This is how angels operate often times.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
The news report is from a Hannibal TV news station, yesterday 8/6/13. It is not from a religious web site or blog.

Mysterious priest performs miracle at site of Mercedes crash : News :

[Excerpt from article] New London Fire Chief Raymond Reed says Lentz was pinned in between the steering wheel and the seat. After 45 minutes had passed, medical workers told rescue crews that Katie was failing and fast… About an hour into the rescue, Katie asked rescue workers to pray out loud with her. That's when a priest appeared out of no where.

"He came up and approached the patient, and offered a prayer," Reed said. "It was a Catholic priest who had anointing oil with him. A sense of calmness came over her, and it did us as well. I can't be for certain how it was said, but myself and another firefighter, we very plainly heard that we should remain calm, that our tools would now work and that we would get her out of that vehicle."

The Hannibal Fire Department showed up right after that prayer with fresh equipment and was able to finish the extrication. After getting Katie safely into the Air Evac helicopter, at least a dozen of the rescue workers turned around to thank the priest who was no where in sight. The highway had been blocked for a quarter of a mile during the hour and a half rescue, leaving no bystanders and no parked cars nearby. Lentz' family and friends are amazed by the story.

"Where did this guy come from?" Lentz' friend Travis Wiseman asked. "We're looking for the priest and so far, no one has seen him. Whether it was a priest as an angel or an actual angel, he was an angel to all those and to Katie."
I was there at the accident scene when this happened. I took a dozen pictures of the crash rescue & surrounding area right after they uprighted the car & the Hannibal Fire Truck arrived. This was at the time the priest was supposed to have been there. I can't see him or any civilian vehicle he could have come from.
I was there at the accident scene when this happened. I took a dozen pictures of the crash rescue & surrounding area right after they uprighted the car & the Hannibal Fire Truck arrived. This was at the time the priest was supposed to have been there. I can't see him or any civilian vehicle he could have come from.

Thanks for your contribution and first hand account. I, for one, have little trouble believing in angelic interventions. Far too many accounts of the inexplicable.

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