This can not be defended

The hell they have...Rice said 2 weeks ago that the CIA still thinks that was probably the trigger...but why wake the loudmouth dupes up again- everyone else knows this is a dumb argument until we CATCH an what does this bs matter ...
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Now, more of the evidence is seeing the light of day where is was suppressed before. :eusa_whistle:
Yep...and that evidence shows that WE and the Congress were all lied to from the start. Now one has to wonder what else they're holding back.
And you have proof that evidence was withheld? What you and the republican party are doing is screaming "Smoke! Smoke!" and praying for a fire.
Here is what is going to happen: The gop will scream Benghazi because they have NOTHING to run on. The republicans have done nothing these last 5 years and they have no accomplishments to point. Meanwhile the general public couldn't give a shit about Benghazi. The people want a government that works for them and not a government that has committee meeting after committee meeting.

The circular logic you are using is telling.

"The American public doesn't care about that liar Monica Lewinsky."

"The Press doesn't care about Monica Lewinsky because the public isn't outraged."

"The American public doesn't care about Monica Lewinsky because it's only on the fringe."

And then the "Blue Dress."

This is the same thing. It's not the lie, it's the cover up.
Until George W. Bush dies in prison for crimes against humanity, all of you stupid motherfuckers need to shut up about Benghazi.

"Four Americans died! Four Americans died!" And anyone who mentions the 4,000 who died from Bush's illegal torture war in Iraq, you all start mocking them with, "Blame Bush!" That's all you fucking people have? Benghazi, Benghazi, O Lord, BENGHAZI! For the last time, BENGHAZI DOES NOT MATTER. It was one attack out of several. This is just the Republicans' way of trying to make Obama seem as bad as Bush.

Meanwhile, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki is still waiting for justice. Do you fucking people even know who Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was? Is it because his name wasn't Timmy Johnson or Dave Smith that you all don't care about him? Is it because he wasn't a WHITE American teenager that you all don't care about him? You flaming ***** can bitch all decade about Benghazi but you don't even care that a 16-yo American was killed by the US Federal government over unspecified potential future crimes?

Bush lied the country into war. Obama killed an American teenager via drone without charges or trial or evidence. Benghazi doesn't matter.
Obama doubling down on what he accused Bush of doing.

Proves my point; If you want to know what the Democrats are doing, listen to what they accuse the Republicans of doing!
Exactly. They tell you precisely their intent/thoughts by what they accuse Conservatives of doing. (And their too stupid to know/realize that they're doing it).

I think it's more like the old grade school, "who farted" game.

or, "thou dost protesteth too much"
Obama doubling down on what he accused Bush of doing.

Proves my point; If you want to know what the Democrats are doing, listen to what they accuse the Republicans of doing!

are you averse to fact-based reality, as well?

reality... there were 13 benghazis under baby bush and 50 dead.

not that the rightwingnutloon brigade is interested

continue faux-raging.

Please detail the 13 times a terrorist attack was blamed on a video.

This'll be interesting.
Until George W. Bush dies in prison for crimes against humanity, all of you stupid motherfuckers need to shut up about Benghazi.

"Four Americans died! Four Americans died!" And anyone who mentions the 4,000 who died from Bush's illegal torture war in Iraq, you all start mocking them with, "Blame Bush!" That's all you fucking people have? Benghazi, Benghazi, O Lord, BENGHAZI! For the last time, BENGHAZI DOES NOT MATTER. It was one attack out of several. This is just the Republicans' way of trying to make Obama seem as bad as Bush.

Meanwhile, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki is still waiting for justice. Do you fucking people even know who Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was? Is it because his name wasn't Timmy Johnson or Dave Smith that you all don't care about him? Is it because he wasn't a WHITE American teenager that you all don't care about him? You flaming ***** can bitch all decade about Benghazi but you don't even care that a 16-yo American was killed by the US Federal government over unspecified potential future crimes?

Bush lied the country into war. Obama killed an American teenager via drone without charges or trial or evidence. Benghazi doesn't matter.

Bush lied us into wars that have decimated an innocent country and killed millions.

I hate drones but I hate war a lot more.

And I really hate the constant revisionist history from the right.

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