This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges.

Please. Just stop.
Funny. that's exactly what we told you assholes to do when this first started getting under way. I specifically warned that the other side was going to start playing the same games if the gaystapo didn't just STFU and go get a cake somewhere else. But no, they weren't going to have that. It was going to be force others or nothing. Well guess what. it may be nothing now. You a-holes shit in this bed, take a nice long nap.

Oh, and another thing. I was never for business owners being sent nasty messages and threatened but after the pizza fiasco fuck you. I want to see a few gay business people shut down. Remember how you (I believe it was you, but your side anyway) claimed anyone not willing to make a gay cake should just go out of business? Yeah, let's both play that game now eh? This is the fascism you wanted is it not?

Who said this is a 'gay business'?
They certainly aren't "inclusive" are they. Isn't this whole cluster fuck all about forcing business owners to be "inclusive" and fair? NO H8!!! Right?

There isn't any particular indication that the owner is gay. Or that the business is.

And if you're going to try and make a point about the application of discrimination, April Fools day may not be the best day to make your calls.

Have you watched the video? Many of the owners admitted they were gay. I think they advertised that they were "gay friendly." Otherwise, how did they get on the reverend's list?

Gay friendly, sure. I sell to weddings, and I actually aim at gay men as potential clients. But being gay friendly doesn't mean you're gay. Anymore than child friendly means you're a child.

Who says that the business owner was gay?
You mean the same thing happened as what happened to Memories pizza over a falsely reported narrative?Both sets of people that made threats were wrong and childish. It seems that what was good for the goose, ended up being good for the gander as well.
It's sad people can't quit with all their hidden agenda crap.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake, the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein's followers
Posted By Jessica Bryce Young on Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM

We reported last week on former televangelist Joshua Feuerstein's pro-RFRA stunt video. To make some point about how an Indiana pizzeria should be allowed to say they'd refuse to cater a gay wedding because they don't support gay marriage, he called a bakery at random, asked them to make a cake that said "We do not support gay marriage," and when they refused, he ... seemed to think he'd proved something?

Turns out that bakery was Cut the Cake, a small business that's operated in Longwood since 1985. And turns out that, however misguided Feuerstein is, it's his followers that are the real menace: Hundreds of his 1,118,080 Facebook followers flooded the bakery's phone lines with fake orders and death threats, destroyed their Yelp rating with phony one-star reviews, and ended up causing the owners to close down.

(Note: Feuerstein did ask his followers to call the bakery and ask them to "explain their hypocrisy," which is bad enough, but the rest seems to have been on their own hateful initiative.) Messages like this are still being sent to Cut the Cake:

  • Lovely. Now that's reasoned political debate from a Christian standpoint.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein s followers Blogs Orlando Weekly

But that kind of treatment is OK for the owners of Memories Pizzeria? Isn't that what you queers have been saying: "speech has consequences?"

I'm glad they had to shut down their business.
Who was it that was telling me that if people don't like getting death threats, they should pipe down?

Who the hell was that? They backtracked after saying it, and tried to pretend they didn't mean what they said...

I think it was PMH.

Sheesh homos are such retarded crapheads.
As I tried to explain in some of the other threads, the Christian business owners were not discriminating against PEOPLE based on sexual orientation. They were discriminating against the product or service based on the implied approval of same sex marriage. This is the same thing that is occuring with the pro-gay bakeries refusing to make cakes with anti-gay messages. A business should not be forced to provide a product or service that the owners find morally objectionable. Not only is it a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. Both covered by the 1st ammendment.
This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.


You can NOT make this crap up.

Again... Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy.

That mental disorder also presents as being chronically offended by any criticism of one's pitiful status, demands that the property of others is yours because you could use it too... and that being black means that one can't support themself... .

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

Since 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations. The discipline of psychology is concerned with the well-being of people and groups and therefore with threats to that well-being. The prejudice and discrimination that people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual regularly experience have been shown to have negative psychological effects. This pamphlet is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual...

Is homosexuality a mental disorder?

No, lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder.
This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.

Yes, he may face charges. But I notice you avoid saying WHY he will face charges. It has nothing to do with baking a cake or homosexuality. It has to do with illegally recording a conversation and making that conversation public.

Typical of you to lie to try and make some point.
Really, in this day and age of cell phones with cameras and sound? This is a problem for some people?
This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.


You can NOT make this crap up.

Again... Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy.

That mental disorder also presents as being chronically offended by any criticism of one's pitiful status, demands that the property of others is yours because you could use it too... and that being black means that one can't support themself... .

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

Since 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations. The discipline of psychology is concerned with the well-being of people and groups and therefore with threats to that well-being. The prejudice and discrimination that people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual regularly experience have been shown to have negative psychological effects. This pamphlet is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual...

Is homosexuality a mental disorder?

No, lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Stop recruiting, yuck.

And yes, there is a link, there has always been a link, between deviant sexuality and mental illness. 100 percent of sex change recipients are mentally ill...and 99 percent of homosexuals.
This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.


You can NOT make this crap up.

Again... Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy.

That mental disorder also presents as being chronically offended by any criticism of one's pitiful status, demands that the property of others is yours because you could use it too... and that being black means that one can't support themself... .

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

Golly... if Democracy had any bearing on who is and is not saddled with mental disorder, that would be a terrific link.

Sadly, for your 'feelings'... popular votes to remove sexual deviancy from the list of behaviors presenting such, is pretty much irrelevant to the reality that those who rationalize that their cravings for sexual gratification through sexual behavior with those of their same gender, provides a valid basis for pursing such, are presenting symptoms of delusion.

See how that works?
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Oh, please.
This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.


You can NOT make this crap up.

Again... Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy.

That mental disorder also presents as being chronically offended by any criticism of one's pitiful status, demands that the property of others is yours because you could use it too... and that being black means that one can't support themself... .

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

Since 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations. The discipline of psychology is concerned with the well-being of people and groups and therefore with threats to that well-being. The prejudice and discrimination that people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual regularly experience have been shown to have negative psychological effects. This pamphlet is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual...

Is homosexuality a mental disorder?

No, lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Stop recruiting, yuck.

And yes, there is a link, there has always been a link, between deviant sexuality and mental illness. 100 percent of sex change recipients are mentally ill...and 99 percent of homosexuals.
Before y'all line up behind this jerk, Joshua Feuerstein, you just might want to visit your local Google ...

Looks like he might be the thumper version of lil Jimmy O'Keefe.

Gotta love the Internet, where everyone can be famous, everyone can have a voice, everyone's asshole opinion is just so terribly valuable.

We need a yawn emoticon.
This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges. News LifeSite

Tolerance,Equality all lies from the cultural marxists. What they want is FORCED acceptance at point of a gun if need be.


You can NOT make this crap up.

Again... Homosexuality is a mental disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy.

That mental disorder also presents as being chronically offended by any criticism of one's pitiful status, demands that the property of others is yours because you could use it too... and that being black means that one can't support themself... .

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

Golly... if Democracy had any bearing on who is and is not saddled with mental disorder, that would be a terrific link.

Certainly you don't get to decide, that's for sure. The APA does, though, because they are the only body in this country that is professionally qualified to do so.
Reading links about this guy ...

Are we sure that this isn't our very own Judicial review?

Or maybe TemplarKormac

Very full of himself while managing to be so shallow and ignorant and SO bigoted - its just laughable because he really has nothing of importance to say.

His photo looks older than he writes. Just like the above named Official Board Mascots.
Before y'all line up behind this jerk, Joshua Feuerstein, you just might want to visit your local Google ...

Looks like he might be the thumper version of lil Jimmy O'Keefe.

Gotta love the Internet, where everyone can be famous, everyone can have a voice, everyone's asshole opinion is just so terribly valuable.

We need a yawn emoticon.
I did when the story first broke ten days ago. Guys is a total flake. (And not a" minister.") Real fundie creationist anti-gay whackadoodle.
Certainly you don't get to decide...


Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

It's not a 'decision', scamp. It's a FACT, of the INCONTROVERTIBLE VARIETY!

But how cool is it that you feel that if the APA board voted to alter the public record to present you as being 7' 2" tall, who runs the 40 in 3.8 seconds that YOU WOULD ACTUALLY BE THAT TALL AND THAT FAST!

Ya see scamp, in reality, ... you are neither. And that will remain a fact no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

(The Reader should know that the APA altered the CSM without a shred of medical science as the basis of their vote to remove homosexuality from any association with mental disorder. That vote was a fraud and remains to this day absolutely and totally medically vacuous. It's a lie, advanced by fraudulent means; wherein it lends the appearance of science, toward the goal of deceiving the ignorant.)
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Did you reply to the wrong post?
You mean the same thing happened as what happened to Memories pizza over a falsely reported narrative?Both sets of people that made threats were wrong and childish. It seems that what was good for the goose, ended up being good for the gander as well.
It's sad people can't quit with all their hidden agenda crap.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake, the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein's followers
Posted By Jessica Bryce Young on Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:40 AM

We reported last week on former televangelist Joshua Feuerstein's pro-RFRA stunt video. To make some point about how an Indiana pizzeria should be allowed to say they'd refuse to cater a gay wedding because they don't support gay marriage, he called a bakery at random, asked them to make a cake that said "We do not support gay marriage," and when they refused, he ... seemed to think he'd proved something?

Turns out that bakery was Cut the Cake, a small business that's operated in Longwood since 1985. And turns out that, however misguided Feuerstein is, it's his followers that are the real menace: Hundreds of his 1,118,080 Facebook followers flooded the bakery's phone lines with fake orders and death threats, destroyed their Yelp rating with phony one-star reviews, and ended up causing the owners to close down.

(Note: Feuerstein did ask his followers to call the bakery and ask them to "explain their hypocrisy," which is bad enough, but the rest seems to have been on their own hateful initiative.) Messages like this are still being sent to Cut the Cake:

  • Lovely. Now that's reasoned political debate from a Christian standpoint.
Meet the owners of Cut the Cake the Longwood bakery attacked by Josh Feuerstein s followers Blogs Orlando Weekly

But that kind of treatment is OK for the owners of Memories Pizzeria? Isn't that what you queers have been saying: "speech has consequences?"

I'm glad they had to shut down their business.
As I tried to explain in some of the other threads, the Christian business owners were not discriminating against PEOPLE based on sexual orientation. They were discriminating against the product or service based on the implied approval of same sex marriage. This is the same thing that is occuring with the pro-gay bakeries refusing to make cakes with anti-gay messages. A business should not be forced to provide a product or service that the owners find morally objectionable. Not only is it a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. Both covered by the 1st ammendment.
The thread title is a lie. A traditional wedding cake is not what was requested. An agenda cake was requested. The patron could have ordered a traditional cake and written whatever he wanted on it. A cake that required writing on it was being demanded. Specifically, religious and political opinions and viewpoints. That would violate the bakers 1st Amendment right to free speech. You can not force a person to say or write something against their will. Free speech is not an abstract constitutional right.
As I tried to explain in some of the other threads, the Christian business owners were not discriminating against PEOPLE based on sexual orientation. They were discriminating against the product or service based on the implied approval of same sex marriage. This is the same thing that is occuring with the pro-gay bakeries refusing to make cakes with anti-gay messages. A business should not be forced to provide a product or service that the owners find morally objectionable. Not only is it a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. Both covered by the 1st ammendment.
The thread title is a lie. A traditional wedding cake is not what was requested. An agenda cake was requested. The patron could have ordered a traditional cake and written whatever he wanted on it. A cake that required writing on it was being demanded. Specifically, religious and political opinions and viewpoints. That would violate the bakers 1st Amendment right to free speech. You can not force a person to say or write something against their will. Free speech is not an abstract constitutional right.

The goal was not to get the sexual deviant to write what it felt was wrong... the goal was to get the sexual deviant to refuse to do so, declaring her right to refuse.

Which it did... thus proving the idiocy behind the judicial decisions which upheld as a right, the means of the sexually deviant to force Christians into servitude.
If gays can turn a buck excluding hetros, all the power to them. Selling anything to just homosexuals can't be very profitable. But, that wasn't the issue here, was it?
As I tried to explain in some of the other threads, the Christian business owners were not discriminating against PEOPLE based on sexual orientation. They were discriminating against the product or service based on the implied approval of same sex marriage. This is the same thing that is occuring with the pro-gay bakeries refusing to make cakes with anti-gay messages. A business should not be forced to provide a product or service that the owners find morally objectionable. Not only is it a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. Both covered by the 1st ammendment.
The thread title is a lie. A traditional wedding cake is not what was requested. An agenda cake was requested. The patron could have ordered a traditional cake and written whatever her wanted on it. A cake that required writing on it was being demanded. Specifically, religious and political opinions and viewpoints. That would violate the bakers 1st Amendment right to free speech. You can not force a person to say or write something against their will. Free speech is not an abstract constitutional right.
You are correct about the title. It was not a traditional wedding cake.

However, a cake with figures for a same sex couple is also not decorated as traditional wedding. Free speech includes much more than the written or spoken word.

Apparently, in some parts of the country, business owners can be forced to say things through artistic work or symbols against their will or suffer the consequences.
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If I were forced to bake a cake against my will it would LITERALLY taste like my shit.

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