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this election fiasco is just like the obama birth certificate

Of course they should (although my vote likely counts less than yours due to my state of residency/low number of electoral votes) but that's another issue. When an election process is deemed legitimate the voters mostly determine the election, and that's all I expect.

Currently, well over half of the nation (Trump voters, non-Trump moderates, some Dems, others) don't believe the 2020 results. Regardless of your sentiments about Trump and Republicans, do you think it matters what people think? Let's start there. Go ahead and group all Trump voters into one category and I'll refrain from pulling out my soap box about how ridiculous that is and how it only soils the water so nobody sees clearly. Grouping millions of people together makes about as much sense as saying "I hate all birds" after a tiny sparrow pecks your pinkie finger.

Anyway, in your opinion does it matter what people think about the validity of the election? If so, when does it matter and why? Or, do you think public opinion doesn't really matter? I'll be ready to spar politely after you answer.

One more question I'd like to ask: voting procedures were changed only a couple of weeks prior to the election in PA even though PA law didn't support doing so. Do you think that is worth calling the public's attention to or as you've indicated a waste of time? That action reminds me of people who think they are above the law. It's usually easy to spot them from their words and actions unless they've become more skilled in saying one thing but thinking the opposite (think Hillary).

Long term: Americans need to have faith in the election process. There will always be those in life who cheat to win, and within the realm of politics these are individuals from various affiliations. We are all individuals first, and yet people forget that when it gets into this "US versus THEM". There are no true winners with that, not short-term and definitely not long-term.

I've read enough of your posts to know where you stand. I'm not going to change your mind nor would I try as it's a waste of energy. I used to waste a lot of time trying to "break through" to chatters who strongly opposed some issue I supported. I learned eventually it's not worth it.

As I said, it will be good for the courts to ensure that the election was legit. This opinion is not based on what's good for me personally, but for the good of the country.
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It will be a good thing for the courts to determine the validity of the election outcome. The people want the truth and have made it known that we will not walk away quietly into the good night. The DNC counted on any public outcry being snuffed out by MSM, which they've tried but failed! Too many individuals from numerous precincts coming forward with evidence was too hard for them to muzzle.

If Biden is given the election due to the leftist puppet masters strong-arming the truth via payoffs, the house will flip in 2022 for certain. The numbers would be something like all who voted for Trump added to the voters who didn't vote Trump but are not socialists, and want clean elections. We'll see of course, admittedly my crystal ball is a bit cloudy;)

In the eyes of most people, one of the worst things a person or group can do is lie to them. Transgressions can be forgiven, but outright lying to the public never goes over well.

Claire Claire CLAIRE. I know you're new so I'll go easy. 51 judges have already determined the validity of the election outcome. Two of them were appointed by Donald J Trump. It is over, and we know who won! ;)
lol I am glad I'm new I think! Okay, fair enough and we'll have to agree to disagree.:)

I'm not expecting a turnover, it's the bigger picture that needs protection and vast improvements now can do that. For one thing, get rid of those voting machines. If 2020 produces computers that can truly not be hacked, at least that's the claim, bring it on. I am not condoning here connection to the internet with current hackable machines. Of course, the minute new technology hits there will be abuses and effective counter-measures by hackers eventually. I don't claim to know the way forward, but I do count on something new out soon on the market that beats these machines that make column errors and the like, people sitting at tables with pens in their hands, and inept mail-in process so easy to manipulate on all levels. In the not so distant future, our whole voting process (almost all of it) will be viewed as a lack of effort to improve.
A better lawyer could have been found.
There are plenty of better lawyers.

None would touch this mess. They actually value their reputations so you end up with Rudy Toot Toot and the Krazy Kraken

And we know why Rooty was in that position. Because Rump's criterion for making the best choice for a job is, "I've seen this guy on Teevee". That's the shallow puddle of a mind we've had to deal with.
What a bunch of idiots. Trump is keeping this 'they rigged the election' BS alive for one reason and one reason only...to get you morons to send him money and like the loyal little lemmings you are you keep doing it..(chuckle)

Yep, laughing all the way to the bank, muttering to himself "this is even more lucrative than when I was pimping for personal vitamins where you send in your pee".

Proving Rump right once again when he said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. Proving RumpFraud "University" right when it said "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". Proving Lincoln right that "you can fool some of the people all of the time". And proving the sentient among us right when we warned this cult about this shyster FIVE YEARS AGO.

Sssh.... listen. Outside. Hear that? That's the chickens coming home to roost.
Liberals talking about truthfulness and virtue has got to be some of the most ironic shit found on the web.

....Proving once again that you can't fix Stoopid.

"Liberalism" and "personality traits" have zippo to do with each other, Dimbulb.
What a bunch of idiots. Trump is keeping this 'they rigged the election' BS alive for one reason and one reason only...to get you morons to send him money and like the loyal little lemmings you are you keep doing it..(chuckle)

Yep, laughing all the way to the bank, muttering to himself "this is even more lucrative than when I was pimping for personal vitamins where you send in your pee".

Proving Rump right once again when he said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. Proving RumpFraud "University" right when it said "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". Proving Lincoln right that "you can fool some of the people all of the time". And proving the sentient among us right when we warned this cult about this shyster FIVE YEARS AGO.

Sssh.... listen. Outside. Hear that? That's the chickens coming home to roost.
Liberals talking about truthfulness and virtue has got to be some of the most ironic shit found on the web.

....Proving once again that you can't fix Stoopid.

"Liberalism" and "personality traits" have zippo to do with each other, Dimbulb.
No? So you’re telling me that certain personality traits aren’t more commonly associated with certain ideologies?
Too many individuals from numerous precincts coming forward with evidence was too hard for them to muzzle.
And yet the evidence you seem to refer to has yet to be shown, anywhere whatsoever. All I have seen are CLAIMS and then allusions that evidence exists to back those claims without ever producing a single shred of it anywhere.
For me, I base my opinion on watching individuals who have been interviewed including poll watchers, poll workers, and regular citizens. I don't believe all interviews I've watched, but most. It takes a little effort to find these interviews and written testimonies, but if you want links I can find them again.

Giulliani has been out of court too long. He didn't even know how to follow procedural court rules. A better lawyer could have been found. That's only one part of the dynamic, but worth a mention.
More claims. If said claims had any real meat to them then Trump, with the awesome might of the ENTIRE executive branch of the government, would have been able to investigate and uncover the physical evidence behind those claims. He has not and, even more telling, is not making said claims even in the cases that he has brought to court. You have to understand that over 1.5 MILLION people voted in the last election. That there are irregularities in any system that involves processing 1.5 million of ANYTHING whatsoever is not a question. It is a given. That those irregularities will exist does not show that there was cheating by the Biden campaign or that said cheating is anywhere near sufficient to put the vote tally in question.

What is lacking is not that someone somewhere said a thing, it is that there is noting to establish said thing has any connection with reality.
I don't count on a reversal btw, but for reasons not really discussed much. Mostly, justification for continued rioting, fire-starting, and targeting individuals and their homes. I am not inferring that most Democrats are thugs in any way, what I am saying is that various groups have used this event to now demand things...I used that word demand intentionally not for dramatic purposes btw:)
Has nothing to do with reversing the result. The courts are not being cowed by violence just as Trump is not being cowed by that violence to hide election interference evidence. He is being held back by the lack of said evidence.

Various political groups and ethnic groups as a whole are in competition now saying "We are the reason Biden won and we expect things!" An interesting scenario, but surely not unique within the world of political power and aspirations. What a nightmare for Democratic partisans with having these opposing factions that will soon be coming out against each other more publicly. Currently, everyone seems to be toning it down and playing nice-nice (mostly) for the cameras. Currently the divisions are only showing at the edges since they need a united front right now to hold it together.
Sure. No idea what this is supposed to do with the topic at hand though. It will be very tough for Biden to thread that needle just as it was impossible for Trump to do so. He had the same problem though the Republicans seem to stick by the president more than I think the Democrats will. The squad is going to go for Biden's throat IMHO. This has nothing to do with showing they cheated however, just that they played politics much better than Trump did as he mostly played to a fringe base.

With all due respect to my friend the gentleman from Washington, the number of people who voted in the November election was at last count 158,395,371. Which by the way is some 16% higher turnout than 2016 and the highest recorded turnout since the nineteenth century.
What a bunch of idiots. Trump is keeping this 'they rigged the election' BS alive for one reason and one reason only...to get you morons to send him money and like the loyal little lemmings you are you keep doing it..(chuckle)

Yep, laughing all the way to the bank, muttering to himself "this is even more lucrative than when I was pimping for personal vitamins where you send in your pee".

Proving Rump right once again when he said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. Proving RumpFraud "University" right when it said "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". Proving Lincoln right that "you can fool some of the people all of the time". And proving the sentient among us right when we warned this cult about this shyster FIVE YEARS AGO.

Sssh.... listen. Outside. Hear that? That's the chickens coming home to roost.
Liberals talking about truthfulness and virtue has got to be some of the most ironic shit found on the web.

....Proving once again that you can't fix Stoopid.

"Liberalism" and "personality traits" have zippo to do with each other, Dimbulb.
No? So you’re telling me that certain personality traits aren’t more commonly associated with certain ideologies?

.... proving once again that you can't even TALK TO Stoopid.

If you really want the Ignore list, just say so. Because if you can't come up with a semi-intelligent thought on anything, that's where you're going. I don't need wankers wasting my time.
What a bunch of idiots. Trump is keeping this 'they rigged the election' BS alive for one reason and one reason only...to get you morons to send him money and like the loyal little lemmings you are you keep doing it..(chuckle)

Yep, laughing all the way to the bank, muttering to himself "this is even more lucrative than when I was pimping for personal vitamins where you send in your pee".

Proving Rump right once again when he said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. Proving RumpFraud "University" right when it said "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". Proving Lincoln right that "you can fool some of the people all of the time". And proving the sentient among us right when we warned this cult about this shyster FIVE YEARS AGO.

Sssh.... listen. Outside. Hear that? That's the chickens coming home to roost.
Liberals talking about truthfulness and virtue has got to be some of the most ironic shit found on the web.

....Proving once again that you can't fix Stoopid.

"Liberalism" and "personality traits" have zippo to do with each other, Dimbulb.
No? So you’re telling me that certain personality traits aren’t more commonly associated with certain ideologies?

.... proving once again that you can't even TALK TO Stoopid.

If you really want the Ignore list, just say so. Because if you can't come up with a semi-intelligent thought on anything, that's where you're going. I don't need wankers wasting my time.
Since you want to be a condescending little prick, then go ahead and put me on ignore.
I planned to actually have a conversation with you about it, but fuck it.
What a bunch of idiots. Trump is keeping this 'they rigged the election' BS alive for one reason and one reason only...to get you morons to send him money and like the loyal little lemmings you are you keep doing it..(chuckle)

Yep, laughing all the way to the bank, muttering to himself "this is even more lucrative than when I was pimping for personal vitamins where you send in your pee".

Proving Rump right once again when he said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. Proving RumpFraud "University" right when it said "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". Proving Lincoln right that "you can fool some of the people all of the time". And proving the sentient among us right when we warned this cult about this shyster FIVE YEARS AGO.

Sssh.... listen. Outside. Hear that? That's the chickens coming home to roost.
Liberals talking about truthfulness and virtue has got to be some of the most ironic shit found on the web.

....Proving once again that you can't fix Stoopid.

"Liberalism" and "personality traits" have zippo to do with each other, Dimbulb.
No? So you’re telling me that certain personality traits aren’t more commonly associated with certain ideologies?

.... proving once again that you can't even TALK TO Stoopid.

If you really want the Ignore list, just say so. Because if you can't come up with a semi-intelligent thought on anything, that's where you're going. I don't need wankers wasting my time.
Since you want to be a condescending little prick, then go ahead and put me on ignore.
I planned to actually have a conversation with you about it, but fuck it.

I don't have conversations about abject stupidity. I ain't even gonna entertain that.

When you bring that juvenile shit in here you insult everybody who has the misfortune to read it. Up your game, or up your ass. I have zero tolerance for stupidity.
all the same players right " brennen and clapper.

but the defense from the media is the same as the Biden fantasy of being president unravels...
Many protested Trump won and Hillary lost, democrats tried to overturn the result. Trump lost and he's trying to overturn the result. The Brexit Remainers lost and have tried everything to overturn the result. Scotland voted to remain in the union, Nicola Sturgeon has tried everything to overturn the result.

This bad losing is everywhere.
all the same players right " brennen and clapper.

but the defense from the media is the same as the Biden fantasy of being president unravels...
The birther issue was more about Obama being a lying piece of shit who scammed the system to get preferential treatment on admission to Harvard Law for being a Kenyan when that was a fucking lie.

We know that motherfucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker was born in Hawaii. He's just a fraudster in higher education.
Amen to that,well said.he has an excellent point,in both cases,major fraud occurred.
all the same players right " brennen and clapper.

but the defense from the media is the same as the Biden fantasy of being president unravels...
That's actually a good analogy. Trump voters see a result that is contrary to what their sense of reality can accept, so they subscribe to conspiaracy theory to satisfy their sense of reality.
Damn you are dense,the only one that has no sense of reality is you commie hating Biden lovers,you guys are the ones that have conspiracy theories tooting the horn of the bs Russia collusion propaganda by the media,trump supporters go by facts and realise this was conspiracy FACT,do try and keep up around here.
It will be a good thing for the courts to determine the validity of the election outcome. The people want the truth and have made it known that we will not walk away quietly into the good night. The DNC counted on any public outcry being snuffed out by MSM, which they've tried but failed! Too many individuals from numerous precincts coming forward with evidence was too hard for them to muzzle.

If Biden is given the election due to the leftist puppet masters strong-arming the truth via payoffs, the house will flip in 2022 for certain. The numbers would be something like all who voted for Trump added to the voters who didn't vote Trump but are not socialists, and want clean elections. We'll see of course, admittedly my crystal ball is a bit cloudy;)

In the eyes of most people, one of the worst things a person or group can do is lie to them. Transgressions can be forgiven, but outright lying to the public never goes over well.

Then maybe you should quit doing it.
Lying is intentional as opposed to being misinformed. So, in return to your false accusation of calling me a liar, I will say to you that you are likely misinformed. See the difference?

I didn't "call you" a liar. I read your post, and the lying to the public, literally, therein, and then I came to your self-assessment at the end.

Once that point was reached it was a simple matter of pointing it out to offer free advice to solve your condition. You're welcome.
Hmmm in that case, prior to an apology from me for misunderstanding your words, what were you telling me that I needed to stop doing? Your words: Then maybe you should quit doing it.

You're the second poster within the last hour to "insinuate" I was doing something I wasn't or to be more precise the other guy told me I was a leftist because he didn't agree with my post lol (I'm pretty sure I come across as right leaning)

Well, you can say this conversation hasn't been a total waste as I've learned something. I've figured out how long it takes for the average poster, who attempts to stay out of the mud, to get down in it on USMB - exactly 2 months, 10 days;)

A bit of advice. Take full advantage of the ignore function. It will make your experience here much more pleasurable.
Indeed, trolls pogo and dr love here are just seeking attention so the best thing to do is :trolls:and use the ignore feature on both.
Too many individuals from numerous precincts coming forward with evidence was too hard for them to muzzle.
And yet the evidence you seem to refer to has yet to be shown, anywhere whatsoever. All I have seen are CLAIMS and then allusions that evidence exists to back those claims without ever producing a single shred of it anywhere.
I've watched various interviews and I rarely accept some 3rd party's take on political topics. Any time a middle man is used nowadays for news, it requires checking what was said yourself anyway. I use AllSides as a good way to gauge beforehand which side you want to consider and how they sway it, and I like comparing opposing views in OP/ED.

It might be a huge adjustment for most viewers, but things are about to evolve quicker than most realize with the means of getting the news. I will not be sad for the talking heads who parrot what they are told to say, a few thinking that their job involves telling the viewers what to think (one recently caught on hot mic stating exactly that) instead of doing their job of informing and letting the audience reach their own conclusions..as was the days of old where we had good journalists. Finding primary sources only takes a little effort but worth it's weight in gold for sure. Aljazeera is a decent source, although most authors have been anti-Trump they still keep most of it within OP/ED unlike our US news shows that dilute news with opinions.
Too many individuals from numerous precincts coming forward with evidence was too hard for them to muzzle.
And yet the evidence you seem to refer to has yet to be shown, anywhere whatsoever. All I have seen are CLAIMS and then allusions that evidence exists to back those claims without ever producing a single shred of it anywhere.
I've watched various interviews and I rarely accept some 3rd party's take on political topics. Any time a middle man is used nowadays for news, it requires checking what was said yourself anyway. I use AllSides as a good way to gauge beforehand which side you want to consider and how they sway it, and I like comparing opposing views in OP/ED.

It might be a huge adjustment for most viewers, but things are about to evolve quicker than most realize with the means of getting the news. I will not be sad for the talking heads who parrot what they are told to say, a few thinking that their job involves telling the viewers what to think (one recently caught on hot mic stating exactly that) instead of doing their job of informing and letting the audience reach their own conclusions..as was the days of old where we had good journalists. Finding primary sources only takes a little effort but worth it's weight in gold for sure. Aljazeera is a decent source, although most authors have been anti-Trump they still keep most of it within OP/ED unlike our US news shows that dilute news with opinions.
That is fine and good. Yes the way we get our media is going to massively change in the coming years as the board opens up and the old powerhouses realize they can no longer control the narrative or the messaging but that really has nothing to do with what I said.

Those primary sources are still just claims about what may or may not have happened. What we are missing is any actual corroboration as to what actually happened and every time what we find is there is no actual evidence of fraud at the scale or type that is alleged. Almost all of these claims are shown to simply be a fundamental misunderstanding of the claimants on how the system works or a minor incident that is not changing the voting process or tally.

We are not talking dozens, hundreds or even thousands of votes here. We are talking tens of thousands+. For the election to have been off by that much there had to be an organized, concerted and widespread effort to make it so. That there is no evidence anywhere showing that the vote tallies were effected shows that the election was fair.
how about the supreme court with the election... or possibly addressing "natural Born citzen"... what the hell constitution ?

if our constitution has a name it can't be AOC.... just imho
What a bunch of idiots. Trump is keeping this 'they rigged the election' BS alive for one reason and one reason only...to get you morons to send him money and like the loyal little lemmings you are and you keep doing it..(chuckle)
you know he's a billionaire that donated his stipend back to the treasury. only two Presidents have done that. the other one was George Washington. Trump's not in this for money... the pelosis and bidens are... like a one horse pony... (glen campbell)

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