This Is How The Blacks Fight

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I love it when liberals try the old "but the white people do it to"
Knowing full well our response will be...lock those MFers up or give em the juice,depending on state law of course.
If I had my way they'd line em up against the wall and shoot em.
So when do you stop defending blacks who do the same?
When? Never have.

The OP pretends, and you go along with him, that only blacks are violent.

You all are idiots.

Blacks have a rate of violent crime that is at least seven times the white rate. Those who deny this are idiots. Those who try to suppress the truth are afraid of it.
You, and many others, define "violent" as looking at you. Get a grip. It's no longer a secret that black people are arrested for things that aren't even crimes.

Then they point to the trumped up charges as proof of racism...just kidding.

They point to the trumped up charges as proof of more law breaking. Its a perfect circle of bullshit. Its like going around kicking people in the back and then using the bruises as proof theres a problem with the people with bruises
The worst kept secret in America is black racism towards whites in majority black schools.

These coward chickenshit blacks saw the white kid winning the they jumped him.

For some reason...blacks think they have superior hand to hand fighting skills just because blacks dominate boxing. Reality is...the best white fighters dont box. They do MMA...or join the military to do real fighting. No the street thug nonsense or one dimensional boxing.
Come one now! Blacks are over represented in the military and the MMA and have produced several champions.
The White guy wasn't jumped by 4 blacks; though one appeared to be trying to stop the fight by puling him off of the black guy at one point. Still, this fist fight is far better than the use of knives or guns. These students were NOT gang members, they were just boys being boys. I doubt if anything racial was going on here...

I'll give them credit for not using weapons. But they did jump the white kid once he was on top winning.
Thats a matter of perception I guess. If 4 Blacks had "jumped" the White guy he would have been beaten senseless. I saw one trying to pull him off the other fighter...nothing more; and ,when they were separated, the two were soon at it again. If a "jumping " had occurred there would not have been a second round! You guys are assuming too much! Besides, who says that school was an all black school? And we all know that similar fights have occurred among boys of the same race. GOOD fight!
You are an idiot, those other black kids clearly joined in hitting the white kid.

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