This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges.

This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.


You can NOT make this crap up.

Again... Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy.

That mental disorder also presents as being chronically offended by any criticism of one's pitiful status, demands that the property of others is yours because you could use it too... and that being black means that one can't support themselves... .
You keep saying that.....over and over....makes one wonder who it is you are working very hard to convince.

"In Feurstien’s case, he’s breaking two laws by advocating another. In the following video, he identifies Haller and her establishment by name and tells viewers to call her to see what discrimination looks like.


First, he recorded a phone call without the other party’s knowledge, an act that is prohibited by law in Florida. Next, he invites his many subscribers to call Cut the Cake to experience firsthand the discrimination he’s fighting against. As a result, the bakery has lost business. It could be argued that his video, which resulted in death threats, false negative reviews and fake orders is tortious interference with economic expectation. The bakery closed for a few days due to these acts by Feurstein’s viewers. The FBI is involved too, as the illegal recording of the call is a third degree felony in Florida punishable by up to five years in prison.

Nothing says 'Christian' like making death threats.......
That's right! The Butt fuck mafia hates when people fight back and give them the same treatment they dished out to others.

Okay- so I want to know- if 'butt fuck fascists' like yourself think it was wrong for people to make death threats against the pizza place because someone said they would not cater a gay wedding- is it also wrong to make death threats to a bakery because a Christian leader tells his followers to attack him?

See to me- making death threats is always wrong- doesn't matter who or why.

What about you- always wrong- or only wrong when you think homosexuals are making the threats- is it okay for you when Christians do it?
Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.


Yeah I expect that she's getting death threats from the sexual deviant cult.

Cross them and they will SCRATCH YOUR EYES OUT!

Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.


Yeah I expect that she's getting death threats from the sexual deviant cult.

Cross them and they will SCRATCH YOUR EYES OUT!

It's the Christians who are harassing and threatening her, not the gays. Did you even bother to read the link?

"In Feurstien’s case, he’s breaking two laws by advocating another. In the following video, he identifies Haller and her establishment by name and tells viewers to call her to see what discrimination looks like.


First, he recorded a phone call without the other party’s knowledge, an act that is prohibited by law in Florida. Next, he invites his many subscribers to call Cut the Cake to experience firsthand the discrimination he’s fighting against. As a result, the bakery has lost business. It could be argued that his video, which resulted in death threats, false negative reviews and fake orders is tortious interference with economic expectation. The bakery closed for a few days due to these acts by Feurstein’s viewers. The FBI is involved too, as the illegal recording of the call is a third degree felony in Florida punishable by up to five years in prison.

Nothing says 'Christian' like making death threats.......
Death threats, unfortunately, are now a dime a dozen with the social media the way it is. Don't like it coming from either side, but it's certainly a trend.
Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.

Good, I hope she does. Speech has consequences. Isn't that what all you libturds say?

"In Feurstien’s case, he’s breaking two laws by advocating another. In the following video, he identifies Haller and her establishment by name and tells viewers to call her to see what discrimination looks like.


First, he recorded a phone call without the other party’s knowledge, an act that is prohibited by law in Florida. Next, he invites his many subscribers to call Cut the Cake to experience firsthand the discrimination he’s fighting against. As a result, the bakery has lost business. It could be argued that his video, which resulted in death threats, false negative reviews and fake orders is tortious interference with economic expectation. The bakery closed for a few days due to these acts by Feurstein’s viewers. The FBI is involved too, as the illegal recording of the call is a third degree felony in Florida punishable by up to five years in prison.

Nothing says 'Christian' like making death threats.......
Death threats, unfortunately, are now a dime a dozen with the social media the way it is. Don't like it coming from either side, but it's certainly a trend.

The reality is any idiot can make an anonymous death threat.

And then that idiot is immediately held out to be representative of every Homosexual/Christian/Democrat/Rebublican/Liberal/Conservative and other idiots then start attacking all Homosexual/Christian/Democrat/Rebublican/Liberal/Conservative for 'making death threats'.

I condemn anyone who makes death threats- not the entire tribe that the caller actually or pretends to be part of.
Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.

Good, I hope she does. Speech has consequences. Isn't that what all you libturds say?

You hope she fears for her life?

I would call that an sick Conservative thing- but that would be wildly unfair to Conservatives- that is entirely your sick hope.
I doubt they're getting death threats, the media and the queers lie about (and get caught lying) that all the time.
Funny...they received calls telling them to *kill themselves* and view that as a *threat*...

Now they know how the pizzeria owner felt. Oh, wait, no they don't...that person received (and recorded) actual DEATH THREATS.

Homo brigade, pfft.
Have a slice of gay cake!! It tastes a bit queer, some even say it's fruity,.....No worries, have a taste! it will lighten your loafers!!

Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.


Yeah I expect that she's getting death threats from the sexual deviant cult.

Cross them and they will SCRATCH YOUR EYES OUT!

Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.


Yeah I expect that she's getting death threats from the sexual deviant cult.

Cross them and they will SCRATCH YOUR EYES OUT!

It's the Christians who are harassing and threatening her, not the gays. Did you even bother to read the link?

Huh... No.

Ya don't get to start shit then cry that you're a victim when ya get shit on...

And if it'll make ya feel better ... this hasn't even BEGUN to get started.
Yeah, the twit broke laws, and the baker (who I don't believe is gay, just gay-friendly) - well she fears for her life now, after what that jackass turdbit did.

Good, I hope she does. Speech has consequences. Isn't that what all you libturds say?

You hope she fears for her life?

I would call that an sick Conservative thing- but that would be wildly unfair to Conservatives- that is entirely your sick hope.

What about all the libturds who made excuse for the queers who made death threats against the owners of Memories Pizzeria? "Speech has consequences" is one of their favorites. "The owners brought it on themselves" is another.
Please. Just stop.
Funny. that's exactly what we told you assholes to do when this first started getting under way. I specifically warned that the other side was going to start playing the same games if the gaystapo didn't just STFU and go get a cake somewhere else. But no, they weren't going to have that. It was going to be force others or nothing. Well guess what. it may be nothing now. You a-holes shit in this bed, take a nice long nap.

Oh, and another thing. I was never for business owners being sent nasty messages and threatened but after the pizza fiasco fuck you. I want to see a few gay business people shut down. Remember how you (I believe it was you, but your side anyway) claimed anyone not willing to make a gay cake should just go out of business? Yeah, let's both play that game now eh? This is the fascism you wanted is it not?

Who said this is a 'gay business'?
They certainly aren't "inclusive" are they. Isn't this whole cluster fuck all about forcing business owners to be "inclusive" and fair? NO H8!!! Right?

There isn't any particular indication that the owner is gay. Or that the business is.

And if you're going to try and make a point about the application of discrimination, April Fools day may not be the best day to make your calls.
You mean the same thing happened as what happened to Memories pizza over a falsely reported narrative?Both sets of people that made threats were wrong and childish. It seems that what was good for the goose, ended up being good for the gander as well.
It's sad people can't quit with all their hidden agenda crap.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake, the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein's followers
Posted By Jessica Bryce Young on Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM

We reported last week on former televangelist Joshua Feuerstein's pro-RFRA stunt video. To make some point about how an Indiana pizzeria should be allowed to say they'd refuse to cater a gay wedding because they don't support gay marriage, he called a bakery at random, asked them to make a cake that said "We do not support gay marriage," and when they refused, he ... seemed to think he'd proved something?

Turns out that bakery was Cut the Cake, a small business that's operated in Longwood since 1985. And turns out that, however misguided Feuerstein is, it's his followers that are the real menace: Hundreds of his 1,118,080 Facebook followers flooded the bakery's phone lines with fake orders and death threats, destroyed their Yelp rating with phony one-star reviews, and ended up causing the owners to close down.

(Note: Feuerstein did ask his followers to call the bakery and ask them to "explain their hypocrisy," which is bad enough, but the rest seems to have been on their own hateful initiative.) Messages like this are still being sent to Cut the Cake:

  • Lovely. Now that's reasoned political debate from a Christian standpoint.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein s followers Blogs Orlando Weekly
Please. Just stop.
Funny. that's exactly what we told you assholes to do when this first started getting under way. I specifically warned that the other side was going to start playing the same games if the gaystapo didn't just STFU and go get a cake somewhere else. But no, they weren't going to have that. It was going to be force others or nothing. Well guess what. it may be nothing now. You a-holes shit in this bed, take a nice long nap.

Oh, and another thing. I was never for business owners being sent nasty messages and threatened but after the pizza fiasco fuck you. I want to see a few gay business people shut down. Remember how you (I believe it was you, but your side anyway) claimed anyone not willing to make a gay cake should just go out of business? Yeah, let's both play that game now eh? This is the fascism you wanted is it not?

Who said this is a 'gay business'?
They certainly aren't "inclusive" are they. Isn't this whole cluster fuck all about forcing business owners to be "inclusive" and fair? NO H8!!! Right?

There isn't any particular indication that the owner is gay. Or that the business is.

And if you're going to try and make a point about the application of discrimination, April Fools day may not be the best day to make your calls.

Have you watched the video? Many of the owners admitted they were gay. I think they advertised that they were "gay friendly." Otherwise, how did they get on the reverend's list?
You mean the same thing happened as what happened to Memories pizza over a falsely reported narrative?Both sets of people that made threats were wrong and childish. It seems that what was good for the goose, ended up being good for the gander as well.
It's sad people can't quit with all their hidden agenda crap.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake, the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein's followers
Posted By Jessica Bryce Young on Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM

We reported last week on former televangelist Joshua Feuerstein's pro-RFRA stunt video. To make some point about how an Indiana pizzeria should be allowed to say they'd refuse to cater a gay wedding because they don't support gay marriage, he called a bakery at random, asked them to make a cake that said "We do not support gay marriage," and when they refused, he ... seemed to think he'd proved something?

Turns out that bakery was Cut the Cake, a small business that's operated in Longwood since 1985. And turns out that, however misguided Feuerstein is, it's his followers that are the real menace: Hundreds of his 1,118,080 Facebook followers flooded the bakery's phone lines with fake orders and death threats, destroyed their Yelp rating with phony one-star reviews, and ended up causing the owners to close down.

(Note: Feuerstein did ask his followers to call the bakery and ask them to "explain their hypocrisy," which is bad enough, but the rest seems to have been on their own hateful initiative.) Messages like this are still being sent to Cut the Cake:

  • Lovely. Now that's reasoned political debate from a Christian standpoint.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein s followers Blogs Orlando Weekly

But that kind of treatment is OK for the owners of Memories Pizzeria? Isn't that what you queers have been saying: "speech has consequences?"

I'm glad they had to shut down their business.
You mean the same thing happened as what happened to Memories pizza over a falsely reported narrative?Both sets of people that made threats were wrong and childish. It seems that what was good for the goose, ended up being good for the gander as well.
It's sad people can't quit with all their hidden agenda crap.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake, the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein's followers
Posted By Jessica Bryce Young on Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM

We reported last week on former televangelist Joshua Feuerstein's pro-RFRA stunt video. To make some point about how an Indiana pizzeria should be allowed to say they'd refuse to cater a gay wedding because they don't support gay marriage, he called a bakery at random, asked them to make a cake that said "We do not support gay marriage," and when they refused, he ... seemed to think he'd proved something?

Turns out that bakery was Cut the Cake, a small business that's operated in Longwood since 1985. And turns out that, however misguided Feuerstein is, it's his followers that are the real menace: Hundreds of his 1,118,080 Facebook followers flooded the bakery's phone lines with fake orders and death threats, destroyed their Yelp rating with phony one-star reviews, and ended up causing the owners to close down.

(Note: Feuerstein did ask his followers to call the bakery and ask them to "explain their hypocrisy," which is bad enough, but the rest seems to have been on their own hateful initiative.) Messages like this are still being sent to Cut the Cake:

  • Lovely. Now that's reasoned political debate from a Christian standpoint.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein s followers Blogs Orlando Weekly

But that kind of treatment is OK for the owners of Memories Pizzeria? Isn't that what you queers have been saying: "speech has consequences?"

I'm glad they had to shut down their business.
Who was it that was telling me that if people don't like getting death threats, they should pipe down?

Who the hell was that? They backtracked after saying it, and tried to pretend they didn't mean what they said...
You mean the same thing happened as what happened to Memories pizza over a falsely reported narrative?Both sets of people that made threats were wrong and childish. It seems that what was good for the goose, ended up being good for the gander as well.
It's sad people can't quit with all their hidden agenda crap.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake, the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein's followers
Posted By Jessica Bryce Young on Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM

We reported last week on former televangelist Joshua Feuerstein's pro-RFRA stunt video. To make some point about how an Indiana pizzeria should be allowed to say they'd refuse to cater a gay wedding because they don't support gay marriage, he called a bakery at random, asked them to make a cake that said "We do not support gay marriage," and when they refused, he ... seemed to think he'd proved something?

Turns out that bakery was Cut the Cake, a small business that's operated in Longwood since 1985. And turns out that, however misguided Feuerstein is, it's his followers that are the real menace: Hundreds of his 1,118,080 Facebook followers flooded the bakery's phone lines with fake orders and death threats, destroyed their Yelp rating with phony one-star reviews, and ended up causing the owners to close down.

(Note: Feuerstein did ask his followers to call the bakery and ask them to "explain their hypocrisy," which is bad enough, but the rest seems to have been on their own hateful initiative.) Messages like this are still being sent to Cut the Cake:

  • Lovely. Now that's reasoned political debate from a Christian standpoint.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein s followers Blogs Orlando Weekly

But that kind of treatment is OK for the owners of Memories Pizzeria? Isn't that what you queers have been saying: "speech has consequences?"

I'm glad they had to shut down their business.
Who was it that was telling me that if people don't like getting death threats, they should pipe down?

Who the hell was that? They backtracked after saying it, and tried to pretend they didn't mean what they said...

I think it was PMH.

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