion about abortion? Lol They fought against the woman to see an ultrasound before she has an abortion, but it's okay to use it on them if they need an organ. Off a bag of cells?

Thanks for making my point: You guys seem to think women are too stupid to decide for themselves.

No wonder you feel the need to legislate my uterus.
A scared young woman needs to be shown all the alternatives before she makes a life long decision.
Case in point. He thinks they are lambs to the slaughter instead of rational people making a rational choice.
If they made a responsible decision in the first place, they wouldn't be there. So yes, the probably might need to be shown the alternatives.
Just reported on Fox. A fourth video is being released but it won't be on the Internet. It's being given to the Texas Attorney General.
There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
The point ain't to put PP out of business but to stop funding the carnage with taxpayer dollars. Let them get Soros or Hollywood to fund their little human body parts traffiking scam. I just don't want to be a part of it.
Please try to use commonly accepted definitons for words and we shan't have an issue. If you're going to insist on making up new definitions you're going to end up looking ridiculous.

You aren't even attempting to argue your point. Instead, your argument is purely genetic. Attack me, attack the OP, attack the people who put out the video as dishonest... true Alinskyism. Pathetic.

Oh please. Would you look at yourself and your own arguments, trying to make some connection between viable body parts and a viable fetus? Get off your high horse if you don't like insults (and I'm keeping them mild) - don't choose to use them yourself.
The latest one is meaningless without a transcript and the knowledge of what was edited out (assuming it's much like the other). "Giving quotes for human fetal tissue" - what are the exact quotes said?

You really are reaching. You can't just plug your ears and hope it goes away. You are attempting to rationalize this behavior by attempting to contextualize what you're seeing on the video. Your behavior is most certainly easy to read.
The point ain't to put PP out of business but to stop funding the carnage with taxpayer dollars. Let them get Soros or Hollywood to fund their little human body parts traffiking scam. I just don't want to be a part of it.

No. The point is to put PP out of business.
please don't let any facts get in the way of your dishonest appeals to emotion...

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

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