This is an Enlightened White Guy. Must See

I tried to watch all of the video so I could be fair about my response but I only ended up watching half the video because I've heard the same conspiracy theories and revisionism before. It wasn't easy to keep listening when the guy started talking about archeologists tampering with pictures inside the pyramids to make the egyptians look white. I was patting myself on the back for sitting through that nonsense when all of a sudden "the teacher" started asserting that when Lincoln was talking about freeing the slaves, he was referring to the white slaves of capitalism. Good grief. That was all I could take.

Why would the claim they were tampering with the pictures stop you? The pictures of Jesus were turned into a blonde haired blue eyed European version.

There are no pictures of Jesus contemporary to when he was alive, unlike the interior of pyramids. That leaves me with two choices, either they were painted that way, or somebody broke in, changed them all, and then closed the pyramids back up to hide their editing.

Sometimes I think it must hurt you to be so naive and stupid. No one had to break into the pyramids to try and alter the paintings. They were already under the control of the Egyptian government. You really need to learn your history son. Jesus was a commercial created by the church. if no one truly knows what he looked like then why was he force fed to the slaves as a European? I guarantee you he wasn't white.

Depiction of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Do you think High Gracity is intelligent? How about Bill Cosby? James Earl Jones? Denzel Washington? Morgan Freeman? They are in the here and now....not in the "used to be" realm. about it? Do you think they are unintelligent?
Look, clearly not ALL blacks are unintelligent, many blacks are very smart and many are way smarter then me.

But, the fact is there are so many blacks who are stupid and violent that it takes away from all of that

Do you think High Gracity is intelligent? How about Bill Cosby? James Earl Jones? Denzel Washington? Morgan Freeman? They are in the here and now....not in the "used to be" realm. about it? Do you think they are unintelligent?
Look, clearly not ALL blacks are unintelligent, many blacks are very smart and many are way smarter then me.

But, the fact is there are so many blacks who are stupid and violent that it takes away from all of that

Well thats not fair. I dont base my perception of the rest of the white people on how savage, stupid, and cowardly you are.

Do you think High Gracity is intelligent? How about Bill Cosby? James Earl Jones? Denzel Washington? Morgan Freeman? They are in the here and now....not in the "used to be" realm. about it? Do you think they are unintelligent?
Look, clearly not ALL blacks are unintelligent, many blacks are very smart and many are way smarter then me.

But, the fact is there are so many blacks who are stupid and violent that it takes away from all of that

Well thats not fair. I dont base my perception of the rest of the white people on how savage, stupid, and cowardly you are.
Thats because white people don't have near the amount of savage, stupid, and cowardly people that blacks do.
Look, clearly not ALL blacks are unintelligent, many blacks are very smart and many are way smarter then me.

But, the fact is there are so many blacks who are stupid and violent that it takes away from all of that

Well thats not fair. I dont base my perception of the rest of the white people on how savage, stupid, and cowardly you are.
Thats because white people don't have near the amount of savage, stupid, and cowardly people that blacks do.

Thats only because there are more Black people. If it was even it would be the same thing.
There are not more blacks in America, unless you're talking about our prisons
Oh come on, Tank. There are A LOT of stupid people. The color of their skin has nothing to do with intelligence.
My sister in law is the stupidest person on the face of this earth. And I mean stupid. Not ignorant. Ignorant means capable of learning. Stupid means unable to learn because they just don't have the brain cells. She is very frustrating at times due to that stupidity. But..she can't help it I guess. She was born that way.
Gracie your a nice lady,

But facts are blacks are the leaders by far in all violent crimes, and it's getting worse
I tried to watch all of the video so I could be fair about my response but I only ended up watching half the video because I've heard the same conspiracy theories and revisionism before. It wasn't easy to keep listening when the guy started talking about archeologists tampering with pictures inside the pyramids to make the egyptians look white. I was patting myself on the back for sitting through that nonsense when all of a sudden "the teacher" started asserting that when Lincoln was talking about freeing the slaves, he was referring to the white slaves of capitalism. Good grief. That was all I could take.

I've long since realized that arguing facts with conspiracy theorists and historical revisionists is useless. People see what they want to see, regardless of the documentary evidence. Someone wants there to be evidence that Africans built the world and had it stolen from them will listen to some nutjob because it is what they want to hear. It's the rankest kind of conformation bias. It's no different than 9/11 Truthers, Moon Truthers, Holocaust Deniers, Anti-Evolutionists, or any other group along those lines. They don't have the skills or background to do the research themselves, and really have no way to accurately judge whether or not that lone voice is right, but they want to believe and so do, even when the multitudes of experts keep telling them that new interpretation is just bonkers.

So, if someone wants to believe that sub-Saharan Africans built the Pyramids, discovered Calculus, and were the first to conquer Everest some 10,000 years ago, fine. They're wrong, but I'm not going to waste my time debating it anymore than I'll debate the Geocentrists. They can be just as crazy as they like.
I tried to watch all of the video so I could be fair about my response but I only ended up watching half the video because I've heard the same conspiracy theories and revisionism before. It wasn't easy to keep listening when the guy started talking about archeologists tampering with pictures inside the pyramids to make the egyptians look white. I was patting myself on the back for sitting through that nonsense when all of a sudden "the teacher" started asserting that when Lincoln was talking about freeing the slaves, he was referring to the white slaves of capitalism. Good grief. That was all I could take.

Why would the claim they were tampering with the pictures stop you? The pictures of Jesus were turned into a blonde haired blue eyed European version.

Yes, the euro-centric folks turned Jesus into a blond haired, blue eyed guy just like the afro-centric folks turned egyptians black. Here's my theory: you're both wrong.
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Afrocentric revisionist history is always good for laugh or two. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

You should check out the Eurocentric revisionist history. Oh I forgot that everyone got that in school. Like Columbus discovered America and the founding fathers came up with the concept of the Constitution. :lol:
The difference is that Europeans had a written language and recorded the events as they took place.

Whereas, most Afrocentric revisionist history is based on oral myths and historical fantasy. .. :cool:
I tried to watch all of the video so I could be fair about my response but I only ended up watching half the video because I've heard the same conspiracy theories and revisionism before. It wasn't easy to keep listening when the guy started talking about archeologists tampering with pictures inside the pyramids to make the egyptians look white. I was patting myself on the back for sitting through that nonsense when all of a sudden "the teacher" started asserting that when Lincoln was talking about freeing the slaves, he was referring to the white slaves of capitalism. Good grief. That was all I could take.

Why would the claim they were tampering with the pictures stop you? The pictures of Jesus were turned into a blonde haired blue eyed European version.

Yes, the euro-centric folks turned Jesus into a blond haired, blue eyed guy just like the afro-centric folks turned egyptians black. Here's my theory: you're both wrong.

Here is my theory. Egypt is in Africa not Europe no matter how hard people try to glide over that fact. Why would white people travel from Europe to build a great civilization in Africa? Why didn't they build this great civilization in Europe? Can you explain that mystery? The fact is that there were no white people anywhere around that civilization until people from Greece begin to study there. The Egyptians physically looked like Ethiopians. Those are Black people. Alot of the pharoahs were Nubian. Those are Black people. You cant escape the facts.

In regards to Jesus if you follow his lineage in the Bible he probably looked mixed if the Hebrews were European whites living in Black countries. Many of his forefathers were Ethiopians, Canaanites, and Hittites.
Why would the claim they were tampering with the pictures stop you? The pictures of Jesus were turned into a blonde haired blue eyed European version.

Yes, the euro-centric folks turned Jesus into a blond haired, blue eyed guy just like the afro-centric folks turned egyptians black. Here's my theory: you're both wrong.

Here is my theory. Egypt is in Africa not Europe no matter how hard people try to glide over that fact. Why would white people travel from Europe to build a great civilization in Africa? Why didn't they build this great civilization in Europe? Can you explain that mystery? The fact is that there were no white people anywhere around that civilization until people from Greece begin to study there. The Egyptians physically looked like Ethiopians. Those are Black people. Alot of the pharoahs were Nubian. Those are Black people. You cant escape the facts.
It's not like the Europeans traveled thousands of miles from Norway or German to Egypt.

The Romans and Greeks easily sailed a few days directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt and conquered it.

Also, the ruling class of Egypt was the Ptolemaic's from Greece and later the Romans.

" The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[1] was a Hellenistic kingdom in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty that Ptolemy I Soter founded after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC—which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, who declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt and created a powerful Hellenistic dynasty that ruled an area stretching from southern Syria to Cyrene and south to Nubia. Alexandria became the capital city and a center of Greek culture and trade. To gain recognition by the native Egyptian populace, they named themselves the successors to the Pharaohs. The later Ptolemies took on Egyptian traditions by marrying their siblings, had themselves portrayed on public monuments in Egyptian style and dress, and participated in Egyptian religious life. The Ptolemies had to fight native rebellions and were involved in foreign and civil wars that led to the decline of the kingdom and its annexation by Rome. Hellenistic culture continued to thrive in Egypt throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods until the Muslim conquest.

Ptolemaic Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Afrocentric revisionist history is always good for laugh or two. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

You should check out the Eurocentric revisionist history. Oh I forgot that everyone got that in school. Like Columbus discovered America and the founding fathers came up with the concept of the Constitution. :lol:
The difference is that Europeans had a written language and recorded the events as they took place.

Whereas, most Afrocentric revisionist history is based on oral myths and historical fantasy. .. :cool:

Regardless of Europeans writing history after the fact to suit them they still lied. How many times are they permitted to lie until you start wondering about everything and doing research for yourself? The problem with your theory that all Afrocentric history is based on orally transmitted theory is that a lot of it is based on written record and research. Yes we also have a great tradition of oral history as well. The thing that proves to me that all whites dont pull this lying stuff is that some of that Afrocentric history is written by white people pointing out facts and coming to the same conclusion. Check out "Black Genesis" by Robert Bauval since you only seem to accept history written by whites.
Yes, the euro-centric folks turned Jesus into a blond haired, blue eyed guy just like the afro-centric folks turned egyptians black. Here's my theory: you're both wrong.

Here is my theory. Egypt is in Africa not Europe no matter how hard people try to glide over that fact. Why would white people travel from Europe to build a great civilization in Africa? Why didn't they build this great civilization in Europe? Can you explain that mystery? The fact is that there were no white people anywhere around that civilization until people from Greece begin to study there. The Egyptians physically looked like Ethiopians. Those are Black people. Alot of the pharoahs were Nubian. Those are Black people. You cant escape the facts.
It's not like the Europeans traveled thousands of miles from Norway or German to Egypt.

The Romans and Greeks easily sailed a few days directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt and conquered it.

Also, the ruling class of Egypt was the Ptolemaic's from Greece and later the Romans.

" The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[1] was a Hellenistic kingdom in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty that Ptolemy I Soter founded after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC—which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, who declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt and created a powerful Hellenistic dynasty that ruled an area stretching from southern Syria to Cyrene and south to Nubia. Alexandria became the capital city and a center of Greek culture and trade. To gain recognition by the native Egyptian populace, they named themselves the successors to the Pharaohs. The later Ptolemies took on Egyptian traditions by marrying their siblings, had themselves portrayed on public monuments in Egyptian style and dress, and participated in Egyptian religious life. The Ptolemies had to fight native rebellions and were involved in foreign and civil wars that led to the decline of the kingdom and its annexation by Rome. Hellenistic culture continued to thrive in Egypt throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods until the Muslim conquest.

Ptolemaic Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didnt answer the question when you addressed my reply to someone else. Why didn't they build the civilization in Europe? Why would they "easily" sail a few days :lol: to build a great civilization instead of just building it where the already were? Europeans only gained control of Egypt multiple millennia after its glory days and ultimately destroyed it and much knowledge.
Regardless of Europeans writing history after the fact to suit them they still lied. How many times are they permitted to lie until you start wondering about everything and doing research for yourself?

There were many ancient european historians who wrote about the events as they were happening and their works have been preserved for anyone to read.

Whereas, most African cultures didn't have a written language.

So most Afrocentric history is based on oral traditions and the myths of tribal elders.

Basically, a whole lot of nothing........... :cool:
Regardless of Europeans writing history after the fact to suit them they still lied. How many times are they permitted to lie until you start wondering about everything and doing research for yourself?

There were many ancient european historians who wrote about the events as they were happening and their works have been preserved for anyone to read.

Whereas, most African cultures didn't have a written language.

So most Afrocentric history is based on oral traditions and the myths of tribal elders.

Basically, a whole lot of nothing........... :cool:

How can you prove that European historians wrote about history as it was happening or that it was not altered? Suspension of belief? Wouldn't that require them to be clairvoyant in order to know what events were historically significant and which ones were not? Every significant African culture had a written language. They also had oral stories which does not diminish their authenticity at all. As a matter of fact it proves it is truthful because more than one person knows the story as opposed to relying on the writings of one person. Europeans invented the art of lying and omitting things in history. Please don't make me laugh. :lol:
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