This can not be defended

And where was bush when 13 embassy's were attacked durning the bush presidency? Why were there no calls for investigations and committee's then?
January 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al Qaeda attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of "Bali Bombings." No fatalities.

February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al Qaeda terrorists storm the diplomatic compound, killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

March 2, 2006. Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. (I wonder if Lindsey Graham or Fox News would even recognize the name "David Foy." This is the third Karachi terrorist attack in four years on what's considered American soil.)

September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting "Allahu akbar" storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

March 18, 2008. Sana'a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

September 17, 2008. Sana'a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

Tell us, which incident did Bush blame on a video that no one had seen?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.
And where was bush when 13 embassy's were attacked durning the bush presidency? Why were there no calls for investigations and committee's then?
January 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al Qaeda attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of "Bali Bombings." No fatalities.

February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al Qaeda terrorists storm the diplomatic compound, killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

March 2, 2006. Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. (I wonder if Lindsey Graham or Fox News would even recognize the name "David Foy." This is the third Karachi terrorist attack in four years on what's considered American soil.)

September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting "Allahu akbar" storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

March 18, 2008. Sana'a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

September 17, 2008. Sana'a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

Tell us, which incident did Bush blame on a video that no one had seen?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

Are really that stupid, if your dear leader hadn't lied and had his administration lie to cover his ass for the election this would have been for gotten a long time ago. The crime is the lies and trying to cover the lies. The new emails prove that the state dept notified the Libyan government with in 12 hours they knew exactly who was responsible, yet continued to lie to the American public for weeks in a coordinated attempt to deceive the voters. That is the crime here, nothing more nothing less.
Tell us, which incident did Bush blame on a video that no one had seen?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.

That's the definition of irony right there.

You guys have been attempting to make political sport over Benghazi for the last 2 years.

Let me ask you a question: if Obama had said on day one that it had been a planned terrorist attack, would that have magically brought Ambassador Stevens and the others back to life?
Tell us, which incident did Bush blame on a video that no one had seen?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

Are really that stupid, if your dear leader hadn't lied and had his administration lie to cover his ass for the election this would have been for gotten a long time ago. The crime is the lies and trying to cover the lies. The new emails prove that the state dept notified the Libyan government with in 12 hours they knew exactly who was responsible, yet continued to lie to the American public for weeks in a coordinated attempt to deceive the voters. That is the crime here, nothing more nothing less.

Indeed. Anyone who goes into service for the State Department and takes overseas assignments understands (and accepts) the possibility of being killed. It's part of the job - just like the military.

The difference here is that 4 Americans were murdered and this clown president covered it up in order to be re-elected. There is no equivocation here.

Nixon lied about knowledge of a break in at the Watergate during his reelection - no one was hurt, no one was killed. He was forced to resign.

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 4 people (as is Hillary) and it's a "witch hunt".
LIBTARDS can defend anything.

........that's not what he meant was a campaign speech
........he did not foresee repub obstruction
........he must act to achieve equality
........he killed OBL
........he saved GM
........he passed Obabblecare
........he has created millions of jobs
........he has deported millions of illegals
........he stood up to Putin
........he backed down the Iranians
........he prevented the seas from rising

I am getting ready to puke....
And what accomplishments have republicans achieved in the last 5 years?
50 votes to repeal ACA
Kept the minimum wage from rising.
Stopped equal pay for women.
Stopped votes on immigration.
Some of the least productive Congress' in history.
The bottom line is that the gop is using Benghazi because they have done absolutely nothing these last five years. And what you brainless goons do not seem to understand is that is the reason why the republican party now has less than 25% of the voters. Read my signature. I AM NOT ALONE.
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.

That's the definition of irony right there.

You guys have been attempting to make political sport over Benghazi for the last 2 years.

Let me ask you a question: if Obama had said on day one that it had been a planned terrorist attack, would that have magically brought Ambassador Stevens and the others back to life?

No dumbass it wouldn't have. However, stating the "truth", that these men were killed in the line of duty during an attack on our Consulate by terrorists would have been the proper thing to do and this would have been over with 2 years ago. Instead your boy chose to lie.

Where are the suspects in this attack? Didn't your boy tell us that they would be "brought to justice"?? Yet not one person has been caught - let alone interrogated.

Couldn't have the TRUTH come out, now could we?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

Are really that stupid, if your dear leader hadn't lied and had his administration lie to cover his ass for the election this would have been for gotten a long time ago. The crime is the lies and trying to cover the lies. The new emails prove that the state dept notified the Libyan government with in 12 hours they knew exactly who was responsible, yet continued to lie to the American public for weeks in a coordinated attempt to deceive the voters. That is the crime here, nothing more nothing less.

Indeed. Anyone who goes into service for the State Department and takes overseas assignments understands (and accepts) the possibility of being killed. It's part of the job - just like the military.

The difference here is that 4 Americans were murdered and this clown president covered it up in order to be re-elected. There is no equivocation here.

Nixon lied about knowledge of a break in at the Watergate during his reelection - no one was hurt, no one was killed. He was forced to resign.

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 4 people (as is Hillary) and it's a "witch hunt".

Conspiracy to break into the DNC headquarters and steal campaign information is a crime. National intelligence failures are not criminal acts.
Are really that stupid, if your dear leader hadn't lied and had his administration lie to cover his ass for the election this would have been for gotten a long time ago. The crime is the lies and trying to cover the lies. The new emails prove that the state dept notified the Libyan government with in 12 hours they knew exactly who was responsible, yet continued to lie to the American public for weeks in a coordinated attempt to deceive the voters. That is the crime here, nothing more nothing less.

Indeed. Anyone who goes into service for the State Department and takes overseas assignments understands (and accepts) the possibility of being killed. It's part of the job - just like the military.

The difference here is that 4 Americans were murdered and this clown president covered it up in order to be re-elected. There is no equivocation here.

Nixon lied about knowledge of a break in at the Watergate during his reelection - no one was hurt, no one was killed. He was forced to resign.

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 4 people (as is Hillary) and it's a "witch hunt".

Conspiracy to break into the DNC headquarters and steal campaign information is a crime. National intelligence failures are not criminal acts.

"National intelligence failures" - yeah, right. You sound just like Bill Clinton.
Indeed. Anyone who goes into service for the State Department and takes overseas assignments understands (and accepts) the possibility of being killed. It's part of the job - just like the military.

The difference here is that 4 Americans were murdered and this clown president covered it up in order to be re-elected. There is no equivocation here.

Nixon lied about knowledge of a break in at the Watergate during his reelection - no one was hurt, no one was killed. He was forced to resign.

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 4 people (as is Hillary) and it's a "witch hunt".

Conspiracy to break into the DNC headquarters and steal campaign information is a crime. National intelligence failures are not criminal acts.

"National intelligence failures" - yeah, right. You sound just like Bill Clinton.

What would you call it?

Anyway, "lying to the American people" isn't a crime, either.
Tell us, which incident did Bush blame on a video that no one had seen?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

Are really that stupid, if your dear leader hadn't lied and had his administration lie to cover his ass for the election this would have been for gotten a long time ago. The crime is the lies and trying to cover the lies. The new emails prove that the state dept notified the Libyan government with in 12 hours they knew exactly who was responsible, yet continued to lie to the American public for weeks in a coordinated attempt to deceive the voters. That is the crime here, nothing more nothing less.
Benghazi occurred on Sept 11, 2012.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.”
— Obama, Rose Garden, Sept. 12
“We want to send a message all around the world — anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America.”
— Obama, campaign event in Las Vegas, Sept. 13
“I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. It will not dim the light of the values that we proudly present to the rest of the world. No act of violence shakes the resolve of the United States of America.”
— Obama, campaign event in Golden, Colo., Sept. 13
Isn't an act of terror, terrorism? Exactly where is the cover-up?
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bbbbuuuuuusssssshhhhh!!!! I knew it was just a matter of time.......
What we have here is DEFLECTION. Why is it so important to have committee's on Benghazi when you didn't give a shit about the 13 attacks that occurred during the previous president's term? Could it possibly have anything to do with the previous president being a WHITE, REPUBLICAN and the current president being a BLACK DEMOCRAT?

Oh hell, I apologize....I forgot.....Conservatives are all racists....gotcha. Oh wait - I'm a conservative and I'm black. Oooops.....:D
Just more DEFLECTION and not worth rebutting.
can't find anything from this decade to bitch about?

plenty, but your guy ran a campaign based on binders of women. What the hell does that mean?

It means Romney had collected resumes of women that he kept in 3 ring binders, or notebooks, as some people call them.

Women he believed were intelligent and as capable as any man for filling staff or cabinet positions.

Liberals twisted the word "binders" around like it meant something evil and sadistic and with the assistance of the corrupt media the truth could not be heard.
Benghazi is all you have to bitch about. The others do not matter to you at all.
You hate being shown your hypocrisy.

a series of blame game speeches to distract from the big question: where were you as 4 americans in benghazi were being murdered and counting on you for help?
and where was bush when 13 embassy's were attacked durning the bush presidency? Why were there no calls for investigations and committee's then?
January 22, 2002. Calcutta, india. Gunmen associated with harkat-ul-jihad al-islami attack the u.s. Consulate. five people are killed.

june 14, 2002. Karachi, pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al qaeda attacks the u.s. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, indonesia. U.s. Diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of "bali bombings." no fatalities.

february 28, 2003. Islamabad, pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the u.s. Embassy. two people are killed.

may 12, 2003. Riyadh, saudi arabia. Armed al qaeda terrorists storm the diplomatic compound, killing 36 people including nine americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the islamic movement of uzbekistan attacks the u.s. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, saudi arabia. Al qaeda terrorists storm the u.s. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. nine people are killed.

march 2, 2006. Karachi, pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the u.s. Consulate killing four people, including u.s. Diplomat david foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. (i wonder if lindsey graham or fox news would even recognize the name "david foy." this is the third karachi terrorist attack in four years on what's considered american soil.)

september 12, 2006. Damascus, syria. Four armed gunmen shouting "allahu akbar" storm the u.s. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

january 12, 2007. Athens, greece. Members of a greek terrorist group called the revolutionary struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the u.s. Embassy. no fatalities.

march 18, 2008. Sana'a, yemen. Members of the al-qaeda-linked islamic jihad of yemen fire a mortar at the u.s. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the u.s. Consulate. six people are killed.

september 17, 2008. Sana'a, yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the u.s. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including rpgs and detonate two car bombs. sixteen people are killed, including an american student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

bbbbuuuuuusssssshhhhh!!!! I knew it was just a matter of time.......
Indeed. Anyone who goes into service for the State Department and takes overseas assignments understands (and accepts) the possibility of being killed. It's part of the job - just like the military.

The difference here is that 4 Americans were murdered and this clown president covered it up in order to be re-elected. There is no equivocation here.

Nixon lied about knowledge of a break in at the Watergate during his reelection - no one was hurt, no one was killed. He was forced to resign.

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 4 people (as is Hillary) and it's a "witch hunt".

Conspiracy to break into the DNC headquarters and steal campaign information is a crime. National intelligence failures are not criminal acts.

"National intelligence failures" - yeah, right. You sound just like Bill Clinton.
That just like "Workplace Violence" you know like Ft. Hood?
Tell us, which incident did Bush blame on a video that no one had seen?
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.
Wait a minute here!!!! If I am not mistaken it is the republicans who are calling for ANOTHER committee to examine what has been examined in the past. If anyone is making political sport out of the deaths of those 4 Americans it is the gop.
And you tell me why 4 people killed on a Democratic watch is more importat than 95 people killed on the republican watch.

The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.
Wait a minute here!!!! If I am not mistaken it is the republicans who are calling for ANOTHER committee to examine what has been examined in the past. If anyone is making political sport out of the deaths of those 4 Americans it is the gop.

Now, more of the evidence is seeing the light of day where it was suppressed before. :eusa_whistle:
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Conspiracy to break into the DNC headquarters and steal campaign information is a crime. National intelligence failures are not criminal acts.

"National intelligence failures" - yeah, right. You sound just like Bill Clinton.

What would you call it?

Anyway, "lying to the American people" isn't a crime, either.
WMD. Either that is a lie or a national intelligence failure and either way you would defend bush to the death. Isn't that correct?
The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.
Wait a minute here!!!! If I am not mistaken it is the republicans who are calling for ANOTHER committee to examine what has been examined in the past. If anyone is making political sport out of the deaths of those 4 Americans it is the gop.

Now, more of the evidence is seeing the light of day where is was suppressed before. :eusa_whistle:
Yep...and that evidence shows that WE and the Congress were all lied to from the start. Now one has to wonder what else they're holding back.
The point is nobody should have died. The sad thing here is that YOU are making political sport out of it. Utterly sickening.
Wait a minute here!!!! If I am not mistaken it is the republicans who are calling for ANOTHER committee to examine what has been examined in the past. If anyone is making political sport out of the deaths of those 4 Americans it is the gop.

Now, more of the evidence is seeing the light of day where is was suppressed before. :eusa_whistle:
And almost all the "evidence" that has come out is either of minor importance or a series of lies. Do you remember the 60 Minutes program that claimed to have evidence against Obama? Do you remember when that evidence was shown to be a lie?
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