This is how socialism ends EVERY time

China. Italy. Iran. Spain. All have government-run “free” ( :rolleyes: ) healthcare. Not working out so well for any of them.

Not working out so well for us, either. Nobody's system is covering itself in glory..

Some systems are doing better than others. Japan has a socialized system,they seem to have the Coronavirus under control.
With government deciding to execute certain citizens based on criteria developed by the government, in their best interest...

“What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?” Cuomo said. “You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.”

What leads you to believe the same won't happen in the US? Cuomo isn't very confident it seems.
those same sorts of decisions are being made here in America.
No, they aren’t, you lying dick.
What do you think happens when there are twice as many people needing a ventilator than there are ventilators?
It’s first come, first serve, idiot. That’s what happens. The government doesn’t instruct our private healthcare system to deny a certain demographic, care.
Oh I see, the US for-profit healthcare system is superior because it doesn't discriminate in letting people die?
By the way, the reason triage, something this is happening, is because it maximizes the number of people saved. Older people are less likely to survive despite care, have a higher risk of complications and yes they have fewer years to live if they get cured. It seems the only responsible thing to do in times of recourse shortages.
I bet he's reporting me, but the mods can probably see I have
him on ignore now. He intrudes on my stress-free environment like westwall.
Angie here needs a "Safe Space" because seeing facts that don't support his ideology is too "stressful" for her. :laugh:
Great job, Spain! That socialized medicine sure is working out well! :eusa_doh:

“What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?” Cuomo said. “You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.”
So to be clear, in typical Dumbocrat fashion, Governor Cuomo failed to do his job and stockpile supplies that his state would need in an emergency, and so now he's trying to blame others? Yep...quintessential leftist.

You know which 26,000 die? The one's who didn't show up for the first 400 ventilators. First come, first served is exponentially more fair than the government deciding which demographics best suits the needs of the government, and then declaring the rest be left to die.
Older people are less likely to survive despite care, have a higher risk of complications and yes they have fewer years to live if they get cured. It seems the only responsible thing to do in times of recourse shortages.
Unless that "older person" is Fidel Castro, or Benito Mussolini, or Joe Biden, right sparky? Funny, I've never seen a single leftist asshat live under the same policies that they demand the rest of society live under.

There is nothing "responsible" about a government setting up Death Panels and deciding for all of society who gets to live and who has to die. To suggest such is the absolute pinnacle of ignorance.
I may believe it if there are other sources besides The Blaze and
the Jerusalem Post.

btw Canada's doing pretty well with their "socialized" healthcare.
Only 26 deaths.

Meanwhile in Canada thousands have died from alcoholism, rape, and domestic violence. Canadians are messed up.
Meanwhile in Canada thousands have died from alcoholism, rape, and domestic violence. Canadians are messed up.
It's a beauty way to go though.

“What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?” Cuomo said. “You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.”
So to be clear, in typical Dumbocrat fashion, Governor Cuomo failed to do his job and stockpile supplies that his state would need in an emergency, and so now he's trying to blame others? Yep...quintessential leftist.

You know which 26,000 die? The one's who didn't show up for the first 400 ventilators. First come, first served is exponentially more fair than the government deciding which demographics best suits the needs of the government, and then declaring the rest be left to die.
Wait, wait.... you are complaining that Cuomo wasn't socialist enough by using taxpayer money to buy ventilators? In an OP started by you trying to tie Italy's problems to Socialism? You really can't make this shit up.

By the way, I could tell you how ridiculous the statement is on merit too but knowing you, that would be a waste of time.
Wait, wait.... you are complaining that Cuomo wasn't socialist enough by using taxpayer money to buy ventilators?
Wait...wait....if Cuomo is going to request shit from the federal government, it shows failure of leadership on his part, dumb ass. That's the point you're trying to avoid.
By the way, I could tell you how ridiculous the statement is on merit too but knowing you, that would be a waste of time.
If you could, you would. Every time the left gets bitch-slapped with facts, they claim "not worth my time". :rolleyes:
Wait, wait.... you are complaining that Cuomo wasn't socialist enough by using taxpayer money to buy ventilators?
Wait...wait....if Cuomo is going to request shit from the federal government, it shows failure of leadership on his part, dumb ass. That's the point you're trying to avoid.
Really, you think so? A failure of leadership? States often ask for help from the Federal Government. In case of hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and in this case pandemics. Are you claiming that all those States show a failure in leadership?

See not trying to avoid your bad argument whatsoever. What you are trying to avoid is the contradiction in calling Socialism the reason something happens and in the same breath calling not using a Socialist solution 'a failure in leadership.
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By the way, I could tell you how ridiculous the statement is on merit too but knowing you, that would be a waste of time.
If you could, you would. Every time the left gets bitch-slapped with facts, they claim "not worth my time". :rolleyes:
I can. PolitiFact - Donald Trump misses key facts in claim that New York governor refused to buy ventilators in 2015
A task force estimated that under a severe scenario, more than 800,000 people would be hospitalized, and during peak week demand, around 18,600 ventilators would be needed. During that peak week, the state would likely be short about 16,000 ventilators, the report said. (Under a moderate scenario, the state would have a surplus during the peak week.)

The state had "no current plans" to buy enough ventilators for the most severe scenario, the report said.

"The state’s current approach to stockpiling a limited number of ventilators balances the need to prepare for a potential pandemic against the need to maintain adequate funding for current and ongoing health care expenses," the report said.
And now I have.
Page 28 on the report.
So tell me again what Cuomo did wrong?

This report also deals with triage. First come first serve is not a consideration. Saving the most lives possible is.
With government deciding to execute certain citizens based on criteria developed by the government, in their best interest...

What those who embrace the idea of socialism DON'T realize, including many that post on this site, is that socialism has NEVER worked throughout history. Just look at Venezuela for proof of this. Or Canada, where the globalists/socialists have been gradually turning the country into a sh*thole. Socialism does NOT work.

That is silly.
Absolutely everything any good government ever does is socialist.
What do we want government to do?
Anything that no one wants to do on a for profit basis, or if they did, it would be too unfair.
That includes things like the post office, schools, fire fighting, defense, transportation, etc.
All good governments are always socialist, and they all always succeed.

The USSR, Mao's China, Maduro's Venezuela, etc., are capitalist dictatorships, and have nothing to do with socialism.
If they were socialist, then you would need local, popular, control by the people.
Great job, Spain! That socialized medicine sure is working out well! :eusa_doh:

Spain rates as having better health care than the US.
Spain is having trouble because they are poor, not because they are socialist.
They are not very socialist.
States often ask for help from the Federal Government.
Well there is some fine left-wing “logic”. Rapists often rape women. Guess that makes it ok then, in your mind. :eusa_doh:

Any state that asks the federal government for “help” has done so out of a complete and total failure by state leaders to plan and prepare.

Furthermore, the federal government “helping” any state is 100% unconstitutional. The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers and “helping states” isn’t one of them.

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