This Can't Be True. Tell Me It's A Lie.

You stuffed so much bullshit, lies, and false propaganda in these three paragraphs, you should get an award. The Palestinian "living conditions" are their own doing, continued by their leadership for their own benefit.

Funny or should I say hilarious that you call the Israelis the supremacists when they have over two million Arab Muslims living as Jews, while its the Palestinians that are calling for the genocide of Jews in their own religious and ancestral land.

Rest assured that Israelis will always have the upper hand, and will continue to defend and defeat this Islamist cancer that has gripped the entire world, started in part by the so called Palestinians.
Wow! amazing propaganda!
Which part, Dunce101?
The part about the 13 year old girl stabbed to death in her sleep. In her house. Of course she's Israeli, night clothes were full combat gear and she had an M-16. Better kill her before she kills. Right!
I heard about that on the news.

did you read their mission statement ?
if not here's a section of it :
Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.

Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

if that's not propaganda then nothing is.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
Wow! amazing propaganda!
Which part, Dunce101?
The part about the 13 year old girl stabbed to death in her sleep. In her house. Of course she's Israeli, night clothes were full combat gear and she had an M-16. Better kill her before she kills. Right!
I heard about that on the news.

did you read their mission statement ?
if not here's a section of it :
Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.

Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

if that's not propaganda then nothing is.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
The part about the 13 year old girl stabbed to death in her sleep. In her house. Of course she's Israeli, night clothes were full combat gear and she had an M-16. Better kill her before she kills. Right!
I heard about that on the news.

did you read their mission statement ?
if not here's a section of it :
Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.

Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

if that's not propaganda then nothing is.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
Yep, you failed.
The part about the 13 year old girl stabbed to death in her sleep. In her house. Of course she's Israeli, night clothes were full combat gear and she had an M-16. Better kill her before she kills. Right!
I heard about that on the news.

did you read their mission statement ?
if not here's a section of it :
Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.

Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

if that's not propaganda then nothing is.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
Yep, you failed.
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!
The part about the 13 year old girl stabbed to death in her sleep. In her house. Of course she's Israeli, night clothes were full combat gear and she had an M-16. Better kill her before she kills. Right!
I heard about that on the news.

did you read their mission statement ?
if not here's a section of it :
Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.

Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

if that's not propaganda then nothing is.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
Yep, you failed.
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!

You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
I heard about that on the news.

did you read their mission statement ?
if not here's a section of it :
Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.

Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

if that's not propaganda then nothing is.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
Yep, you failed.
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!

You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
There ya go proving your ignorance and stupidity.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
Yep, you failed.
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!

You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
All propaganda has some truth in it.
Your source is not unbiased either.
Yep, you failed.
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!

You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
Yep, you failed.
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!

You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
in your fantasy in reality not so much.
Nice deflection though!

You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
You didn't know the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Islamist supremacist and a Nazi who imported Nazism to the Arab world while promoting the genocide of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East. You failed, epically.
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
false! I studied world history in college and that was in 1981 .
Failed false accusation.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
only in your masturbation fantasy.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh please don't make me laugh. Where did you go to college...What The Fuck U? Besides, colleges don't teach these kinds of details, dufus. Not enough time. Unless you're majoring in it, and even then.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
only in your masturbation fantasy.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
jealously rears it's mishapen head.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
only in your masturbation fantasy.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
I studied world history! Ha ha ha ha. OMG. I bet you're gonna tell us you know the alphabet by heart?
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
only in your masturbation fantasy.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
College world history covers the Israel Palestine conflict in depth?

Moron doesn't even realize he put his foot in his mouth.
And ruin your hilarious tantrum, no way!
Btw who's us ?
The argumentum ad populum fallicy at work!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
only in your masturbation fantasy.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
College world history covers the Israel Palestine conflict in depth?

Moron doesn't even realize he put his foot in his mouth.
Mine did . Jealous much?
Strike two.
Ohhhh no not the yur a ( place pejorative here) ploy again!
No you had a world history course in some dumbass community college for retards like yourself like 40 years ago, and therefore you're qualified on this subject. My bad. :rofl:
only in your masturbation fantasy.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
College world history covers the Israel Palestine conflict in depth?

Moron doesn't even realize he put his foot in his mouth.
Mine did . Jealous much?
Strike two.
Ohhhh no not the yur a ( place pejorative here) ploy again!
Well, show us how your world history course qualifies you in this matter. I'm really jealous to know.
only in your masturbation fantasy.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
College world history covers the Israel Palestine conflict in depth?

Moron doesn't even realize he put his foot in his mouth.
Mine did . Jealous much?
Strike two.
Ohhhh no not the yur a ( place pejorative here) ploy again!
Well, show us how your world history course qualifies you in this matter. I'm really jealous to know.
Who's us?
The question is what are your qualifications ?
Everything you've posted is biased and bordering on hysteria.
Do you or have you lived there or do have friends or family there.
If not you are armchair quarterbacking.
It's what you claimed, dumbass. Keep up. You made those comments about your stupid irrelvant college world history course.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
College world history covers the Israel Palestine conflict in depth?

Moron doesn't even realize he put his foot in his mouth.
Mine did . Jealous much?
Strike two.
Ohhhh no not the yur a ( place pejorative here) ploy again!
Well, show us how your world history course qualifies you in this matter. I'm really jealous to know.
Who's us?
The question is what are your qualifications ?
Everything you've posted is biased and bordering on hysteria.
Do you or have you lived there or do have friends or family there.
If not you are armchair quarterbacking.
Yes to all three of your questions.

Now slither away.
It's no claim , it's fact what is not fact is your false accusations about what kind of college it was and everything else you've said about about me or what I know.
You're tossing irrelevant shit and hoping something will stick and you're failing.
College world history covers the Israel Palestine conflict in depth?

Moron doesn't even realize he put his foot in his mouth.
Mine did . Jealous much?
Strike two.
Ohhhh no not the yur a ( place pejorative here) ploy again!
Well, show us how your world history course qualifies you in this matter. I'm really jealous to know.
Who's us?
The question is what are your qualifications ?
Everything you've posted is biased and bordering on hysteria.
Do you or have you lived there or do have friends or family there.
If not you are armchair quarterbacking.
Yes to all three of your questions.

Now slither away.
I'll stay.

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