"This Home Is Proudly Gun-Free"

Are we still arguing this fucking gun bullshit? Who cares?

We wouldn't still be arguing it if LEFTIST didn't start their crap to begin with, then throw fuel on the fire with that IDIOT Biden talking about passing EO's in order to USURP the US Constitution. I have a suggestion. If liberals don't want to hear proud Americans standing up to fight for their protected rights, there's a plane leaving for China tonight. Get on it.
Are we still arguing this fucking gun bullshit? Who cares?

We wouldn't still be arguing it if LEFTIST didn't start their crap to begin with, then throw fuel on the fire with that IDIOT Biden talking about passing EO's in order to USURP the US Constitution. I have a suggestion. If liberals don't want to hear proud Americans standing up to fight for their protected rights, there's a plane leaving for China tonight. Get on it.

Who's coming to take your guns? I'm not in one of these straw man groups that you're terrified of. I'm just sick of continually hearing paranoia every fucking day since those toddlers were murdered. It's over, no one cares, you guys won. Shut the fuck up already.
Are we still arguing this fucking gun bullshit? Who cares?

We wouldn't still be arguing it if LEFTIST didn't start their crap to begin with, then throw fuel on the fire with that IDIOT Biden talking about passing EO's in order to USURP the US Constitution. I have a suggestion. If liberals don't want to hear proud Americans standing up to fight for their protected rights, there's a plane leaving for China tonight. Get on it.

Who's coming to take your guns? I'm not in one of these straw man groups that you're terrified of. I'm just sick of continually hearing paranoia every fucking day since those toddlers were murdered. It's over, no one cares, you guys won. Shut the fuck up already.

Let's get a Republican in office who starts threatening to overturn Roe with an EO.. Or shave it way down to state ABORTION ONLY LEGAL to women who show proof their life is in danger.. Yea.. let's do it.. Along with marriage- LET'S JUST WRITE that in to law under a Republican President and bypass the Congress.. While we're at it, we'll have the Dept of Homeland Security declare you leftist fruitcakes a danger to this Republic, especially the ones who shit on cop cars and people's property. We'll also do away with WELFARE completely with the stroke of a pen.. King Obama granted amnesty this way.. HE DID IT.. So can republicans now. You ZOMBIES have opened up a can of SHITWEED you may not be able to contain.. so don't coming running crying like a snot nosed biatch when it happens.. because it will happen.. and it won't be so great when it's the other side doing it.
We wouldn't still be arguing it if LEFTIST didn't start their crap to begin with, then throw fuel on the fire with that IDIOT Biden talking about passing EO's in order to USURP the US Constitution. I have a suggestion. If liberals don't want to hear proud Americans standing up to fight for their protected rights, there's a plane leaving for China tonight. Get on it.

Who's coming to take your guns? I'm not in one of these straw man groups that you're terrified of. I'm just sick of continually hearing paranoia every fucking day since those toddlers were murdered. It's over, no one cares, you guys won. Shut the fuck up already.

Let's get a Republican in office who starts threatening to overturn Roe with an EO.. Or shave it way down to state ABORTION ONLY LEGAL to women who show proof their life is in danger.. Yea.. let's do it.. Along with marriage- LET'S JUST WRITE that in to law under a Republican President and bypass the Congress.. While we're at it, we'll have the Dept of Homeland Security declare you leftist fruitcakes a danger to this Republic, especially the ones who shit on cop cars and people's property. We'll also do away with WELFARE completely with the stroke of a pen.. King Obama granted amnesty this way.. HE DID IT.. So can republicans now. You ZOMBIES have opened up a can of SHITWEED you may not be able to contain.. so don't coming running crying like a snot nosed biatch when it happens.. because it will happen.. and it won't be so great when it's the other side doing it.

Hitting the bottle tonight? That's about the only explanation I can think for that rambling nonsense.
People wouldn't put up those sings because its an invitation to be robbed. I am not surprised they declined.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be for the criminals when they know no one is allowed to have weapons.

It will be a happy hunting ground. For the bad guys.....

Or they can just wait until nobody is home, like they usually do.
People wouldn't put up those sings because its an invitation to be robbed. I am not surprised they declined.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be for the criminals when they know no one is allowed to have weapons.

It will be a happy hunting ground. For the bad guys.....

Watch and see, to be fair and "for our own good" the next thing you know my mean looking "German Shepherds on duty", and "Guns welcome" signs will be banned. Hard to imagine I know, but there's lots going on that I had a hard time imagining a couple decades ago.
People wouldn't put up those sings because its an invitation to be robbed. I am not surprised they declined.

That's the point. Guns protect you and everyone, even media idiots, know it.
It would ensure the same response as the signs that say "Beware of Dog" or "My dog can cross the yard in 10 seconds, can you?". If someone gets hurt the jury at the civil trial decides that you knew you had a dangerous animal and you neglected to restrict its movement; you are guilty of negligence that caused harm and thus must pay millions and have the dog killed.

I thought about putting signs that said, "Beware of Owner" or "There is nothing in this house worth your life" but the same thing would happen - I would lose the lawsuit because I planned the confrontation. I just let folks guess what is behind door #1, #2 and #3. Do you feel lucky, punk? You better be or be real compliant when you get in. There are only two ways out once you break in - escorted by the police or carried by the coronor.

Yuppers - people that put up tough-guy signs are just asking for a lawsuit if they do kill someone.
People wouldn't put up those sings because its an invitation to be robbed. I am not surprised they declined.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be for the criminals when they know no one is allowed to have weapons.

It will be a happy hunting ground. For the bad guys.....

Or they can just wait until nobody is home, like they usually do.
And for those times when they were wrong, and somebody actually is home.........................?
Dictators do not believe that people deserve the same comfort and safety they enjoy. They don't believe they are our equals, rather they are above all of us little people. While some are starting to argue that none of us should have any guns at all, the politicians insist on security that goes above and beyond what the average person has now.

They know damn well that a well trained person with a gun is the best protection. They have it and are not about to give it up. Your family is not as worthy as theirs. Got it?

Couldn't agree more with your assessment. Although I don't recall the exact person (it was either Pelosi or Feinstein) that was busted for concealed carry (charges dropped, of course) a few years back.

Politicians and the Hollywood "elite" have no trouble whatsoever preaching to us "little people" about the evils of the citizenry owning guns while they travel in bullet-proof limos and with heavily armed security details. After all....they're "important".

I'm an old man. A combat vet and a gun owner. I own a Sig-Sauer P220, A Walther 380, a Smith and Wesson 357, a Baretta 12 Guage and a 30-06 Winchester. I don't threaten anyone. However, break into MY home and I promise you, that individual will be carried out in a bag.

Good post. I'd like to thank you for your service to our country!!!!! As a military brat, military wife (retired), military mom and president of our local American Legion Auxiliary, I proudly support our troops. Always have and always will.

Military protects our country. Police protect our communities. Each of us protect our homes. Liberals always want to cut military. They don't like people having guns. They like police and federal agents because they can use them against the public to arrest people who break their oppressive laws. People can go to jail for not purchasing insurance. Farmers have lost everything and some were jailed for accidentally killing a critter while working the fields. Soon, you might face serious trouble for not having curly lightbulbs or the right appliances. There are so many laws on the books now and virtually every person has broken at least one without knowing it. Of course, the left would like to find something else to go after gun owners with and they are working on it. The people they go after will be those who don't comply with their plans.
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Just imagine how wonderful it will be for the criminals when they know no one is allowed to have weapons.

It will be a happy hunting ground. For the bad guys.....

Or they can just wait until nobody is home, like they usually do.
And for those times when they were wrong, and somebody actually is home.........................?

According to Stuart Varney, at Fox business, it's the reason why the UK has five times as many burglary/break-ins as the US....in UK they have no fear as to what is behind the door they are breaking through....

The great gun control fallacyAfter Newtown's tragedy, the advocates are at it again. But there just is no correlation between gun ownership and murder rates
Thomas Sowell

In Britain, such people have been so successful that legal gun ownership has been reduced almost to the vanishing point, while even most convicted felons in Britain are not put behind bars. The crime rate, including the rate of crimes committed with guns, is far higher in Britain now than it was back in the days when there were few restrictions on Britons buying firearms. In 1954, there were only a dozen armed robberies in London but, by the 1990s – after decades of ever tightening gun ownership restrictions – there were more than a hundred times as many armed robberies.

Gun control zealots' choice of Britain for comparison with the United States has been wholly tendentious, not only because it ignored the history of the two countries, but also because it ignored other countries with stronger gun control laws than the United States, such as Russia, Brazil and Mexico. All of these countries have higher murder rates than the United States.

You could compare other sets of countries and get similar results. Gun ownership has been three times as high in Switzerland as in Germany, but the Swiss have had lower murder rates. Other countries with high rates of gun ownership and low murder rates include Israel, New Zealand, and Finland.

Guns are not the problem. People are the problem – including people who are determined to push gun control laws, either in ignorance of the facts or in defiance of the facts.

There is innocent ignorance and there is invincible, dogmatic and self-righteous ignorance. Every tragic mass shooting seems to bring out examples of both among gun control advocates
People wouldn't put up those sings because its an invitation to be robbed. I am not surprised they declined.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be for the criminals when they know no one is allowed to have weapons.

It will be a happy hunting ground. For the bad guys.....

Or they can just wait until nobody is home, like they usually do.

Not in Australia. Here in the US the percentage of "hot" burglaries (that's where the bad guys break in knowing someone is home) is 15%, in Australia after guns were banned the percentage jumped from a similar 18% to over 80% now.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it doofus.
World Nut Daily? James "Pimp" O'Keefe? Sooo funny...

Yeah, he's so funny he got ACORN defunded. Seems to me he's your worst nightmare.

Racism and voter suppression did that.

O'Keefe TRIED to help but only idiots believe anything out him since it was PROVEN he lied about ACORN.

THAT's why he can only get published on sites that are also known for lying - drudge, wnd, britebart. Just think - someday, he'll make all the way to the bottom of that shit heap: Fox.

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