This has been the best week ever.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
I wonder if the betrayed Obama news media will decide to FINALLY shine their spotlights onto "fast and furious" and the failures of all of those startup green energy companies and other assorted Obama scandals.

I'm not holding my breath.

Wow, that was dumb. As for your links, I did not blame Obama for what the IRS did. In fact, I have actually said I don't think he had anything to do with it.

Also. I am not a Republican, so I didn't ask for anything.
There is a difference between not trusting the government and expecting storm troopers at your door.

I have NEVER trusted "the government" - but Obama is no better or worse than any other President we've had in the last 40 years.

Wow, that was dumb. As for your links, I did not blame Obama for what the IRS did. In fact, I have actually said I don't think he had anything to do with it.

Also. I am not a Republican, so I didn't ask for anything.

Yeah, right - and this is your "best week ever"...
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.

Hey, no need to listen to voices, just watch!!!!!
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.
Only down side is I have no stock in the pharmaceutical company that makes Immodium Extra Strength AD because I know it's been flying off the shelves in DC.


What a fun week and the party has just started! YAY!
Screw the election. This all but made up for it. I haven't seen Democrats in this much distress since the 2000 election!

Alot of shit stained shorts the last couple of days in here.......and Im laughing. This place had become a hoot.......watching the k00k left fall all over themselves posting up the distraction crap.

And Ive noticed that some of these nuts have barely slept in the past 48 hours......its fucking fascnating.
I wonder if the betrayed Obama news media will decide to FINALLY shine their spotlights onto "fast and furious" and the failures of all of those startup green energy companies and other assorted Obama scandals.

I'm not holding my breath.

The media is a bit miffed right now, especially the AP, but they'll kiss and make up soon and go back to spinning for their master.

The only reason they are reporting on things is because of the hearings and some real reporters getting the story out and they don't want to look completely lame. I think there are some who actually oppose government spying (at least on them) and using their power to go after the opposition the way the IRS did. Most are okay with anything Obama does because they fully believe they'll never be victims of an oppressive regime and only the 'other side' needs to worry.
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.
^^ Lefty who uses good-looking rightie as his avatar opines in utter confusion, of course. ^^
There is a difference between not trusting the government and expecting storm troopers at your door.

I have NEVER trusted "the government" - but Obama is no better or worse than any other President we've had in the last 40 years.

Once again, this is not about Obama, it is about the government which is demonstrably worse no than it was years ago.
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.

You should have used <<<< arrows.

  • I am not the one that is trying to argue that the IRS is justified because of the political affiliations of the groups they targeted.
  • I am not the one that supports one of the two parties in control of the government.

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