This economy is not sustainable and will collapse. It is just a matter of when

I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?

It does bother me. But if there's any consolation, it will happen under the most corrupt, devious, non-transparent, lying, and traitorous administration this country has ever seen: Joe Biden.

Like how Bush Jr. tried to blame the collapse on Obama? Hate to tell you, but if the economy collapses, it's because of all the crap Trump did to placate the people. And, before you say anything, this economy became Trump's when he got his tax cuts passed, and was further solidified as his when he did the sanctions on China. Sorry, but your Orange Cheeto is the one who tanked the economy. Biden hasn't even been sworn in yet, and you are trying to blame Trump's failures on him? Not very smart, and apparently, you don't pay attention to what is going on in this country.

Biden will fail. I'm hoping and praying for it, and I will do everything possible to help that along.
We always knew you were an anti-American piece of shit.

Let's see now.....what will it be?

Heart attack?


A fall? That's it! Maybe Joe Biden will fall like he did when he tripped over that fuckin' dog. But maybe this time he'll break his skinny neck.

Hoo ha! I would sure get a kick out of that, yes sir. I'd be in stitches for at least a whole month. Can you imagine that shit?


And then Harris become President...

Your wish would turn into a nightmare and your laughter would be tears of fear!

So I do hope you get what you wish for so you can then whine about Harris!
I say anyone voting to add tl the debt is wrong and should not be in Congress or the White House.

So what do you say about Trump wanting to increase the amount in the stimulus checks?

If they cut out the bill's free stimulus money to foreign countries, there's more than enough leeway to increase the amount as well as give every taxpayer in this country an AR-15 and a thousand rounds of ammo.

And you think giving every tax payer more money is going to decrease the

I didn't say it wasn't going to increase the debt. I said it was going to increase it less.

At this point, it doesn't really matter. When you consider the massive amount of spending Biden and those Democrat have in store for you: New Green Deal, lockdowns, increasing government regulations...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I want Joe Biden to fail. And apparently, President Trump is going to make sure of that. By vetoing that monstrosity of a budget bill which has the coronavirus relief bill attached, Trump is effectively pulling the pin on a hand grenade and passing it to Joe Biden.

But what you don't realize is that if Trump does sign the bill, he's doing the same thing, so you're basically screwed, blued, and tatooed.
I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?

It does bother me. But if there's any consolation, it will happen under the most corrupt, devious, non-transparent, lying, and traitorous administration this country has ever seen: Joe Biden.

Like how Bush Jr. tried to blame the collapse on Obama? Hate to tell you, but if the economy collapses, it's because of all the crap Trump did to placate the people. And, before you say anything, this economy became Trump's when he got his tax cuts passed, and was further solidified as his when he did the sanctions on China. Sorry, but your Orange Cheeto is the one who tanked the economy. Biden hasn't even been sworn in yet, and you are trying to blame Trump's failures on him? Not very smart, and apparently, you don't pay attention to what is going on in this country.

Biden will fail. I'm hoping and praying for it, and I will do everything possible to help that along.
We always knew you were an anti-American piece of shit.

Let's see now.....what will it be?

Heart attack?


A fall? That's it! Maybe Joe Biden will fall like he did when he tripped over that fuckin' dog. But maybe this time he'll break his skinny neck.

Hoo ha! I would sure get a kick out of that, yes sir. I'd be in stitches for at least a whole month. Can you imagine that shit?


And then Harris become President...

Your wish would turn into a nightmare and your laughter would be tears of fear!

So I do hope you get what you wish for so you can then whine about Harris!

It doesn't even matter anymore. Biden...Harris....

Either one will fail miserably, which is fine with me.
Suddenly all these Trumpsters care about the debt.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
The question is do you care about our growing debt?
I have all along, since (a) my profession is directly affected by it, and (b) I know what it means for my children.

Unlike some, my interest in it is not based on bullshit partisan politics.
Did you care about it the last four years and if so then provide in great detail of the countless threads and posts from you and if you have none then Mac1958 is correct to mock those like you...
I have spoken out about the debt

most recently against all the giant wuflu spending bills

but since lib biden voters such as Mac1958 are in the ruling party now the monkey is on his back

and yours
Neither one of those are partisan political questions. It's all one for you. You don't know the difference.

Not interested.
Do only partisan questions interest you?

I was for ending the shutdows before the election and I still am

but I think biden and the democrat governors that you support want to continue the policy of shutdown followed by endless borrow and spend
Neither one of those are partisan political questions. It's all one for you. You don't know the difference.

Not interested.
Do only partisan questions interest you?

I was for ending the shutdows before the election and I still am

but I think biden and the democrat governors that you support want to continue the policy of shutdown followed by endless borrow and spend
Joseph Biden (God's choice) will GROW us to prosperity!

Biden has been failing for 47 years. What makes you think he's gonna suddenly turn into an overnight success?

Has he been taking night courses at the local trade school or something? Maybe some online courses in government and civics?

Joseph Biden (God's choice) will GROW us to prosperity!

Biden has been failing for 47 years. What makes you think he's gonna suddenly turn into an overnight success?

Has he been taking night courses at the local trade school or something? Maybe some online courses in government and civics?

Libs are always worrying about world opinion

but they can relax now because the world knows its going to be ok to take advantage of America again when biden is the Thief in Chief
Joseph Biden (God's choice) will GROW us to prosperity!
It's mind-blowing that they're already complaining about this, after cheering Trump on all this time.

Are they serious? Are they kidding? Do their minds compartmentalize that completely and quickly?

I dont care what team you are on. This is not sustainable. We cannot just keep taking on debt and printing money. It is not economically feasible.

We will have hyperinflation and currency will be worthless.

Why, personally, don‘t you care?

As an individual, why doesnt it bother you that the economy will collapse?

It does bother me. But if there's any consolation, it will happen under the most corrupt, devious, non-transparent, lying, and traitorous administration this country has ever seen: Joe Biden.

Like how Bush Jr. tried to blame the collapse on Obama? Hate to tell you, but if the economy collapses, it's because of all the crap Trump did to placate the people. And, before you say anything, this economy became Trump's when he got his tax cuts passed, and was further solidified as his when he did the sanctions on China. Sorry, but your Orange Cheeto is the one who tanked the economy. Biden hasn't even been sworn in yet, and you are trying to blame Trump's failures on him? Not very smart, and apparently, you don't pay attention to what is going on in this country.

Biden will fail. I'm hoping and praying for it, and I will do everything possible to help that along.
We always knew you were an anti-American piece of shit.

Let's see now.....what will it be?

Heart attack?


A fall? That's it! Maybe Joe Biden will fall like he did when he tripped over that fuckin' dog. But maybe this time he'll break his skinny neck.

Hoo ha! I would sure get a kick out of that, yes sir. I'd be in stitches for at least a whole month. Can you imagine that shit?


And then Harris become President...

Your wish would turn into a nightmare and your laughter would be tears of fear!

So I do hope you get what you wish for so you can then whine about Harris!

It doesn't even matter anymore. Biden...Harris....

Either one will fail miserably, which is fine with me.

Sure it is...

I swear the Trump base is no better than the Hillary flock...

Birds of the same feather flock together...

Hillary base prayed for Trump failure or death and now Trump base prays for Biden death or failure or both...

Just amazing how the fringes have so much in common with each other while ignoring it...
Joseph Biden (God's choice) will GROW us to prosperity!
It's mind-blowing that they're already complaining about this, after cheering Trump on all this time.

Are they serious? Are they kidding? Do their minds compartmentalize that completely and quickly?


Are they serious?

Yes, many of them are and the scary part they believe in what they write and say...
Biden will fail. I'm hoping and praying for it, and I will do everything possible to help that along.

When TrumpQ/President Asshole becomes TrumpQ/irrelevant asshole on January 20 all the assholes that continue their blind devotion to that irrelevant asshole become 100x to the nth degree irrelevant to the millions and millions of relevant Americans who are eagerly moving on so fucking happy and American, having survived the torment, agony, and misfortune that plagued us with four years of TrumpQ and his dead headed Twitter goons running rampant over American lives and ideals.

who in the hell cares what you intend to do to harm the economy ... you have no options other than leaving the country entirely or ... leaving existence by whatever means if your own choosing. And no relevant American will miss you.

Goodbye good riddance.
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Biden will fail. I'm hoping and praying for it, and I will do everything possible to help that along.

When TrumpQ/President Asshole becomes TrumpQ/irrelevant asshole on January 20 all the assholes that continue their blind devotion to that irrelevant asshole become 100x to the nth degree irrelevant to the millions and millions of relevant Americans who are eagerly moving on so fucking happy and American, having survived the torment, agony, and misfortune that plagued us with four years of TrumpQ and his dead headed Twitter goons running rampant over American lives and ideals.

who in the hell cares what you intend to do to harm the economy ... you have no options other than leaving the country entirely or ... leaving existence by whatever means if your own choosing. And no relevant American will miss you.

Goodbye good riddance.

Nope. I'm gonna stay right here and hammer away at it until it until Biden does fail.

Then I'm going to dance on top of the rubble.

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