This economy is not sustainable and will collapse. It is just a matter of when

Well, we're escaping at administration that made Keynes look like Ron Paul.

So, once again, we'll try to clean up the mess.

8 years haven't passed yet so I'm still on the wait and see what happens.
Liberals do not want to address the debt. Its disheartening and bizarre.

Some insult throwers like to whine about Trump’s debt...they sure didnt criticize Obama’s debt.

I say anyone voting to add tl the debt is wrong and should not be in Congress or the White House.

Our so called leaders is supposed to protect the country, not lead into economic disaster.
Ahhhh heck I've heard about the debt for 80 some years now. Send some $ to prez trump wanted more than the $600. He was more than correct. Print it up and send it out.
I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?
So, what is the cost to the government for borrowing money via bonds?

Since you seem to want to post about this.
Liberals do not want to address the debt. Its disheartening and bizarre.

Some insult throwers like to whine about Trump’s debt...they sure didnt criticize Obama’s debt.

I say anyone voting to add tl the debt is wrong and should not be in Congress or the White House.

Our so called leaders is supposed to protect the country, not lead into economic disaster.
Democratic don't care about debt?

So, who has added more the national debt since WWII? Republic polls or Democratic ones?

As a percent of GDP Obama lowered the debt greatly even as he had to guide the country out of the Great Recession of GWB.
dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.
We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.
The rather interesting thing is that we have not had inflation and long term bonds are still at historically low interest rates, here and in Europe too, where there are negative interest rates. Japan has had twice the debt to GDP ratio we have for ages without inflation. While it is certainly possible that at one point we could have serious inflation, there is every possibility that a collapse will produce unemployment and deflation like during the Great Depression. Nor is a sudden economic “collapse” inevitable. A continuing slow grinding down of non-stock-holding workers is also possible, or stagflation similar to the ‘70s. Nobody knows.

Folks are right to be concerned about the declining relative position of the U.S. in world economy — something absolutely inevitable — but wrong to panic or to assume this means our real standard of living must decline. Capitalism, even crony state capitalism, is more resilient than people think, especially now that the Federal Reserve has abandoned it old shibboleths. We shouldn’t forget that scientific and technological revolutions are still opening new possibilities for greater universal abundance.

IMO, the greatest danger remains hysteria and political collapse — which can bring deep social crisis, or war with foreign economic or geo-political powers like China or Russia. Next is continuing domestic logjams that itself can cause collapse, shutting government, bankrupting states, etc. The ability of the Federal Reserve & Treasury to “create” money and its willingness to do so actually makes us stronger — if only this power is used correctly.
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I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?
Very very true !! The only question is when ?
Joseph Biden (God's choice) will GROW us to prosperity!

How? His specious green deal he has yet to provide details? His tax plan?

By rising taxes.

Biden is a toxin on the economy. Democrats hate working productive people in the first place, they love people who consume at the expense of those productive people - especially if they aren't Americans. That's not the mindset that can grow anything.
I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?

It does bother me. But if there's any consolation, it will happen under the most corrupt, devious, non-transparent, lying, and traitorous administration this country has ever seen: Joe Biden.

Like how Bush Jr. tried to blame the collapse on Obama? Hate to tell you, but if the economy collapses, it's because of all the crap Trump did to placate the people. And, before you say anything, this economy became Trump's when he got his tax cuts passed, and was further solidified as his when he did the sanctions on China. Sorry, but your Orange Cheeto is the one who tanked the economy. Biden hasn't even been sworn in yet, and you are trying to blame Trump's failures on him? Not very smart, and apparently, you don't pay attention to what is going on in this country.

Biden will fail. I'm hoping and praying for it, and I will do everything possible to help that along.
We always knew you were an anti-American piece of shit.

Yes Biden is, that's why we want him to fail and fail miserably.

He is good at molesting little girls, gotta give credit where credit is due.
I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?
Its coming
The disintegration of the dollar is finally on the horizon
I say anyone voting to add tl the debt is wrong and should not be in Congress or the White House.

So what do you say about Trump wanting to increase the amount in the stimulus checks?

If they cut out the bill's free stimulus money to foreign countries, there's more than enough leeway to increase the amount as well as give every taxpayer in this country an AR-15 and a thousand rounds of ammo.
I say anyone voting to add tl the debt is wrong and should not be in Congress or the White House.

So what do you say about Trump wanting to increase the amount in the stimulus checks?

If they cut out the bill's free stimulus money to foreign countries, there's more than enough leeway to increase the amount as well as give every taxpayer in this country an AR-15 and a thousand rounds of ammo.

And you think giving every tax payer more money is going to decrease the
Suddenly all these Trumpsters care about the debt.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
$30 trillion in just 12 years ... the economy that emerged from the Great Recession is based on the FED "printing" money ... every little economic downturn sends all these failing companies into insolvency ... banks, hospitals, airlines ... so Congress has no choice but to order more money to be "printed" up ... or not win re-election ...

Yeah ... hyperinflation ... as obvious as the nose on The Colonel's face ...
maybe it's time to buy stock in paper?


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