This has been the best week ever.

Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.
^^ Lefty who uses good-looking rightie as his avatar opines in utter confusion, of course. ^^

I always suspected you had bad judgement. This proves it! :lol:
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.

You should have used <<<< arrows.

  • I am not the one that is trying to argue that the IRS is justified because of the political affiliations of the groups they targeted.
  • I am not the one that supports one of the two parties in control of the government.
You're a wingnut who doesn't support the wingnuts in Congress? :lol:
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.

You should have used <<<< arrows.

  • I am not the one that is trying to argue that the IRS is justified because of the political affiliations of the groups they targeted.
  • I am not the one that supports one of the two parties in control of the government.
You're a wingnut who doesn't support the wingnuts in Congress? :lol:

I am sure you can find thousands of my posts supporting the wingnuts in Congress to prove that I am actually putting party over country.

I won't hold my breath.
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.

This thread makes Baby Barry cry!
And despite all of this, Obama still made time for a $32K per couple Hollywood Star Studded Fundraiser in NYC this week where he blamed his problems on........RUSH LIMBAUGH!

Yes, this is all Rush's fault! Bush is so relieved!
I'm sure the hundreds of TP groups had no political aims, the WH ordered it, and leaking classified information is great...Brainwashed functional morons...
Let's add another scandal:

- Sebelius caught soliciting "private donations" from the health insurance companies she regulates. Shades of Iran Contra...using private money to bypass Congress when Congress has denied funding.
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.

yes it has been but there is so much more

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Shakedown

As expected, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney fielded tough questions at his press briefing Tuesday on the big three ongoing Obama scandals: the false Benghazi talking points, the AP phone record seizure and the IRS audits of administration critics.

All three scandals still have plenty of unanswered questions, but it is possible that the most damaging Obama administration story was not mentioned at all: Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ shakedown of health care firms for Obamacare implementation money.

Don?t forget about HHS? Obamacare shakedown |
Let's add another scandal:

- Sebelius caught soliciting "private donations" from the health insurance companies she regulates. Shades of Iran Contra...using private money to bypass Congress when Congress has denied funding.

a shake down

You left out "Booooooooooooosh"

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Just curious... why is it necessary to tell the world you "sent from my DROID"?

"This was sent from a 10 year old MacBook Pro using Chrome"?

Does that really add anything other then impress any teenagers on the forum?
Obama tells us not to listen to the voices that warn that tyranny is lurking around the corner.
  • The IRS admits to targeting groups that have the wrong opinion.
  • The FBI conducts a secret and unprecedented investigation of reporters who broke a news story they didn't like.
  • It is only Tuesday.
Yet, somehow, I am still crazy.
^^^^ allegiance to Party, not country.

That's a very honest assessment of YOU.

I am impressed!

You left out "Booooooooooooosh"

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Just curious... why is it necessary to tell the world you "sent from my DROID"?

"This was sent from a 10 year old MacBook Pro using Chrome"?

Does that really add anything other then impress any teenagers on the forum?

It might add that to every phone did until I turned it off.
Let's add another scandal:

- Sebelius caught soliciting "private donations" from the health insurance companies she regulates. Shades of Iran Contra...using private money to bypass Congress when Congress has denied funding.

yea, shes lobbying private orgs,that she regulates, to cough up $$ to be used by private orgs. ( Like Enroll America- Enroll America go check their staff, former obama admin. folks :lol: ) to enroll for obamacare, nope nothing wrong with that.....:rolleyes:

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