This is a "Republican" Victory?


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Good day to you all! I am new on this forum and want to make my statements from the other side of your world, The Netherlands! This morning my newspaper told me that Obama said that he made mistakes, because the democrats lost the majority of seats in the senate and that this will bring the health insurance plan in trouble. I do not think Obama makes mistakes, he is trying to give the American people health care! Here in Europe it is quite normal that everybody has a health insurance and that everybody get the medical attention they need, even if they don't pay their health insurance bills. In the USA however people are sent away if they are nut insured, which is really not understandable. Even uninsured illegal immigrants get free medical care over here. Nobody will be sent away. The way it has been done so far in the USA, as far as I am informed, is like a third world country which I do not think you want to be called. So herewith I would really like to ask you to support this plan. Don't let Obama down! For the first time in my life there is an American President who is honest and a reliable person. He really does the best he can for the United States and the world loves him. So please, please, please don't give up on Obama.

Hi!! Welcome!! I cannot speak for anyone else, of course. But I have felt from the beginning that Obama would do a good job as president. And I still think so. So I guantee you that I will never give up on him.

He has done a better job than any Republican president in modern history.
Good day to you all! I am new on this forum and want to make my statements from the other side of your world, The Netherlands! This morning my newspaper told me that Obama said that he made mistakes, because the democrats lost the majority of seats in the senate and that this will bring the health insurance plan in trouble. I do not think Obama makes mistakes, he is trying to give the American people health care! Here in Europe it is quite normal that everybody has a health insurance and that everybody get the medical attention they need, even if they don't pay their health insurance bills. In the USA however people are sent away if they are nut insured, which is really not understandable. Even uninsured illegal immigrants get free medical care over here. Nobody will be sent away. The way it has been done so far in the USA, as far as I am informed, is like a third world country which I do not think you want to be called. So herewith I would really like to ask you to support this plan. Don't let Obama down! For the first time in my life there is an American President who is honest and a reliable person. He really does the best he can for the United States and the world loves him. So please, please, please don't give up on Obama.

Hi!! Welcome!! I cannot speak for anyone else, of course. But I have felt from the beginning that Obama would do a good job as president. And I still think so. So I guantee you that I will never give up on him.

He has done a better job than any Republican president in modern history.

if by modern american history you mean since 2008, you are absolutely right.
lol...while we're building hospitals in Iraq with the conservatives' blessing.

Worse, the Republicans supported the new Iraqi Constitution. When you point out that it makes "Islam" the national religion (Article 2) and says all legislation is based on Islam and Article 31 gives all Iraqis the public option in health care, American Confederate Republicans once again lie. They say, "Hey, we have to let Iraqi's govern how they want". And yet, they forced Iraqis to insert an Article making 30% of Parlimentary seats reserved for women. Like they would do that on their own. They were pressured by Republicans.

So Iraq gets a public option and we don't. Thanks Republicans. You screwed us again.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution -

Iraq is a sovereign nation. It is not bound by our Constitution. Why do lefties have such a problem coping with little facts such as 'we have a Constitution - under which we are governed - that Constitution does NOT remit the federal government to mandate that American citizen MUST buy health insurance'.

Gawd you guys are dumb.

We went into the "sovereign" nation of Iraq and, by force, toppled their "sovereign" government. Then we supported their new constitution with the blood of our sons and daughters backed by our treasure.

Republicans forced them to add "women" to their parliment and helped craft the rest of their constitution, so obviously, they had no say.

Do you think that if they had added, "Kill the Christians", Republicans would have allowed that? Seriously? But, oh, they are a "sovereign" nation.

You guys make me sick. If Iraq is so "thankful", then how come they have no "America Appreciation Day"? Instead, they threw shoes at our president, one of the worst insults possilble. And, in spite of their oil revenue, WE are still paying to fix the country we bombed. Republicans, the gift that just keeps right on giving.

Obama is just another ego in a suit, Rinata. Put your faith in God, not a man.... no matter who he is. He doesn't give a rats ass about you, I guarantee it.

Oh, don't worry. I would never put total and complete faith in anybody. And I do have a lot of faith in God. People let each other down all the time because we are human I guess. I always make sure that my expectations of others are reasonable.

But you'll 'never give up' on Obama.... :lol::lol::lol:

Europeans look at Obama and hope he will make us like they are. You know why that is? Because they sold their freedom for nanny states. Now they look at us, just like they did in decades past and see our freedom and they are jealous. So they would prefer we live like they do. Freedom has its price, Rinata. Part of that price is that we don't get taken care of, we take are of ourselves - and each other. We do NOT have a government to do that for us. You want to redistribute my wealth? Over my cold, dead body.

Right now I think he is doing everything he can to be a good prez. If I ever thought that he did not have our best interests at heart, that would be a deal breaker.

I've said before that I didn't get up at 5am for 27 years and home sometimes after 8pm so that people could sit on their fat asses for me to take care of. But I do believe in helping people. Yes, there is a limit to everything. I don't want to enable anyone, but I hate to see people go down the drain if they just need a little help to get on their feet.
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Good day to you all! I am new on this forum and want to make my statements from the other side of your world, The Netherlands! This morning my newspaper told me that Obama said that he made mistakes, because the democrats lost the majority of seats in the senate and that this will bring the health insurance plan in trouble. I do not think Obama makes mistakes, he is trying to give the American people health care! Here in Europe it is quite normal that everybody has a health insurance and that everybody get the medical attention they need, even if they don't pay their health insurance bills. In the USA however people are sent away if they are nut insured, which is really not understandable. Even uninsured illegal immigrants get free medical care over here. Nobody will be sent away. The way it has been done so far in the USA, as far as I am informed, is like a third world country which I do not think you want to be called. So herewith I would really like to ask you to support this plan. Don't let Obama down! For the first time in my life there is an American President who is honest and a reliable person. He really does the best he can for the United States and the world loves him. So please, please, please don't give up on Obama.

Welcome to the board.

We are NOT Europe. You are welcome to run your country any way your people choose. Kindly recognize that we are a sovereign nation and don't need Europe to tell us how to live. Thanks.

lol...while we're building hospitals in Iraq with the conservatives' blessing.

and nation building in haiti too ;) (sorry Chavez must have hijacked my account :lol:)
If I ever thought that he did not have our best interests at heart, that would be a deal breaker.

I don't even know where to start on that comment. he absolutely sold all of us out, and especially the lower and middle class. Everyone got theirs, Wall Street, AIG, unions, GM, government bailouts, and skata for the American people who are suffering. We sit here and listen to the media expound how we are a nation in decline, how we owe Communist China, and propose health care legislation that feeds the insurance coffers, and drug company rich. More jobs shipping out to China and India, no NAFTA protections, in fact, no legislation to protect American families from massive globalization that has clearly harmed our people.

You let me know when he ever showed one iota of interest of the plight of the American people?????

It is time for OUR people to take back government from the arrogant elitists who run our nation now, and any mouthpiece for them like Obama. I like Obama personally, we all do, but I know who he speaks for, and that's ALL HE DOES.

Shut up and do something Obama.

This is what you get when you elect a candy ass who never worked a day in his life. A guy who talks about rolling up his sleeves, but I never see any dirt or grass stains on the guy.
If I ever thought that he did not have our best interests at heart, that would be a deal breaker.

I don't even know where to start on that comment. he absolutely sold all of us out, and especially the lower and middle class. Everyone got theirs, Wall Street, AIG, unions, GM, government bailouts, and skata for the American people who are suffering. We sit here and listen to the media expound how we are a nation in decline, how we owe Communist China, and propose health care legislation that feeds the insurance coffers, and drug company rich. More jobs shipping out to China and India, no NAFTA protections, in fact, no legislation to protect American families from massive globalization that has clearly harmed our people.

You let me know when he ever showed one iota of interest of the plight of the American people?????

It is time for OUR people to take back government from the arrogant elitists who run our nation now, and any mouthpiece for them like Obama. I like Obama personally, we all do, but I know who he speaks for, and that's ALL HE DOES.

Shut up and do something Obama.

This is what you get when you elect a candy ass who never worked a day in his life. A guy who talks about rolling up his sleeves, but I never see any dirt or grass stains on the guy.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree and have a completely different opinion of the prez. In any case, I really want to thank you. Do you know how often someone has disagreed with me in such an adult manner on this site?? Very, very, seldom. I appreciate it so much.
If I ever thought that he did not have our best interests at heart, that would be a deal breaker.

I don't even know where to start on that comment. he absolutely sold all of us out, and especially the lower and middle class. Everyone got theirs, Wall Street, AIG, unions, GM, government bailouts, and skata for the American people who are suffering. We sit here and listen to the media expound how we are a nation in decline, how we owe Communist China, and propose health care legislation that feeds the insurance coffers, and drug company rich. More jobs shipping out to China and India, no NAFTA protections, in fact, no legislation to protect American families from massive globalization that has clearly harmed our people.

You let me know when he ever showed one iota of interest of the plight of the American people?????

It is time for OUR people to take back government from the arrogant elitists who run our nation now, and any mouthpiece for them like Obama. I like Obama personally, we all do, but I know who he speaks for, and that's ALL HE DOES.

Shut up and do something Obama.

This is what you get when you elect a candy ass who never worked a day in his life. A guy who talks about rolling up his sleeves, but I never see any dirt or grass stains on the guy.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree and have a completely different opinion of the prez. In any case, I really want to thank you. Do you know how often someone has disagreed with me in such an adult manner on this site?? Very, very, seldom. I appreciate it so much.

Meaning: %-(
This was completely a Republican victory, which everyone will see as soon as Scott Brown reveals his true colors as a party-line Republican.

He never mentioned the word Republican while campaigning because he had a very smart campaign manager. To win in a state as blue as Massachusetts you have to almost pretend you're not a Republican - and do NOTHING to draw attention to the fact that you are.
If anything, this is a Republican defeat.

This is the message the Republicans ignored in 06 and 08.

I'd call it a "politics as usual" defeat, a slap in the face of ALL the DC hacks who've gone on for too long, thinking the business of the nation is all about them and their agendas.

As for rdean's OP and his incredible ability to totally miss the point, perhaps it's just that Republicans like Brown consider themselves to actually represent the people, rather than just the party.
Oh, don't worry. I would never put total and complete faith in anybody. And I do have a lot of faith in God. People let each other down all the time because we are human I guess. I always make sure that my expectations of others are reasonable.

But you'll 'never give up' on Obama.... :lol::lol::lol:

Europeans look at Obama and hope he will make us like they are. You know why that is? Because they sold their freedom for nanny states. Now they look at us, just like they did in decades past and see our freedom and they are jealous. So they would prefer we live like they do. Freedom has its price, Rinata. Part of that price is that we don't get taken care of, we take are of ourselves - and each other. We do NOT have a government to do that for us. You want to redistribute my wealth? Over my cold, dead body.

Right now I think he is doing everything he can to be a good prez. If I ever thought that he did not have our best interests at heart, that would be a deal breaker.

Anyone out there need to be reminded which road it is that's paved with good intentions?
Watching Scott Brown's acceptance speech seemed more like a gauntlet being thrown down.

First, he said this was a seat, NOT for Republicans and NOT for Democrats, but for all the people.

During his campaign he NEVER used the word Republican. The word "Republican" never appeared on any of his TV ads or in any print ads or signs. He constantly tried to make a connection to "Jack Kennedy" of all people.

Check it out:

YouTube - Elect Scott Brown, Defeat Martha Coakley! (Massachusetts Special Election Ad by GOP Trust)

Martha Coakley on the other hand. At the beginning of the contest, she was asked if she was going door to door and she publicly answered, "I'm not going to go out and shake hands with a bunch of stangers". That one line probably cost her the election more than anything else.

So, what does this victory mean to Republians? The winner distanced himself from them as far as possible and attempted to establish a connection with a Democratic Icon. That make it seem like a trick or a shell game. It will be interesting to see the public response to his Senate performance.

The other was him saying, "More jobs". Why would Republicans campaign on "more jobs"? They say it's NOT the governments job to make jobs and they want to move the ones we have overseas. Considering that Scott Brown suggested Obama's parents were never married, he seems more like a "teabagger".

So the election may have been cut and dried, but the outcome will be confusing for some time.

One wonders. If Michael Jordon ran for the senate, would he win?

Brown referred to Jack Kennedy--because JFK was a conservative. He didn't believe in huge government expansion, & was in the fact the very 1st President to use trickle down economics. He gave the largest tax break to American citizens--prior to Ronald Reagan & it worked to stimulate a stagnant economy.

Don't get confused with the democrats of decades past to the current ones in this administration & congress. They are polar opposites of one another.

Scott Brown's victory was a victory for conservatives in this country--be them conservative independants, conservative democrats or conservative republicans.
This was completely a Republican victory, which everyone will see as soon as Scott Brown reveals his true colors as a party-line Republican.

He never mentioned the word Republican while campaigning because he had a very smart campaign manager. To win in a state as blue as Massachusetts you have to almost pretend you're not a Republican - and do NOTHING to draw attention to the fact that you are.

So you are saying it was a "trick"? That he fooled his constituents? You are saying that you congratulate a liar?

Sorry, I'm not feeling your message. Is that what you are saying?
[Obama didn't need one republican vote for a whole year to pass anything that he wanted.

The problem for him is that he tried to pass the most radical, leftist, agenda, out there. And even some democrats want to keep their seats.

He did to pass the stimulus. I don't hear conservatives blaming the Republican party for the stimulus package.

Bullshit. The three who voted for it got blasted from the right. Specter was one of them. Put a fork in him cause he's done.
Watching Scott Brown's acceptance speech seemed more like a gauntlet being thrown down.

First, he said this was a seat, NOT for Republicans and NOT for Democrats, but for all the people.

During his campaign he NEVER used the word Republican. The word "Republican" never appeared on any of his TV ads or in any print ads or signs. He constantly tried to make a connection to "Jack Kennedy" of all people.

Check it out:

YouTube - Elect Scott Brown, Defeat Martha Coakley! (Massachusetts Special Election Ad by GOP Trust)

Martha Coakley on the other hand. At the beginning of the contest, she was asked if she was going door to door and she publicly answered, "I'm not going to go out and shake hands with a bunch of stangers". That one line probably cost her the election more than anything else.

So, what does this victory mean to Republians? The winner distanced himself from them as far as possible and attempted to establish a connection with a Democratic Icon. That make it seem like a trick or a shell game. It will be interesting to see the public response to his Senate performance.

The other was him saying, "More jobs". Why would Republicans campaign on "more jobs"? They say it's NOT the governments job to make jobs and they want to move the ones we have overseas. Considering that Scott Brown suggested Obama's parents were never married, he seems more like a "teabagger".

So the election may have been cut and dried, but the outcome will be confusing for some time.

One wonders. If Michael Jordon ran for the senate, would he win?


This was completely a Republican victory, which everyone will see as soon as Scott Brown reveals his true colors as a party-line Republican.

He never mentioned the word Republican while campaigning because he had a very smart campaign manager. To win in a state as blue as Massachusetts you have to almost pretend you're not a Republican - and do NOTHING to draw attention to the fact that you are.

The voters had to pull the lever with an 'R' next to it; they knew he was a Republican. They sent a message loud and clear to D.C. . . . . stop the bullshit, stop the spending, stop the massive health care that doesn't do anything but make things worse, stop the bailouts, stop the back room and sweetheart deals, stop the shoving of crap down our throats cause . . . . we - THE PEOPLE - don't want your stinking crap! The voters knew exactly what they were doing when they pulled that R lever.
Biggest week to be a conservative in about 30 years and my computer decides to crash...........on fcukking Tuesday Am of all times!!!!:clap2:

But Im up and running and have never been so giddy about seeing the glorious angst amongst the internet lefty k00ks!!! Great week for you guys huh???:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::rofl:

Ive been making a point all week to be watching MSNBC to watch the evening throng of kooks twisting like mental case piniata's on a bad crack bender with my computer down. These fcukkers are beyond is classic fun and high entertainment watching Olbermann have smoke steaming out of his ears as he goes on some rant knowing full well as in the back of his mind, a little voice screams, "Youve been pwned s0n!!!"

I fully disagree with some of the conservative pundits saying that, 'The country is now lurching right again". always was center right............but this modern day Wizard of Oz Obama campaigned as a centrist and has governed as if the only people worth making happy in the country is the 21%ers!!!

The independents got bamboozled back in 2008...............BAMBOOZLED.........just as I have been saying for well over a year.

The curtain has now been pulled back by Toto.................ALL THE WAY!!!!

I will admit though............never in a million years did I think back just a short year ago that I'd be having this much fun at the expense of the k00ks!!!!:eek:

Who kneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Watching Scott Brown's acceptance speech seemed more like a gauntlet being thrown down.

First, he said this was a seat, NOT for Republicans and NOT for Democrats, but for all the people.

During his campaign he NEVER used the word Republican. The word "Republican" never appeared on any of his TV ads or in any print ads or signs. He constantly tried to make a connection to "Jack Kennedy" of all people.

Check it out:

YouTube - Elect Scott Brown, Defeat Martha Coakley! (Massachusetts Special Election Ad by GOP Trust)

Martha Coakley on the other hand. At the beginning of the contest, she was asked if she was going door to door and she publicly answered, "I'm not going to go out and shake hands with a bunch of stangers". That one line probably cost her the election more than anything else.

So, what does this victory mean to Republians? The winner distanced himself from them as far as possible and attempted to establish a connection with a Democratic Icon. That make it seem like a trick or a shell game. It will be interesting to see the public response to his Senate performance.

The other was him saying, "More jobs". Why would Republicans campaign on "more jobs"? They say it's NOT the governments job to make jobs and they want to move the ones we have overseas. Considering that Scott Brown suggested Obama's parents were never married, he seems more like a "teabagger".

So the election may have been cut and dried, but the outcome will be confusing for some time.

One wonders. If Michael Jordon ran for the senate, would he win?



I hate that picture of the kid crying. The person who took that picture, Jill Greenberg, makes a living at it. : Exhibitions : End Times

I read a story once how she tells kids their pets died or she gives them candy and takes it away to get them to cry. Seems like an odious way to get a picture of misery.
Watching Scott Brown's acceptance speech seemed more like a gauntlet being thrown down.

First, he said this was a seat, NOT for Republicans and NOT for Democrats, but for all the people.

During his campaign he NEVER used the word Republican. The word "Republican" never appeared on any of his TV ads or in any print ads or signs. He constantly tried to make a connection to "Jack Kennedy" of all people.

Check it out:

YouTube - Elect Scott Brown, Defeat Martha Coakley! (Massachusetts Special Election Ad by GOP Trust)

Martha Coakley on the other hand. At the beginning of the contest, she was asked if she was going door to door and she publicly answered, "I'm not going to go out and shake hands with a bunch of stangers". That one line probably cost her the election more than anything else.

So, what does this victory mean to Republians? The winner distanced himself from them as far as possible and attempted to establish a connection with a Democratic Icon. That make it seem like a trick or a shell game. It will be interesting to see the public response to his Senate performance.

The other was him saying, "More jobs". Why would Republicans campaign on "more jobs"? They say it's NOT the governments job to make jobs and they want to move the ones we have overseas. Considering that Scott Brown suggested Obama's parents were never married, he seems more like a "teabagger".

So the election may have been cut and dried, but the outcome will be confusing for some time.

One wonders. If Michael Jordon ran for the senate, would he win?



I hate that picture of the kid crying. The person who took that picture, Jill Greenberg, makes a living at it. : Exhibitions : End Times

I read a story once how she tells kids their pets died or she gives them candy and takes it away to get them to cry. Seems like an odious way to get a picture of misery.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD......................

typical lament of a limpwrister........rather throw themselves off a cliff then offend ANYBODY!!:lol:

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