This is an Enlightened White Guy. Must See

Really?? which cultures would that be? . :cool:

Well 3 for a whole continent isn't much to brag about.

Plus, the egyptians don't count because the Greeks and Romans influenced them to develop a written language.

So in reality, you only have 2 . :cool:

When you consider that the wealthiest man in history for the past 1000 years was the King of Mali, the university of Timbuktu was the worlds first university, and the Egyptians knowledge is what all our sciences are based on those are very significant to the world. the rest of the continent only gave birth to the human race so in reality its extremely important.
Really?? which cultures would that be? . :cool:

Well 3 for a whole continent isn't much to brag about.

Plus, the egyptians don't count because the Greeks and Romans influenced them to develop a written language.

So in reality, you only have 2 . :cool:

Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization? You seem to be avoiding this question.

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered? It appears you are also avoiding this one.
Well 3 for a whole continent isn't much to brag about.

Plus, the egyptians don't count because the Greeks and Romans influenced them to develop a written language.

So in reality, you only have 2 . :cool:

When you consider that the wealthiest man in history for the past 1000 years was the King of Mali, the university of Timbuktu was the worlds first university, and the Egyptians knowledge is what all our sciences are based on those are very significant to the world. the rest of the continent only gave birth to the human race so in reality its extremely important. afrocentric guys are a laugh riot.

Yea, I forgot about the vaunted U of Timbuktu and the the great city the King of Mali built.

Unfortunately, the rains washed both of the fabulous mud hut structures away. . :cool:
Well 3 for a whole continent isn't much to brag about.

Plus, the egyptians don't count because the Greeks and Romans influenced them to develop a written language.

So in reality, you only have 2 . :cool:

When you consider that the wealthiest man in history for the past 1000 years was the King of Mali, the university of Timbuktu was the worlds first university, and the Egyptians knowledge is what all our sciences are based on those are very significant to the world. the rest of the continent only gave birth to the human race so in reality its extremely important. afrocentric guys are a laugh riot.

Yea, I forgot about the vaunted U of Timbuktu and the the great city the King of Mali built.

Unfortunately, the rains washed both of the fabulous mud hut structures away. . :cool:

Thats funny. The Sankore University is still standing to this day It's so old they are trying to save it. How can you forget all this stuff and expect to remain credible? Why do you avoid uncomfortable questions?

Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization? You seem to be avoiding this question.

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered? It appears you are also avoiding this one

You are funny though. :lol:
Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization? You seem to be avoiding this question.

The Greeks, and later the Romans conquered much of Europe, Central Asia, and N. Africa.

And like all occupiers brought their culture and technology with them.

The african people, as well as the others, adapted and benefitted from the european's advanced knowledge.

But only while the europeans ruled over them

Once the europeans left Africa the people reverted back to their tribal ways and any modern advances were forgotten and eventually lost. . :cool:
Why would the claim they were tampering with the pictures stop you? The pictures of Jesus were turned into a blonde haired blue eyed European version.

Yes, the euro-centric folks turned Jesus into a blond haired, blue eyed guy just like the afro-centric folks turned egyptians black. Here's my theory: you're both wrong.

Here is my theory. Egypt is in Africa not Europe no matter how hard people try to glide over that fact. Why would white people travel from Europe to build a great civilization in Africa? Why didn't they build this great civilization in Europe? Can you explain that mystery? The fact is that there were no white people anywhere around that civilization until people from Greece begin to study there. The Egyptians physically looked like Ethiopians. Those are Black people. Alot of the pharoahs were Nubian. Those are Black people. You cant escape the facts.

In regards to Jesus if you follow his lineage in the Bible he probably looked mixed if the Hebrews were European whites living in Black countries. Many of his forefathers were Ethiopians, Canaanites, and Hittites.

LOL! What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about europeans building great civilizations in ancient Africa? Did I say egyptians originated in Europe? Did I even suggest that there weren't black people in ancient Egypt? You have so many conspiracy theories in your head that you can't seem to distinguish a conversation from internal voices. Sheesh! Can't we just all admit that egyptians originated from ancient astronauts and leave it at that?
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Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization? You seem to be avoiding this question.

The Greeks, and later the Romans conquered much of Europe, Central Asia, and N. Africa.

And like all occupiers brought their culture and technology with them.

The african people, as well as the others, adapted and benefitted from the european's advanced knowledge.

But only while the europeans ruled over them

Once the europeans left Africa the people reverted back to their tribal ways and any modern advances were forgotten and eventually lost. . :cool:

Youre correct about them conquering areas but you seem to have gotten your timeline mixed up. Egypt was in full flower long before Greece and later Rome developed. Thas why Greeks thought it was a privilege to study in Egypt. However you still didnt answer the question. Why didnt they build Egypt in Europe?
Yes, the euro-centric folks turned Jesus into a blond haired, blue eyed guy just like the afro-centric folks turned egyptians black. Here's my theory: you're both wrong.

Here is my theory. Egypt is in Africa not Europe no matter how hard people try to glide over that fact. Why would white people travel from Europe to build a great civilization in Africa? Why didn't they build this great civilization in Europe? Can you explain that mystery? The fact is that there were no white people anywhere around that civilization until people from Greece begin to study there. The Egyptians physically looked like Ethiopians. Those are Black people. Alot of the pharoahs were Nubian. Those are Black people. You cant escape the facts.

In regards to Jesus if you follow his lineage in the Bible he probably looked mixed if the Hebrews were European whites living in Black countries. Many of his forefathers were Ethiopians, Canaanites, and Hittites.

LOL! What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about europeans building great civilizations in ancient Africa? Did I say egyptians originated in Europe? Did I even suggest that there weren't black people in ancient Egypt? You have so many conspiracy theories in your head that you can't seem to distinguish a conversation from internal voices. Sheesh!

You said Afrocentrics turned Egyptians Black. Following your earlier scoff that the Afrocentrists were "wrong" then I would have to think you were making light of their contention that the Egyptians were Black.They were Black. its not a conspiracy theory its common sense backed by science and the Bible.
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However you still didnt answer the question. Why didnt they build Egypt in Europe?
Why would they want to?? . :cool:

Because its a lot easier than "sailing a few days away" to do it in Africa? :lol:

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered? Stop dancing and answer the question.
However you still didnt answer the question. Why didnt they build Egypt in Europe?
Why would they want to?? . :cool:

Because its a lot easier than "sailing a few days away" to do it in Africa? :lol:

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered? Stop dancing and answer the question.
I used to know some NOI guys who spouted the same Afrocentric nonsense as you do.

Basically, to them everything white/european was a lie.

And they believed in the most crackpot foolishness about blacks and black history you can imagine.

It would have been comical if it wasn't so sad. . :cool:
Why would they want to?? . :cool:

Because its a lot easier than "sailing a few days away" to do it in Africa? :lol:

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered? Stop dancing and answer the question.
I used to know some NOI guys who spouted the same Afrocentric nonsense as you do.

Basically, to them everything white/european was a lie.

And they believed in the most crackpot foolishness about blacks and black history you can imagine.

It would have been comical if it wasn't so sad. . :cool:

Sounds like the NOI guys knew more than you did despite having crack pot theories. I hate to beat a dead horse but why cant you give me an answer to my questions?

Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization?

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered?
Sounds like the NOI guys knew more than you did despite having crack pot theories. I hate to beat a dead horse but why cant you give me an answer to my questions?

Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization?

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered?
You are basically like the NOI guys I used to know.

There was no amount of proof or evidence they would accept as valid if it came from a white/european source.

Yet, they believed there was a UFO 'mothership' circling the earth undetected with their prophet onboard.

Thus it would be a huge waste of my time to continue this discussion with a brain locked individual such as yourself. . :cool:
Sounds like the NOI guys knew more than you did despite having crack pot theories. I hate to beat a dead horse but why cant you give me an answer to my questions?

Can you explain why whites moved to Africa to start a great civilization?

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered?
You are basically like the NOI guys I used to know.

There was no amount of proof or evidence they would accept as valid if it came from a white/european source.

Yet, they believed there was a UFO 'mothership' circling the earth undetected with their prophet onboard.

Thus it would be a huge waste of my time to continue this discussion with a brain locked individual such as yourself. . :cool:

Sounds eerily similar to the fact that white people like you wont believe any amount of proof the Egyptians were Black. Well i believe plenty of things that Europeans have said were true. No doubt the Romans were white. No doubt the French, English, Swedish etc were white. Whites invented snowboarding and skiing.

I dont think aliens have anything to do with it. However, i would believe that before I believed the Egyptians were white. :lol:
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Why would the claim they were tampering with the pictures stop you? The pictures of Jesus were turned into a blonde haired blue eyed European version.

There are no pictures of Jesus contemporary to when he was alive, unlike the interior of pyramids. That leaves me with two choices, either they were painted that way, or somebody broke in, changed them all, and then closed the pyramids back up to hide their editing.

Sometimes I think it must hurt you to be so naive and stupid. No one had to break into the pyramids to try and alter the paintings. They were already under the control of the Egyptian government. You really need to learn your history son. Jesus was a commercial created by the church. if no one truly knows what he looked like then why was he force fed to the slaves as a European? I guarantee you he wasn't white.

Depiction of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do know they have actual photographs, and even movies, of people opening unspoiled tombs and discovering that all the paintings inside those tombs were exactly the same as all the ones altered by the Egyptian government, don't you?

By the way, when you rewrite history don't forget to mention how they went back and altered the fact that ancient Greeks described the Egyptians who built the pyramids as being green.
There are no pictures of Jesus contemporary to when he was alive, unlike the interior of pyramids. That leaves me with two choices, either they were painted that way, or somebody broke in, changed them all, and then closed the pyramids back up to hide their editing.

Sometimes I think it must hurt you to be so naive and stupid. No one had to break into the pyramids to try and alter the paintings. They were already under the control of the Egyptian government. You really need to learn your history son. Jesus was a commercial created by the church. if no one truly knows what he looked like then why was he force fed to the slaves as a European? I guarantee you he wasn't white.

Depiction of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do know they have actual photographs, and even movies, of people opening unspoiled tombs and discovering that all the paintings inside those tombs were exactly the same as all the ones altered by the Egyptian government, don't you?

By the way, when you rewrite history don't forget to mention how they went back and altered the fact that ancient Greeks described the Egyptians who built the pyramids as being green.

How do you know this? Where you there when they opened the tomb for the first time? BTW movies aren't real life. I thought you knew that. Why would I say green men built it? Its apparent a Black men designed and built the pyramids.
Here is my theory. Egypt is in Africa not Europe no matter how hard people try to glide over that fact. Why would white people travel from Europe to build a great civilization in Africa? Why didn't they build this great civilization in Europe? Can you explain that mystery? The fact is that there were no white people anywhere around that civilization until people from Greece begin to study there. The Egyptians physically looked like Ethiopians. Those are Black people. Alot of the pharoahs were Nubian. Those are Black people. You cant escape the facts.
It's not like the Europeans traveled thousands of miles from Norway or German to Egypt.

The Romans and Greeks easily sailed a few days directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt and conquered it.

Also, the ruling class of Egypt was the Ptolemaic's from Greece and later the Romans.

" The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[1] was a Hellenistic kingdom in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty that Ptolemy I Soter founded after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC—which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, who declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt and created a powerful Hellenistic dynasty that ruled an area stretching from southern Syria to Cyrene and south to Nubia. Alexandria became the capital city and a center of Greek culture and trade. To gain recognition by the native Egyptian populace, they named themselves the successors to the Pharaohs. The later Ptolemies took on Egyptian traditions by marrying their siblings, had themselves portrayed on public monuments in Egyptian style and dress, and participated in Egyptian religious life. The Ptolemies had to fight native rebellions and were involved in foreign and civil wars that led to the decline of the kingdom and its annexation by Rome. Hellenistic culture continued to thrive in Egypt throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods until the Muslim conquest.

Ptolemaic Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didnt answer the question when you addressed my reply to someone else. Why didn't they build the civilization in Europe? Why would they "easily" sail a few days :lol: to build a great civilization instead of just building it where the already were? Europeans only gained control of Egypt multiple millennia after its glory days and ultimately destroyed it and much knowledge.

As I pointed out in a previous thread there are man made structures in France that predate the pyramids by over 2000 years.
It's not like the Europeans traveled thousands of miles from Norway or German to Egypt.

The Romans and Greeks easily sailed a few days directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt and conquered it.

Also, the ruling class of Egypt was the Ptolemaic's from Greece and later the Romans.

" The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[1] was a Hellenistic kingdom in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty that Ptolemy I Soter founded after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC—which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, who declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt and created a powerful Hellenistic dynasty that ruled an area stretching from southern Syria to Cyrene and south to Nubia. Alexandria became the capital city and a center of Greek culture and trade. To gain recognition by the native Egyptian populace, they named themselves the successors to the Pharaohs. The later Ptolemies took on Egyptian traditions by marrying their siblings, had themselves portrayed on public monuments in Egyptian style and dress, and participated in Egyptian religious life. The Ptolemies had to fight native rebellions and were involved in foreign and civil wars that led to the decline of the kingdom and its annexation by Rome. Hellenistic culture continued to thrive in Egypt throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods until the Muslim conquest.

Ptolemaic Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didnt answer the question when you addressed my reply to someone else. Why didn't they build the civilization in Europe? Why would they "easily" sail a few days :lol: to build a great civilization instead of just building it where the already were? Europeans only gained control of Egypt multiple millennia after its glory days and ultimately destroyed it and much knowledge.

As I pointed out in a previous thread there are man made structures in France that predate the pyramids by over 2000 years.

Like what? Is it true? Maybe I can learn something new.

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