This is American politics now: juvenile, anti-liberal, menacing

As lots of conservatives on social media have already said, just imagine if a bunch of violent Trump fans had disrupted a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton event. They would be called fascists, and the condemnation would be global. Politicians across the world would issue statements expressing concern.

When the same thing happens to a Trump rally, however, the reaction is strangely mute. This unfairness causes resentment which causes Trump to win more votes.

In fact, lots of people who previously might have not voted for Trump will now do so precisely because they don’t want to be told what to do by a bunch of snarling, smug left-liberal millennials. If there was any chance of stopping Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee, it was shut down last night in Chicago.

The anti-Donald Trump mob is Making America Scary | Coffee House
That might be because Trump is the one candidate that incites division, hate, and violence dummy. Then people lash out against his "message" and Trump supporters are all: "OMG the hate against us. Where does it come from? It's them not us. Look over there those guys started it!"
Naw, that honor goes to obummer
The Libs are pissy because they got their big chance to prove how awesome Liberalism is and they cocked it
These leftists simply do not believe in free speech. They want to silence Trump.
They are no different than what's going on, on college campuses today.

No need to silence Trump. Trump will silence himself.

Silencing Trump would be contrary to our American values.

Everything he does is contrary to American values.
Says you. Unfortunately, you don't get that right to tell me what my values are. So tough fuck to you

Why don't you post up the Obama care list of signatures done behind closed doors

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