Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

You're free to believe what you want but the way they edited the tape certainly puts deception high on their list. The undedited tape fails to support their case.
That is like saying cutting out the bloopers from a drama is the producers way of saying that the movie is serious and not to be taken as a comedy.

You've seen the unedited tape? Because if you have, why are you not making it public? If you haven't, then your statement has no validity.

No, it's like saying cutting out the drama and leaving in the bloopers. And even then what they are talking about is ambiguious in the edited tape, and far less so (ie referencing tissue donation not selling) in the unedited.
Incorrect. If that were the case, you and the rest wouldn't even give this the time of day..

It is obvious that the documentary was edited to bring to light what Planned Parenthood is doing. Hours of people driving cars, walking hallways, talking about their favorite sports teams....brings to the documentary nothing.

That is not the way that documentary's are written.

There is no indication that is what was deleted from the edits.

What's obvious to me was the "documentary" (and I hesitate to call it that because it in no way resembles a documentary was intended to scapegoat PP. Where are honest upfront interviews and questions? Where is there a full explanation from PP as to what they are doing? Why are they not given a chance to talk? Why so heavily edited?

Let Me put it this way. Why is the footage of all the WWII units marching to the German Concentration camps included in the holocaust films?

It is because it has no bearing on the issue.

IF that was edited out.
You watched a lot of marching scenes when doing Holocaust research, have you? I know those scenes of the troops opening C-rations in the mud were riveting.....I hear the survivors often talk about that when recounting their stay at the Hitler Hilton's...

IF that is what the editors of this video edited out.They aren't exactly known for honesty.
Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
Gotta pay to keep the lights on, and the extra security because of the nutters...

You mean the nutters killing babies every day.....? And calling it "tissue?"
Last time I checked they were called fetuses, made up of tissues, and other things. mean human babies.......right...that's what I said.....
Nope, and we don't call them babies in medical terms for good reason, they aren't.
thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats

So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Where's the transcript of this? What was the entire conversation here? Per-item what thing? Shipping costs? What is he talking about?

LOL @ shipping costs. Stop the charade, they are selling human body parts and all the spin will never change that

You have actual evidence?
So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Where's the transcript of this? What was the entire conversation here? Per-item what thing? Shipping costs? What is he talking about?

LOL @ shipping costs. Stop the charade, they are selling human body parts and all the spin will never change that

You have actual evidence?

The video. Or are you wearing blinders or something?
That is like saying cutting out the bloopers from a drama is the producers way of saying that the movie is serious and not to be taken as a comedy.

You've seen the unedited tape? Because if you have, why are you not making it public? If you haven't, then your statement has no validity.

No, it's like saying cutting out the drama and leaving in the bloopers. And even then what they are talking about is ambiguious in the edited tape, and far less so (ie referencing tissue donation not selling) in the unedited.
Incorrect. If that were the case, you and the rest wouldn't even give this the time of day..

It is obvious that the documentary was edited to bring to light what Planned Parenthood is doing. Hours of people driving cars, walking hallways, talking about their favorite sports teams....brings to the documentary nothing.

That is not the way that documentary's are written.

There is no indication that is what was deleted from the edits.

What's obvious to me was the "documentary" (and I hesitate to call it that because it in no way resembles a documentary was intended to scapegoat PP. Where are honest upfront interviews and questions? Where is there a full explanation from PP as to what they are doing? Why are they not given a chance to talk? Why so heavily edited?

Let Me put it this way. Why is the footage of all the WWII units marching to the German Concentration camps included in the holocaust films?

It is because it has no bearing on the issue.

IF that was edited out.
You watched a lot of marching scenes when doing Holocaust research, have you? I know those scenes of the troops opening C-rations in the mud were riveting.....I hear the survivors often talk about that when recounting their stay at the Hitler Hilton's...

IF that is what the editors of this video edited out.They aren't exactly known for honesty.
Editing out office trivia hardly qualifies as dishonest when making a documentary on the marketing of human organs...

You go ahead and believe what you want....the whole deflection about heavily edited is nothing more than a red herring to take the focus away from what those who are in charge at PP are doing..

If nothing is found to be a crime, so be it. However, they receive tax payer dollars and the tax payers have a right to see what they do with it.

A shame that a legitimate use of government (investigating organizations like this one) is not being used'd think that those who worship at the alter of government would want that.

Oh well.....I have no more time today to waste on this.
That is like saying cutting out the bloopers from a drama is the producers way of saying that the movie is serious and not to be taken as a comedy.

You've seen the unedited tape? Because if you have, why are you not making it public? If you haven't, then your statement has no validity.

No, it's like saying cutting out the drama and leaving in the bloopers. And even then what they are talking about is ambiguious in the edited tape, and far less so (ie referencing tissue donation not selling) in the unedited.
Incorrect. If that were the case, you and the rest wouldn't even give this the time of day..

It is obvious that the documentary was edited to bring to light what Planned Parenthood is doing. Hours of people driving cars, walking hallways, talking about their favorite sports teams....brings to the documentary nothing.

That is not the way that documentary's are written.

There is no indication that is what was deleted from the edits.

What's obvious to me was the "documentary" (and I hesitate to call it that because it in no way resembles a documentary was intended to scapegoat PP. Where are honest upfront interviews and questions? Where is there a full explanation from PP as to what they are doing? Why are they not given a chance to talk? Why so heavily edited?

Let Me put it this way. Why is the footage of all the WWII units marching to the German Concentration camps included in the holocaust films?

It is because it has no bearing on the issue.

IF that was edited out.
You watched a lot of marching scenes when doing Holocaust research, have you? I know those scenes of the troops opening C-rations in the mud were riveting.....I hear the survivors often talk about that when recounting their stay at the Hitler Hilton's...

IF that is what the editors of this video edited out.They aren't exactly known for honesty.

Funny, instead of a logical argument, you attack their honesty. I can't help but see the irony of that assertion.
So hiding the gruesomeness of abortion makes it . . . not as gruesome?

If you believe in choice (and that choice is the choice of abortion, because both sides are in agreement of keeping a child or adoption), then stop being so squeamish about abortion. Yes, abortion rips a human being apart, killing them. wth did you think abortion did, remove a bothersome cyst?

Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Where's the transcript of this? What was the entire conversation here? Per-item what thing? Shipping costs? What is he talking about?

LOL @ shipping costs. Stop the charade, they are selling human body parts and all the spin will never change that

You have actual evidence?

I think the videos speak for themselves....for anyone that is paying attention. Others will continue to defend the evil at any cost
it's the rabid pro-lifers who worship at the nanny-state alter, begging permission to reproduce under strict government supervision.
Or because they don't have a case.

Ah, they do. Three tapes in less than three weeks shows the brass of Planned Parenthood conspiring with people to sell fetal body parts. The burden rests on you to prove otherwise. Public opinion is shifting against them.

The tapes show nothing of the kind. An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case. The burden is on YOU - the one making the claim, to prove it - not me.

And, just a passing thought...

People such as yourself were calling them fetuses or "clumps of cells" not long ago, but now suddenly they have viable body parts that would only belong to a viable human being. What's the logic in that?

People like myself? What exactly are you going on about? Fetus is the correct terminology - at a certain stage of development. "Viable body parts" - what ever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus. If you cut off your hand it's not grow into a mini-you. There's no logic in what you just said - just word games.

Listen to yourself. "Viable body parts" - whatever that means is not the same term as a "viable" fetus." What?How dare you insult my intelligence in such a fashion. According to those barbarians at Planned Parenthood, a fetus is certainly viable enough to harvest fully recognizable human body parts that would otherwise be attributed to a "clump of cells."

Oh don't be such a pompous twit Templar - you can do better than that.

Viable has multiple definitions and when it refers to a fetus - it is specific:

: capable of living; especially : having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of surviving outside the mother's womb <a viable fetus>
: capable of growing or developing <viable seeds> <viable eggs>
a : capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately <viable alternatives>

b : capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state>

c (1) : having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate> (2) : financially sustainable <a viable enterprise>

The whole abortion logic you liberals present has collapsed.

"An analysis of the transcripts of the entire event fails to make your case" you say. Your analysis perhaps. You are all in some sort of "defend and deny" mode.

It's not my analysis - it's what is in there. What, specifically is said to make the case?

And you think posting a dictionary definition is going to help your case? So now you are picking and choosing when and where the term "viable" applies?

Umh no...I'm calling you on your bullshit here if you choose to go down this path. If you have an issue with "when and where" terms apply I recommend you take it up with Miriam Webster. One definition refers to "viable" as in a "viable candidate". Are you going to make the argument that a fetus is not viable until it's a politician? Interesting possibilities there.

Please stop this nonsense. You aren't even trying to prove anything, other than "it's what's in there!" Do you take me for a fool? You would argue with your eyes just so you don't have to acknowledge what you see.

Please try to use commonly accepted definitons for words and we shan't have an issue. If you're going to insist on making up new definitions you're going to end up looking ridiculous.

I've watched the videos. The latest one is the most damning of the three. You have the temerity to argue that there was no violations of the law, no wrong doing, yet as you can see, people like "Stem Express" are giving quotes for human fetal tissue.

The latest one is meaningless without a transcript and the knowledge of what was edited out (assuming it's much like the other). "Giving quotes for human fetal tissue" - what are the exact quotes said?
There's no dispute that the videos were edited to alter their content. But, that may not make a difference in whether people decide PP's actions are immoral.
Actually, they think that exactly.............that is why these videos are so important...and this latest one most of all...

The New Planned Parenthood Sting Video Is the Worst One Yet PJ Tatler

This is damning......

Dr. Savita Ginde told an actor posing as a buyer from a human biologic company that payment per organ removed from an aborted baby is what is most beneficial to Planned Parenthood. Ginde said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Where's the transcript of this? What was the entire conversation here? Per-item what thing? Shipping costs? What is he talking about?

LOL @ shipping costs. Stop the charade, they are selling human body parts and all the spin will never change that

You have actual evidence?

The video. Or are you wearing blinders or something?

The video is edited and choppy. What specifically was said that is evidence - I'd like to see the quotes - the entire conversation - not just cherry picked bits.
it's the rabid pro-lifers who worship at the nanny-state alter begging permission to reproduce under strict supervision.

yeah.....just guys complain about republicans and sex...wait till the left gets done controlling everything you really think sex isn't on their list...look at what they do on college campuses....they are both uptight and crazy at the same time with will not like the left in charge of your sex life.....they mean it.....
You have actual evidence?

Presumptive evidence, yes.

Why does PP charge more for a heart, liver or brain than they do for a leg or an arm?

Answer me that?

Does it cost less to ship 5lbs of arms than it does to ship 5lbs of hearts or livers?

Of course it doesn't. Same cryo-containeers, same shipping method, same -- Everything.

And what is THE Number 1 profit motive on the Planet? Supply and demand.

Hearts, livers, brains, etc are in more demand. So PP is charging more for them.

If they were simply providing a service, there would be a schedule of shipping costs REGARDLESS OF WHAT BODY PART WAS BEING 'SOLD'

You gotta be really dense to believe these SCUMBAGS were just providing a service, at no profit, to these research facilities.

Willfully ignorant don't cut it. You can no longer pretend that the Concentration Camp on the Edge of town isn't really there.

It is. And we know you were pretending the whole time.

it's the rabid pro-lifers who worship at the nanny-state alter begging permission to reproduce under strict supervision.

yeah.....just guys complain about republicans and sex...wait till the left gets done controlling everything you really think sex isn't on their list...look at what they do on college campuses....they are both uptight and crazy at the same time with will not like the left in charge of your sex life.....they mean it.....

What exactly is the left proposing to do about our sex lives?
I dare say that not one fetus was aborted due to the demand for tissue or organs.

And what evidence can you provide that supports this?

he can't.....he can't show that there wasn't pressure to produce the organs......or a quota.....

If this is investigated, someone will find a dollar made, an organ procured....and people will be going to jail.....

The Doctors are not the one who decide to come to PP and have an abortion. Or do you guys think these doctors ghoulishly walk the streets look for susceptible young pregnant women whom they can convince to give up the baby for parts?

If they had anything to make a legal case against PP or any of their doctors why try it in the court of public opinion.

That's not evidence. Where is the hard evidence? You are deflecting. Notice how you won't even address me directly.

Of course it is. Who decides to have the abortion and why they decide to have one.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
I'd rather not the fetuses go to waste :)
Most agree, imo, but the "targeting" of specific organs may end up "creeping people out." But, if I have Parkinsons, and the pregnancy is being terminated anyway, and it causes no additional trauma to the woman or fetus, and the stem cells might save me from an early and horrid death (and no the fetus is not "killed") then sign me up.
Oh, absolutely, and all of the abortions are done with the women's consent anyways.
What would be the point? We already control what health insurance people have to buy, what kind of toilets they're supposed to use, what lightbulbs they're allowed to use, whether they can catch and use rain water on their own land, etc. What additional control is there in preserving innocent life? There's a REASON people don't like abortion, and it has nothing to do with control.
The same point that had women as second class citizens and not in control of their own bodies.
That's ridiculous. This isn't the 1950's. No one is trying to make women second class citizens. In fact, whenever you try to pin down someone who's wailing about the "war on women", they always and only fall back on abortion. That's the sum total of their argument. Minus the little human growing in the womb, abortion wouldn't be controversial and they'd have to make something else up.
Its only ridiculous if you can prove to me you have the right to legislate a womans womb.
I have the right to force you to purchase health insurance.
I have the right to regulate what kind of health insurance you can buy.
I have the right to regulate away your reproductive freedom if you are a man.
I have the right to regulate when you can get a tattoo on your body.
I have the right to regulate what you can put in your body and when you can do it.

There are all kinds of ways your use of your own body are regulated. But, you also seem to forget that there is a second person that's being ignored here. It's not just a womb that's in play.
Those arent ways to regulate my body. I dont have to do any of that. Those are options.

Getting pregnant is an option.

When the second person can exist without the first then you may have a point.

So you believe we should protect the lives of babies who can survive being born prematurely? IOW, every medical advance that allows babies to survive at earlier stages also shrinks the window for a legal abortion?

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