This is how Donnie-baby royally screwed up...

Trump Jr., "They will lie and do anything to win."

Now we know he was really talking about himself and his family.

Agreeing to meet a Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary, has nothing to do with "colluding" with the Russian government about hacking emails. The supposed dirt on Hillary was her connection to the Russian government by illegal campaign donations.
I love hate Trump fake news days...they are a blast! So much fun!
You idiot. There was nothing of value.

Companies routinely account for intellectual property in valuation. Copyrights, which have value, are on information, not on material goods. Patents are on information, not on material goods. Insider trading, which results in criminal conviction, is strictly about the use of information.

So, yep. Information has value.
By his own admission (at least "version 2") Donnie-baby stated that he agreed to meet with the foreign lawyer to get "dirt"' on Clinton.......and, of course, the juciness of the possibility of dirt had Donnie bring along to the meeting Manafort and Kushner....

Now, it does NOT matter if the lawyer had dirt or not...what matters is the ATTEMPT to get the dirt from a foreign source.....

here......This IS the LAW.....and Donnie-baby fucked up......

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

Lol. That is campaign finance law. Information is not money, though valuable or invaluable as it may be. If Trump Jr. was willing to pay for said information, you might have a solid case.
By his own admission (at least "version 2") Donnie-baby stated that he agreed to meet with the foreign lawyer to get "dirt"' on Clinton.......and, of course, the juciness of the possibility of dirt had Donnie bring along to the meeting Manafort and Kushner....

Now, it does NOT matter if the lawyer had dirt or not...what matters is the ATTEMPT to get the dirt from a foreign source.....

here......This IS the LAW.....and Donnie-baby fucked up......

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

Good luck, you're doing swimmingly so far. Idiots.
Quit being a pussy and admit Trump is a sack of shit.

You're the pussy little man. If you have any evidence post it or you are just one more little liar.
By his own admission (at least "version 2") Donnie-baby stated that he agreed to meet with the foreign lawyer to get "dirt"' on Clinton.......and, of course, the juciness of the possibility of dirt had Donnie bring along to the meeting Manafort and Kushner....

Now, it does NOT matter if the lawyer had dirt or not...what matters is the ATTEMPT to get the dirt from a foreign source.....

here......This IS the LAW.....and Donnie-baby fucked up......

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

Good luck, you're doing swimmingly so far. Idiots.
Quit being a pussy and admit Trump is a sack of shit.
I am all on board with that.

Of course you are, you are a sissy boy like Billy.
We should send Russia thank you cards for exposing Hillary Clinton. Just think if that clown had become POTUS

digging up dirt on people is against the law? had better let your party know bobo....they are pretty good at doing that

Some you.....insist on being labeled MORONS......."digging up dirt" is not illegal......."digging up dirt and sharing it" BY A FOREIGN/ADVERSARIAL definitely against OUR campaign laws..............

Go to bed.
Quit being a pussy and admit Trump is a sack of shit.

Allow me just one slight correction......

"Quit being a pussy and admit Trump is a BIG/YUGE sack of shit"..................LOL
digging up dirt on people is against the law? had better let your party know bobo....they are pretty good at doing that

Some you.....insist on being labeled MORONS......."digging up dirt" is not illegal......."digging up dirt and sharing it" BY A FOREIGN/ADVERSARIAL definitely against OUR campaign laws..............

Post the law.
digging up dirt on people is against the law? had better let your party know bobo....they are pretty good at doing that

Some you.....insist on being labeled MORONS......."digging up dirt" is not illegal......."digging up dirt and sharing it" BY A FOREIGN/ADVERSARIAL definitely against OUR campaign laws..............

Post the law.
Its been posted many times today as you know honey bunch
LMAO, information is not considered a thing of value in the law. Besides, there was no information given.

Gawd you people are desperate.

One more time for the fucked up and ignorant right wingers like Hawkie-baby here........

If "information is not considered a thing of value".....THEN no fucking spy would ever be convicted.

...and the premise that "there was no information given" only based on what Donnie-baby do YOU know there was "no information given"??????..............LOL

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