Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

The latest one is meaningless without a transcript and the knowledge of what was edited out (assuming it's much like the other). "Giving quotes for human fetal tissue" - what are the exact quotes said?

You really are reaching. You can't just plug your ears and hope it goes away. You are attempting to rationalize this behavior by attempting to contextualize what you're seeing on the video. Your behavior is most certainly easy to read.

Actually - I'm not "rationalizing" anything - I'm asking for rationality. Context matters. If you hear only one part of a conversation - don't you want to know what the other part was?

Let me show you how context matters. Here is an edited version of your quote:

"You really are ... rational... most certainly easy to read..."

Is that what you said?
The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
There going in something is what I hear. Also research from aborted baby stem cells hasn't cured anything. Only adult stem cells has cured diseases.
You have actual evidence?

Presumptive evidence, yes.

Why does PP charge more for a heart, liver or brain than they do for a leg or an arm?

Answer me that?

Does it cost less to ship 5lbs of arms than it does to ship 5lbs of hearts or livers?

Of course it doesn't. Same cryo-containeers, same shipping method, same -- Everything.

Shipping of organs is not done all the same - different organs and tissue types have different amounts of time in which they are still viable this is true in adult organs. You could also have different costs in the difficulty of getting certain parts undamaged and cost difference depending on who does what at each stage. It's not a one-size fits all.

And what is THE Number 1 profit motive on the Planet? Supply and demand.

Hearts, livers, brains, etc are in more demand. So PP is charging more for them.

Are they? Fetal organs are not necessarily used in the same way as adult organs. And frankly - given the extremely low prices and the fact there probably isn't much volume overall since most abortions are done very early- what profit is there in taking the risk in doing something so outright illegal? It make no sense.


Tissue is tissue. All of it decays at virtually the exact same rate. You're just making shit up.

And you might want to ask the people at PP why they would bother going out of their way to meet with 'buyers' from a research lab to negotiate prices. Don't ask me. I'm not in that business.

But the people that are say, those body parts are being sold as a for-profit exercise.

Why would they take the risk? Arrogance. Narcissism. No fear of being caught and, if they are, no fear of being prosecuted. And if they are prosecuted, no fear of it sticking.

Ask Lois Lerner why she would take such a big chance. Ask Hitlery why she would take the chance on using a personal email.

Same thing..... Arrogance, narcissism and no fear.

You're dodging and making excuses for Nazis.

You should be ashamed but I know you won't be. I know how you people think. You won't be any more ashamed than any other dimocrap. Shame is something you don't understand

You will NEVER admit to being wrong. Never.

Even when presented with photographic evidence, you will stick to your story.

It's not a new thing. It's the nature of the beast. It's who you are.

Hate me for understanding you. I don't care
please don't let any facts get in the way of your dishonest appeals to emotion...

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood
Did Obama tell you that? Lol
Just reported on Fox. A fourth video is being released but it won't be on the Internet. It's being given to the Texas Attorney General.

Planned Parenthood wanted a copy of the fourth video, they were told they could view it at the hearings. Smart move on that move. Evidently this video is eight hours long.
There's no actual evidence that there are baby parts being sold for profit at this point - it's like any other organ or tissue donation. This has been going on for over a decade and no charges or anything.

The one big exception.....if an adult needs a kidney...they don't kill someone to get the kidney, they wait for a natural or accidental are killing the baby....and then taking the organs....

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.

Single cell or zygote. Then an embryo. Then a fetus. Then a viable baby. These organ are not going to other human being as in a transplant, but for medical research.
please don't let any facts get in the way of your dishonest appeals to emotion...

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

pro-life rethuglicans lie shamelessly so emotional nitwits can feeeel moral...

...during the recent budget debate in Congress, after Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl claimed this month on the Senate floor that "well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does" is provide abortion services. That figure was wildly incorrect. Planned Parenthood says only 3 percent of its total services in 2009 were abortions. The other 97 percent of services were for contraception, treatment and tests for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screenings, and other women’s health services.

Here’s a chart from a March 2011 fact sheet, which reported that the group performed about 11.4 million total services.

I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
There going in something is what I hear. Also research from aborted baby stem cells hasn't cured anything. Only adult stem cells has cured diseases.
Time will tell but adult stem cells are easier to use in treating disease at the moment: Fetal cells injected into a man s brain to cure his Parkinson s - New Scientist
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
There going in something is what I hear. Also research from aborted baby stem cells hasn't cured anything. Only adult stem cells has cured diseases.
Time will tell but adult stem cells are easier to use in treating disease at the moment: Fetal cells injected into a man s brain to cure his Parkinson s - New Scientist
Time will tell, but I think it's still wrong.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
There going in something is what I hear. Also research from aborted baby stem cells hasn't cured anything. Only adult stem cells has cured diseases.
Time will tell but adult stem cells are easier to use in treating disease at the moment: Fetal cells injected into a man s brain to cure his Parkinson s - New Scientist
There's a reason Peyton Manning went to Europe to have stem cells injected into his nerves in his neck.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
No additional trauma? Is death traumatic in your opinion?
It's a fucking fetus, LOL. I care more about my pet rats then I do a damn fetus.

And unwittingly, you just revealed the true motives behind the liberal abortion platform. Animals have more importance than human babies do. That's sickening. Truly.
A puppy is far more aware of their world than a neonate. And a lot more developed. You have a bias towards humans but nature sure as hell doesn't.
You can't say that, the way that woman was talking. She is evil, and evil has no boundaries.

So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
There going in something is what I hear. Also research from aborted baby stem cells hasn't cured anything. Only adult stem cells has cured diseases.
Time will tell but adult stem cells are easier to use in treating disease at the moment: Fetal cells injected into a man s brain to cure his Parkinson s - New Scientist
That's fantastic.
So for you it's all about how she said what she said?
Okay at first of all we are told these babies are fetuse, zygote, or just a ball of cells. So how can you get organs that are viable in a human being. From a bag of cells? Okay next just killing a baby that can give viable organs to another humans is murder. 3 rd, extending the murder so you harvest it's organs, is evil.
Do you really think they are transplanting organs into adults?
There going in something is what I hear. Also research from aborted baby stem cells hasn't cured anything. Only adult stem cells has cured diseases.
Time will tell but adult stem cells are easier to use in treating disease at the moment: Fetal cells injected into a man s brain to cure his Parkinson s - New Scientist
Time will tell, but I think it's still wrong.
That's very unlikely as a lot of really smart people think this could be the brass ring of curing diseases we can now only treat the symptoms of, at best. You don't have to like it but don't be dishonest or irrational about it either.
The latest one is meaningless without a transcript and the knowledge of what was edited out (assuming it's much like the other). "Giving quotes for human fetal tissue" - what are the exact quotes said?

You really are reaching. You can't just plug your ears and hope it goes away. You are attempting to rationalize this behavior by attempting to contextualize what you're seeing on the video. Your behavior is most certainly easy to read.

Actually - I'm not "rationalizing" anything - I'm asking for rationality. Context matters. If you hear only one part of a conversation - don't you want to know what the other part was?

Let me show you how context matters. Here is an edited version of your quote:

"You really are ... rational... most certainly easy to read..."

Is that what you said?

I heard both sides of the conversation in the video. Not falling for your ginned up scenarios either.

How can you prove how this video is edited? Or is this just you denying and justifying what happened? Stop it. You really are making a fool of yourself.
The latest one is meaningless without a transcript and the knowledge of what was edited out (assuming it's much like the other). "Giving quotes for human fetal tissue" - what are the exact quotes said?

You really are reaching. You can't just plug your ears and hope it goes away. You are attempting to rationalize this behavior by attempting to contextualize what you're seeing on the video. Your behavior is most certainly easy to read.

Actually - I'm not "rationalizing" anything - I'm asking for rationality. Context matters. If you hear only one part of a conversation - don't you want to know what the other part was?

Let me show you how context matters. Here is an edited version of your quote:

"You really are ... rational... most certainly easy to read..."

Is that what you said?

I heard both sides of the conversation in the video. Not falling for your ginned up scenarios either.

How can you prove how this video is edited? Or is this just you denying and justifying what happened? Stop it. You really are making a fool of yourself.
If these guys have the real goods, then hand over the raw footage. Put up or shut up? You can't have it both ways as they are trying to.
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
No additional trauma? Is death traumatic in your opinion?
It's a fucking fetus, LOL. I care more about my pet rats then I do a damn fetus.

And unwittingly, you just revealed the true motives behind the liberal abortion platform. Animals have more importance than human babies do. That's sickening. Truly.
A puppy is far more aware of their world than a neonate. And a lot more developed. You have a bias towards humans but nature sure as hell doesn't.

You are despicable scum.

I would be happy to piss on your grave
And this is what I mean by being irrational. The emotional outburst of a child when they hear something they don't like.

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