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This election and the questions no one is asking.

WHAT IS UNSTABLE AND FUKed UP is the DNC murder scheme ala SOROS and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Read about Seth Rich and look at the pictures of his stunned grieving family. They are disabled, hobbled by a shock and grief of the soul that is truly haunting. And they pleaded on crime watch to have thier sons case solved. IT WAS SOROS!! WAKE UP YOU STUPID PHONY LIBERALS!!!
why is he doing all this? is he evil?
I nwever heard of this man and how he influences world affairs until an angry Britranted about him. The dude- Soros is about power more than evil really. What he wants, he buys. On the right was a weirdo like McCarthy aka McCarthyism: toying with the masses. Soros's family were victims of Hitler. Maybe hes reacting to that. Still, he has no business fucking up countries all over the world!
Watching news reports of how unhinged Donald Trump is raises some interesting questions. The most obvious is if trump is so unhinged then how on Earth did he manage to capture the Republican Party and wind up as a candidate that has an absolute shot at getting into the White House? The answer to that question is that Trumpā€™s unhinging is a fictional creation of a media joined at the hip to the powerbase of his opposition. The opposition hasnā€™t gone as far as showing him pulling the wings off flies or setting cats on fire yet but they have produced ads depicting disabled children watching Trump supposedly poking fun at the disabled. Itā€™s quite remarkable how far Trumpā€™s opposition will go to keep him out and it reveals a growing desperation that he might go all the way.
He on the GOP nomination due to 2 things. The large amount of contestants and the fact that he had a different message: humor.

Imagine you have a store that sells ice cream. In the store is 3 flavors. Chocolate, Vanilla and Tutty Fruity. Of the 6 flavors, you have two tubs of chocolate, six tubs of vanilla, and one small tub of Tutty Fruity. This pretty much represents the GOP field. Where there were differences between most contestants, there were three or four candidates with similar pitch/platforms. Santorum and Huckabee (and Jindal to an extent) were the same. So when voters decided on Chocolateā€¦those three divided up the vote among themselves. Then you had the 50 shades of Vanilla between Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Walker, Perry, etcā€¦. Pretty much all preaching the same message of hate and divisiveness. When voters decided on Vanilla, some went for this tub, some went for that tub, some went for the tub over there.
The Tutty Fruity candidates (the outsiders) were Carson, Carly, and Trump. Trump set himself apart (either purposely or not) by being funny. Giving out his opponentā€™s cell numbers, giving kids rides on his helicopter, etcā€¦ So when voters came for Tutty Fruity, you saw a very high percentage of them for Carly at one point, for Carson at one point, and, in the end, for Trump. Basically, he was able to stand out because there were so much competition for those who liked vanilla and Politics being politics, you end up not liking the dog going after the same bone more than the dog who isnā€™t in the fight with you.

And then there was the campaigning. He made fun of Carlyā€™s appearance. He insinuated that Carson had the mentality of a child molester. This, after they began taking votes away from him.

As for being unhinged, the evidence of his not understanding the Presidency is deep. I wonā€™t rehash it here. Essentially, he is running because he thinks it would be cool to be President and could care less about solving any problem facing the nation. Which is why youā€™ll find most voters pulling a lever for someone else in about a month.

Trump is above all other things a change agent and that makes him a bona fide threat to the entrenched machine that is heavily invested in the status quo. That status quo includes a large swath of the Republican Party consisting of career politicians who long ago caved to the globalist agenda that has eroded and attenuated the American middle class. This is why Trump pulled the sword out of the stone. The people woke up one day and realized that they had been abandoned by a leadership walking so far in front that they lost sight of those walking behind them.

Average Americans have seen their livelihoods and neighborhoods stuck in a time warp that is beginning to resemble the 1960ā€™s with a stark difference-thereā€™s no way to work your way out of it this time because all the best job-producing manufacturing industry is relocating in foreign territory. Company-paid pensions and health benefits, once a birthright of average Americans, are disappearing faster than phone booths and company loyalty or seniority have about as much value as confederate money. When Trump talks about making America great again he means he wants to bring these things back. You see heā€™s not part of the cabal thatā€™s been working to destroy the middle class and thatā€™s what really makes him dangerous to those who have ā€œplannedā€ the unfortunate path weā€™ve been on.
Jobs are not coming back. Labor moves to where labor is cheaper. That isnā€™t here. And no, tariffs on goods that are imported wonā€™t coax anyone to open factories here. They will simply ramp up their sales overseas (which is what they are doing already) and raise prices here. America is a saturated market. Emerging economies will be place you want to have a presence.

Now, what neither party will tell you (probably because they are not focused on it more than some sinister plot to keep you in the dark) is that automation has made the 40 hour work week a thing of the past. There are fewer and fewer jobs that require someone to spend 40 hours of labor to complete in five working days. Weā€™re likely the last generation to have the corporate mindset of a 40 hour work week. While this is good for businessā€”itā€™s terrible for the workers.

The Democratic Party cannot run on its record of achievements because that record shows only failure. So the strategy is to incite fear of any change in the game by labeling Trump as unhinged, crazy- a loose cannon. Itā€™s all theyā€™ve got. They smear Americans who question the direction weā€™ve been going in with the epithet of ā€œa basket of deplorablesā€. People should take note of this because this is a real eye opener as to how this cabal regards citizens who step out of line and donā€™t go with the plan.
Democrats are fine with their accomplishments. But while we are at it..why donā€™t you list the long string of Republican Accomplishments focusing on the last 8 yearsā€¦.

We should be asking important questions such as: why are gas prices and interest rates so low? Is it a controlling ploy to keep the status quo in Washington? Has the economic collapse of 2008 been resolved or are we living in a bubble as Trump states; a bubble that will burst with sharply rising gas prices and skyrocketing interest rates as soon as the election is over? People are a lot more likely to sue for change if they have to choose between gas for their car and food for their table. Are fuel prices and interest rates being artificially manipulated to keep Democrats in control? We must answer this for ourselves. Another question we may ask: Have the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice and The Federal Bureau of Investigation been politicized, corrupted and compromised to maintain the status quo in this election?
And now you see why Trump and his supporters are seen as unhinged. Everything is a conspiracy. From the dates of the debates to the moderators, to the press, to the FBI, to the DoJ, to Hollywood, to the election in general.

Instead the media has been leading the cerebrally challenged down the rabbit hole of all the dangers of the unhinged lunatic that might actually change the game to regain the greatness that has been stolen as we slept and trusted a leadership that has betrayed us. No one is asking any real questions and they should be because this may be the last chance.


Yeah, whatever. Iā€™m always tickled that some think the way to get money out of politics is to elect one of the monied interest who regularly ā€œgame the systemā€.
The mechanics of the Bill and Hillary Clinton money machine are not a new phenomenon. The influence peddling scheme of the Clinton Foundation reflect the historical modus operandi of corrupt politics almost as a trademark since the beginning of politics itself. What makes this example so dangerous is that the perpetrators have control of the agencies that regulate and police the corruption. Let's not forget that Al Capone actually had running poverty programs in Chicago to legitimize his activities. He was seen by many as doing good for the community. And then there is Rod Blagojevich, the former Governor of Illinois, currently serving time for corruption. Neither Capone or Blagojevich operated any differently than the Clintons; the only distinction is that Capone and Blagojevich did not have a political mastery of the regulatory apparatus. The Clintons have elevated themselves to a global level of corruption that has a sinister comparison to the Aids Virus in biology. They have succeeded in contaminating the process that attacks corruption which leaves them an open road to continue the corruption. Let's ask another question: How was this allowed to happen?

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