This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

Your country was founded nearly 350 years ago as an agrarian economy and had a population of less than 3 million people. Most people were born, grew up, lived and died within a 50 mile radius. Culture and society have changed markedly since that time.

You are no longer an agrarian economy. You have over 300,000,000 people. Your economy is based on goods and services, not agriculture. And you’ve become a huge military power.

What made a country safe and strong in 1776 won’t work today, and I seriously doubt many people are interested in dismantling the military industrial complex you’ve become.

Seriously man, stop dwelling on your pre-Revolutionary heritage. That and $2 will buy you a cup of coffee.

My family has been in this country since before since the Revolutionary War as well. We have our own town which was owned and developed generations ago. I’m proud of my heritage and my family’s contribution to our country but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t make me any different or better than the next guy. Even if he just became a citizen last week.

Then there is no place for me in this world. Let me go consider eating a bullet. Thanks.
Actually the US started to go downhill with Reagan. HIs low tax rates on the rich make it impossible to have a Fair modern country.
I think a problem that Democrats don’t realize, is this country is too large and diverse to operate under a single all-encompassing governing policy. And the founders realized that from the beginning, we are a federation of States. So, it appears from your sidebar info that you might be a New Yorker, so let me continue expounding on this issue using New York as an example. There is actually no real need for huge federal tax cuts to hurt New York. It only hurts New York if New York has made itself a dependent, like a vassal, on federal taxing/spending.

Let’s take Medicare for example. Since New Yorkers earn more in general than people in the rest of the country, the federal payroll tax skim will necessarily take more money out of New York than average. Then those payroll taxes just go into the general fund along side income taxes and other revenue sources, and the US Treasury draws on the general fund to pay Medicare. The Medicare “trust fund” is mostly just an indicator, it really doesn’t tell the whole story. So in the case of New York, all kinds of funds are siphoned out of New York into Washington DC, and then FEWER dollars than were siphoned out, are returned back to New York. Now do you think other states are grateful for the transfers from New York? Nope, in fact they are often resentful of New Yorkers who they feel are trying to impose their values on them. Many of them in fact want to punish New Yorkers; that’s what the whole repeal of the state and local tax deduction is about. Many want to gleefully sit back and watch New York suffer, like a big dumb milk cow that will be used (and abused) until death. I say wake up and don’t be a chump.

In terms of healthcare policy, here’s an example of what New Yorkers could do…
Step 1: Agitate for the repeal of Medicare and Obamacare, and demand matching tax reductions to go with it. A federal medicaid type program for the poor (that should get constitutionally authorized first) could be funded through a national sales tax. I also think that the federal business tax deductions for health insurance should be eliminated (it’s just a huge federal market distortion that removes sovereignty from the states).
Step 2: New York should use the resulting funding windfall (New York money staying in New York), to implement a public option health insurance plan. It could be simply means tested with a deductible (and/or premium) that shrinks for people with less income.
Step 3: Limitations on out-of-staters waltzing into New York and taking advantage of the plan would have to be imposed. Something like a five year New York residency waiting period before being eligible.

I truly think the repeal of the state and local tax deduction should be a wake-up call for “blue states”. Republicans intend to do you harm, and as long as you’re ceding sovereignty to the federal government, you’re being complicit in that harm. Federalism is the way out, it’s baked into the constitution, and all you have to do is claim it. I think we as a nation can work just fine as mostly a federation for the common defense, but trying to impose one-size-fits-all social policy is a recipe for resentment. There’s just too many differences between New Yorkers and say, Alabamans, for that to work.

It isn't that the USA is too big for Democrat policies to work. It's the fact that their policies suck. They wouldn't work even on a country the size of Norway. Norway is able to pay for its socialist boondoggles only because it sits on top of an ocean of oil. Economically Norway is similar to Kuwait or Qatar. People don't have to work much there because they pump money out of the ground. A similar sized country, say Poland, can't do that because they don't have black gold they can just pump out of the ground.
Your country was founded nearly 350 years ago as an agrarian economy and had a population of less than 3 million people. Most people were born, grew up, lived and died within a 50 mile radius. Culture and society have changed markedly since that time.

You are no longer an agrarian economy. You have over 300,000,000 people. Your economy is based on goods and services, not agriculture. And you’ve become a huge military power.

What made a country safe and strong in 1776 won’t work today, and I seriously doubt many people are interested in dismantling the military industrial complex you’ve become.

Seriously man, stop dwelling on your pre-Revolutionary heritage. That and $2 will buy you a cup of coffee.

My family has been in this country since before since the Revolutionary War as well. We have our own town which was owned and developed generations ago. I’m proud of my heritage and my family’s contribution to our country but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t make me any different or better than the next guy. Even if he just became a citizen last week.

Then there is no place for me in this world. Let me go consider eating a bullet. Thanks.

What a drama queen you are!

Bon appetit!
Actually the US started to go downhill with Reagan. HIs low tax rates on the rich make it impossible to have a Fair modern country.
I think a problem that Democrats don’t realize, is this country is too large and diverse to operate under a single all-encompassing governing policy. And the founders realized that from the beginning, we are a federation of States. So, it appears from your sidebar info that you might be a New Yorker, so let me continue expounding on this issue using New York as an example. There is actually no real need for huge federal tax cuts to hurt New York. It only hurts New York if New York has made itself a dependent, like a vassal, on federal taxing/spending.

Let’s take Medicare for example. Since New Yorkers earn more in general than people in the rest of the country, the federal payroll tax skim will necessarily take more money out of New York than average. Then those payroll taxes just go into the general fund along side income taxes and other revenue sources, and the US Treasury draws on the general fund to pay Medicare. The Medicare “trust fund” is mostly just an indicator, it really doesn’t tell the whole story. So in the case of New York, all kinds of funds are siphoned out of New York into Washington DC, and then FEWER dollars than were siphoned out, are returned back to New York. Now do you think other states are grateful for the transfers from New York? Nope, in fact they are often resentful of New Yorkers who they feel are trying to impose their values on them. Many of them in fact want to punish New Yorkers; that’s what the whole repeal of the state and local tax deduction is about. Many want to gleefully sit back and watch New York suffer, like a big dumb milk cow that will be used (and abused) until death. I say wake up and don’t be a chump.

In terms of healthcare policy, here’s an example of what New Yorkers could do…
Step 1: Agitate for the repeal of Medicare and Obamacare, and demand matching tax reductions to go with it. A federal medicaid type program for the poor (that should get constitutionally authorized first) could be funded through a national sales tax. I also think that the federal business tax deductions for health insurance should be eliminated (it’s just a huge federal market distortion that removes sovereignty from the states).
Step 2: New York should use the resulting funding windfall (New York money staying in New York), to implement a public option health insurance plan. It could be simply means tested with a deductible (and/or premium) that shrinks for people with less income.
Step 3: Limitations on out-of-staters waltzing into New York and taking advantage of the plan would have to be imposed. Something like a five year New York residency waiting period before being eligible.

I truly think the repeal of the state and local tax deduction should be a wake-up call for “blue states”. Republicans intend to do you harm, and as long as you’re ceding sovereignty to the federal government, you’re being complicit in that harm. Federalism is the way out, it’s baked into the constitution, and all you have to do is claim it. I think we as a nation can work just fine as mostly a federation for the common defense, but trying to impose one-size-fits-all social policy is a recipe for resentment. There’s just too many differences between New Yorkers and say, Alabamans, for that to work.

It isn't that the USA is too big for Democrat policies to work. It's the fact that their policies suck. They wouldn't work even on a country the size of Norway. Norway is able to pay for its socialist boondoggles only because it sits on top of an ocean of oil. Economically Norway is similar to Kuwait or Qatar. People don't have to work much there because they pump money out of the ground. A similar sized country, say Poland, can't do that because they don't have black gold they can just pump out of the ground.
Actually the US started to go downhill with Reagan. HIs low tax rates on the rich make it impossible to have a Fair modern country.
I think a problem that Democrats don’t realize, is this country is too large and diverse to operate under a single all-encompassing governing policy. And the founders realized that from the beginning, we are a federation of States. So, it appears from your sidebar info that you might be a New Yorker, so let me continue expounding on this issue using New York as an example. There is actually no real need for huge federal tax cuts to hurt New York. It only hurts New York if New York has made itself a dependent, like a vassal, on federal taxing/spending.

Let’s take Medicare for example. Since New Yorkers earn more in general than people in the rest of the country, the federal payroll tax skim will necessarily take more money out of New York than average. Then those payroll taxes just go into the general fund along side income taxes and other revenue sources, and the US Treasury draws on the general fund to pay Medicare. The Medicare “trust fund” is mostly just an indicator, it really doesn’t tell the whole story. So in the case of New York, all kinds of funds are siphoned out of New York into Washington DC, and then FEWER dollars than were siphoned out, are returned back to New York. Now do you think other states are grateful for the transfers from New York? Nope, in fact they are often resentful of New Yorkers who they feel are trying to impose their values on them. Many of them in fact want to punish New Yorkers; that’s what the whole repeal of the state and local tax deduction is about. Many want to gleefully sit back and watch New York suffer, like a big dumb milk cow that will be used (and abused) until death. I say wake up and don’t be a chump.

In terms of healthcare policy, here’s an example of what New Yorkers could do…
Step 1: Agitate for the repeal of Medicare and Obamacare, and demand matching tax reductions to go with it. A federal medicaid type program for the poor (that should get constitutionally authorized first) could be funded through a national sales tax. I also think that the federal business tax deductions for health insurance should be eliminated (it’s just a huge federal market distortion that removes sovereignty from the states).
Step 2: New York should use the resulting funding windfall (New York money staying in New York), to implement a public option health insurance plan. It could be simply means tested with a deductible (and/or premium) that shrinks for people with less income.
Step 3: Limitations on out-of-staters waltzing into New York and taking advantage of the plan would have to be imposed. Something like a five year New York residency waiting period before being eligible.

I truly think the repeal of the state and local tax deduction should be a wake-up call for “blue states”. Republicans intend to do you harm, and as long as you’re ceding sovereignty to the federal government, you’re being complicit in that harm. Federalism is the way out, it’s baked into the constitution, and all you have to do is claim it. I think we as a nation can work just fine as mostly a federation for the common defense, but trying to impose one-size-fits-all social policy is a recipe for resentment. There’s just too many differences between New Yorkers and say, Alabamans, for that to work.

It isn't that the USA is too big for Democrat policies to work. It's the fact that their policies suck. They wouldn't work even on a country the size of Norway. Norway is able to pay for its socialist boondoggles only because it sits on top of an ocean of oil. Economically Norway is similar to Kuwait or Qatar. People don't have to work much there because they pump money out of the ground. A similar sized country, say Poland, can't do that because they don't have black gold they can just pump out of the ground.

Liberal policies didn’t crash the world’s economy - twice. They didn’t lead your country to start endless wars in the Middle East. They didn’t lead to the transfer of the majority of the nation’s wealth to the top 10%, or cut funding to healthcare and education. They didn’t double and then triple the deficit. Those would be Republican policies.

Liberals cleaned up the mess Reagan and Bush 41 created. They cleaned up the mess Bush 43 made. And here you are getting ready to cut taxes and do it all over again.

Add in a war with North Korea or Iran and you have the conservative trifecta - war, deficit and debt. Yippee!
Why should I stfu? Because I don't want, or need, government health care?
Kiss my ass.

No darling I told you that because you said maybe I should move, as a European I have a right to correct inaccurate American ramblings about any nation on this Continent.
1st of all, I'm not your darling.
2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

"2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

What part of I am not American that I am European and live on the European Continent do you NOT understand?

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

Stupid ignorant American is telling a European who live here on the European Continent to:

"Maybe you should move."

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ Idiot is telling me to get out of my OWN Continent :lol:

Lol no wonder so many people think Americans are ignorant and stupid, you are a prime example of both, thank goodness that the Americans I know in RL are all educated and coherent and not Lower Class ignorant hogs like you.
That would be the Ugly American GOP who have gotten even worse because they're no longer the silent majority but now the loudmouth brainwashed majority...

Well I already told him I wasn't American and that I live on the European Continent and he responded with:

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ I mean WTF sort of low IQ idiocy is that response to my comments?
You're a fool. Retread the post dumbass, and get back to me.
No darling I told you that because you said maybe I should move, as a European I have a right to correct inaccurate American ramblings about any nation on this Continent.
1st of all, I'm not your darling.
2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

"2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

What part of I am not American that I am European and live on the European Continent do you NOT understand?

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

Stupid ignorant American is telling a European who live here on the European Continent to:

"Maybe you should move."

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ Idiot is telling me to get out of my OWN Continent :lol:

Lol no wonder so many people think Americans are ignorant and stupid, you are a prime example of both, thank goodness that the Americans I know in RL are all educated and coherent and not Lower Class ignorant hogs like you.
That would be the Ugly American GOP who have gotten even worse because they're no longer the silent majority but now the loudmouth brainwashed majority...

Well I already told him I wasn't American and that I live on the European Continent and he responded with:

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ I mean WTF sort of low IQ idiocy is that response to my comments?
You're a fool. Retread the post dumbass, and get back to me.

You are the fool.


I already you I wasn't American and that I live on the European Continent and you responded with:

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."
What a drama queen you are!

It may be dramatic, but am I wrong? I don't think so. For those of us who believe in the nation that was founded in 1776, where do we fit in this world? Or are we just better off removing ourselves from it.

You’re better off by putting your education and experience to work to solve today’s problems of inequity and injustice instead of romanticizing the past.

One of the principles your Founding Fathers strongly believed in was to avoid the endless wars and militarism that was rampant in Europe at the time. A focus on building up the country and investing in its infrastructure, development and ensuring a good education for everyone is what made America great.

Now you squander you blood and treasure on endless wars to protect “American interests”. You export arms and munitions to allies as “foreign aid”. I happen to think your Founding Father’s were bang on in their assessment of the futility of foreign wars.

Your involvement in Iran post WWII lead to the rise of the Ayatollahs. Given the abuses of power by the Shah of Iran, propped up by the US government, is it any wonder that the Iranian people see you as their enemy?

Look at the billions wasted in the Iraq War, not to mention the destabilization of the entire Middle East. It lead to the rise of ISIS and gave a whole new generation of jihadists fresh reasons to hate the US. Think of where your country would be if you had invested that money in infrastructure, education and programs for your citizens.

Your Founders believed that the people mattered. Government of the people, by the people and for the people, but that has been perverted. It’s now government of the people, by the rich, and for the rich and their Corporations.

You say that there have been two internal wars - the Revolutionary War won by the people, the Civil War won by the government, and a rubber match is needed. Your take on this is false. The people won the Civil War as well. The South partitioned the country and left the Union. The American people who remained united under the Constitution won the war.

If there’s a “rubber match” it will be won the government. There is no other possible outcome. They have the best equipped army in the history of the world, with weapons of unimaginable power. Any force which opposes them will by outmanned and most assuredly outgunned.

So the choice is yours. Do you work together to form a more perfect union, where “all men are created equal” or do you continue to let the politics of lies and division continue to sap your strength and vitality?
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.

Here's a hint.
Immigrants are 22 percent of federal prison population
This argument gets used by right wingers all the time. It's fucking infantile.

It's basic common sense... If you don't like where you'r lick g you have three useful optiond:

1. Sit down. Shut up. Deal with it.
2. Take up arms to change the situation.
3. Leave.

Leftists aren't capable of 1 or 2 so offer them option 3.

Or how about trying to change the situation in a sensible manner? It never, ever occurred to you that people can actually use their fucking brains to make things better? Not the American way? The American way is to do things in the most fucked up stupid way possible?
OK, why don't you suggest a way?

What does white America have to do and how much of a change will it be to make things better?

There is no black America, no brown America and no white American. There is only America. Until you embrace the idea that you are one nation and that everyone has a stake in its success, you will continue to be divided and in decline.

A house divided against itself, cannot stand. Americans are deeply divided and Trump magnifies and amplifies those divides as no President before him. You’ll be lucky to have a country by the time he’s done.

"A house divided against itself, cannot stand."

A lot of that division is because Leftists have been blaming White Americans for ALL the problems America has ever had,
they never miss an opportunity to bash White people and they expect ALL White people to have this guilt complex because of Muh Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago and Muh Colonialism. This has nothing to do with The Donald he is not responsible for all of that, that began before he was elected.

Because of this Leftists are pitting Whites against Blacks, it's almost like they want a full blown Race War which wouldn't be a good thing for America.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.
Norway is sitting on top of an ocean of oil. That's the only way welfare states can pay for all the promises they make. Any other circumstance puts you on the road to bankruptcy.
Norway is not even in the top ten in oil production. You would be suprised how far your money can go when you do not out spend the entire rest of the world on defense, 90% of all county money on courts, cops and jails. Spread out the money that the CEOs make to the workers who actually spend thier money in the local economy. CEO's there do not make 1000 times their workers sa\ary. They are a large exporter as they have a small population and do not use all the oil they produce.
This argument gets used by right wingers all the time. It's fucking infantile.

It's basic common sense... If you don't like where you'r lick g you have three useful optiond:

1. Sit down. Shut up. Deal with it.
2. Take up arms to change the situation.
3. Leave.

Leftists aren't capable of 1 or 2 so offer them option 3.

Your ideas of how to deal with situations you don’t like are very limited. The only solution you have for change is to take up arms. A foolish and short sighted notion at best.

How about working for change? Takes longer, requires initiative, planning and organization, but most of the world finds it far more effective than violence.
Change, exactly what?

Whatever you want to change.
Great non-answer.

How about this for change, outlaw BLM, NAACP, the CBC and any other such group.

Don't know what CBC is, but yes you need to outlaw BLM and the NAACP and all those Race Baiting organisations full of Black Racists and Black Supremacists.
The amazing thing is we are the only modern country without 5 6 week paid vacations after a year a living wage free healthcare free daycare free University... All to protect the poor Mega rich and rich people half of home want to pay more the good Democrats
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.
You need to move.
You need to get a braid, brainwashed functional moron... Why are we the only country in the modern world which doesn't have 5 6 week vacations after a year, free healthcare free daycare free University good infrastructure..... All to save the rich the bloated rich... You are such a punk you would support a king you people don't deserve to have democracy stupid.
Can you back up one thing you say without insults and rhetoric. Why bitch about what you don't have? Does the country owe you?
I've got everything I want... What is the matter with you people? LOL yes the country owes me but especially the GOP a****** Rich owe me, super dupe. And all you brainwashed functional morons who vote for them... Stupidest voters anywhere... The United States used to be a leader in social equality. No more now Idiot. and you will never figure it out so why not just insult you. At least I have a reason LOL. Tell me I have to leave my country I'll be down there and bite your stupid head off.

The country owes you what?
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.

Here's a hint.
Immigrants are 22 percent of federal prison population

The sensible policy would be to deport all criminal Immigrants, if you have 22 percent of your prison population who are Immigrants they should be deported to nation of origin, not have American taxpayers paying to keep them in your prisons.
The diversity thing is the crap Republican propaganda device. Democrats want to end illegal immigration. I'm not even sure Republican Masters even want to end it. They love the cheap easily bullied labor.

^^^^ Of course they do not want to end illegal immigration, the Democrats and the Republicans are both owned by the same crowd the Big Corporations and the Big Corporations want illegal immigrants for cheap labour and the lowest of wages, this is why you have most of the Republican Party fighting The Donald when he says he wants to deport all the illegal immigrants and this is why you have them all fighting against him wanting to Build The Wall etc.
Do you get Fox America on TV where you are? What a pile of crap evil Hillary evil Foundation evil Obama the Muslim Kenyan...

No, but I have seen it on the Internet, in general I think your MSM is very strange even by European MSM standards for one thing all the presenters are near hysteria and talk very fast like they are on Happy Pills, I do not rate any MSM anymore I think most of it is Propaganda, even the British BBC World Service has now gone down the toilet.
I still think the nightly news on ABC CBS and NBC is good. Fox is propaganda,a disgrace most of the time. MSNBC and CNN in the United States at least they just keep talking and talking and talking and never given me foreign News. BBC is fine. What I only get 24 minutes of it a day...
Have you ever heard Rush Limbaugh Alex Jones Savage etc etc right-wing American talk shows where they are off the wall and full of s***and Hate? That's what we're getting on here from the Republicans an imaginary planet... Foreigners like you who cares what the f*** they think LOL if you become difficult LOL.. something like 80% of Americans don't have passports and have never traveled it's a mess the greatest generation during World War II were our saving grace.

I've heard some of Rush Limbaugh when people here have posted clips of him, everyone knows about Alex Jones and InfoWars, he's getting more and more unhinged, I do not know who Savage is.
How many blacks in Norway?
Finding the OP Mutt touting a majority WHITE nation is rather different.

Most Western nations who are having problems didn't have those problems until they started importing Muslims and low IQ Africans, this is something that Leftists refuse to accept, they think these people are a benefit when normal sane people know it's the opposite.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.
Can I help you pack your luggage? Call you an airport taxi?
You’re better off by putting your education and experience to work to solve today’s problems of inequity and injustice instead of romanticizing the past.

Injustice, yes. We need to harshly and violently punish ALL criminals, of every social and economic caste. Inequality is the natural state of human life. To believe otherwise is sheer foolishness, and not something the Founders actually believed in.

One of the principles your Founding Fathers strongly believed in was to avoid the endless wars and militarism that was rampant in Europe at the time. A focus on building up the country and investing in its infrastructure, development and ensuring a good education for everyone is what made America great.

I am Again st all military interventionism. Including WWI & WWII.

You are sorely mistaken to believe that the Founders saw education, housing, most infrstructure, or the country as the Federal Government's purview. Those things were the focus of the States and the People.

America was to be made or broken on the backs of the Peoole, NOT the Government.

Your Founders believed that the people mattered. Government of the people, by the people and for the people, but that has been perverted. It’s now government of the people, by the rich, and for the rich and their Corporations.

It has been perverted, by expanding the definition of "People" far beyond the intended boundaries and by allowing Government to become it's own self-perpetuating force.

You say that there have been two internal wars - the Revolutionary War won by the people, the Civil War won by the government, and a rubber match is needed. Your take on this is false. The people won the Civil War as well. The South partitioned the country and left the Union. The American people who remained united under the Constitution won the war.

If there’s a “rubber match” it will be won the government. There is no other possible outcome. They have the best equipped army in the history of the world, with weapons of unimaginable power. Any force which opposes them will by outmanned and most assuredly outgunned.

The People of the South voted, through their elected representatives to leave the United States. The Constitution was never intended to be a suicide pact between the States. They did so in a non-violent manner until forced to take arms Again st a post the Union knew it could not hold but refused to surrender.

You fail to realize how much of the military, law enforcement and civil defense of the US Government would fight against the Government. Even if it weren't so, it is better to die on one's feet thsn live on our knees.

So the choice is yours. Do you work together to form a more perfect union, where “all men are created equal” or do you continue to let the politics of lies and division continue to sap your strength and vitality?

All menare not created equal and to suggest so is foolishness and in the modern lexicon a total misinterpretation of the Founders beliefs. There is no Together when the very intent of our Founders is besmerched by everythibg the other side believes. Even if it means being forced to adopt Authoritarianism to do so.
Not even 6 million people Sami European the majority. Nothing like the USA. GO USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

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