This is how we end it! (solution)

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Answer the question.
You first! For once! I have answered everything from you and you answer about 25%. Stop playing dumb in typical zionist fashion. How is that different then bringing up Nakba? The German crimes against the European Jews have nothing to do with Palestine while the Nakba has everything to do with European Jews. How can you be so blind?
The Holocaust is inextricably wound in Israel' history and the Israeli national consciousness. It doesnt matter if the Palistinians were not involved it is still relevent in trying to understand the history. Without it you are erasing an important part of the history behind "never again". When you do that it mKes it easier to believe Jews are safe around the world and dont need a nation.
30 pages of no soluition.... ahhh, disappointing.

Only 30 pages? How many years has it been without a solution?

Shame that we didn't see too much contribution from you for a solution though I do think that there have been some good debates amongst the 30 pages.

And there is the problem. We need to find the folks who seemingly have no sense of urgency in "fixing this" and set some limits on how much longer this "stand-off" goes on. Kids are dying in the streets. Gaza is oppressed by blockade and the guerrillas in control. And ACTUALLY -- the Pali suffering is FAR WORSE in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan than it is in Israel..

Need to light a fire under a bunch of butts.. The targets of the marching and chanting should include all those neighboring govts, include the call for appointed LEADERSHIP within the Pali factions and a clear message needs to get sent that time moves on. Progress in making the land livable moves on.

It's not gonna EVER revert to the ancient ways of life there. BOTH sides to negotiate for livable space NOW.
You do realize many European Jews are not Zionists...they are secular...
Only religious Jews support Israel? Really?
Not what I said.
That's exactly what you said.

Zionism changed from an idealistic movement to a different kind of support for Israel. The majority of Zionists are likely ALREADY in Israel. SUPPORT for Israel is a different matter. It's NOT GIVEN unconditionally by world Jewry. Isn't even UNANIMOUS in Israel proper.

There are deep convictions to SUPPORTING Israel as an EXISTING democracy. Not just from Jews worldwide. Probably more CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS in the world than Jewish Zionist at this point in time anyways. If you include SUSTAINING support for Israel as Zionism..
30 pages of no soluition.... ahhh, disappointing.

Only 30 pages? How many years has it been without a solution?

Shame that we didn't see too much contribution from you for a solution though I do think that there have been some good debates amongst the 30 pages.

And there is the problem. We need to find the folks who seemingly have no sense of urgency in "fixing this" and set some limits on how much longer this "stand-off" goes on. Kids are dying in the streets. Gaza is oppressed by blockade and the guerrillas in control. And ACTUALLY -- the Pali suffering is FAR WORSE in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan than it is in Israel..

Need to light a fire under a bunch of butts.. The targets of the marching and chanting should include all those neighboring govts, include the call for appointed LEADERSHIP within the Pali factions and a clear message needs to get sent that time moves on. Progress in making the land livable moves on.

It's not gonna EVER revert to the ancient ways of life there. BOTH sides to negotiate for livable space NOW.
Right now BDS are the only people seeking a just solution.
You do realize many European Jews are not Zionists...they are secular...
Only religious Jews support Israel? Really?
Not what I said.
That's exactly what you said.

Zionism changed from an idealistic movement to a different kind of support for Israel. The majority of Zionists are likely ALREADY in Israel. SUPPORT for Israel is a different matter. It's NOT GIVEN unconditionally by world Jewry. Isn't even UNANIMOUS in Israel proper.

There are deep convictions to SUPPORTING Israel as an EXISTING democracy. Not just from Jews worldwide. Probably more CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS in the world than Jewish Zionist at this point in time anyways. If you include SUSTAINING support for Israel as Zionism..
The main goal of Zionism, as a national Jewish movement, was implemented in 1948. That's why citizens of Israel are Israelis, not Zionists.
Support is never given unconditionally, people are not robots. The only political party in Israel which uses the word Zionism is a left one - 'Zionist union'. They are the most critical of Israel policy.
Majority of the Jewish people support Israel not just as "EXISTING democracy", but as a Jewish state, as a national home for the Jewish people. Today this is the Zionism.
Christian Zionists have their own specific religious agenda.
Thanks for all the interest.

So you will agree that your earlier statement that "Jews are safe" is not correct?
I'll elaborate to say they would be even safer absent of the zionist regime. Let's not forget when news first got out that the zionists were planning their fascist state and how Jews, nearly unanimously and the world over warned of these men, their plans and the danger this would bring to the Jewish people. Balfour himself knew this. You can see it in his original wording: being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

You have evidence supporting your statement?
There has been a lot of work out there on fake hate crimes and not just swastikas painted by Jews, but we have seen this morph into a phenomena that involves many groups.
If you are interested, I would recommend starting here:

But, the zionists have taken this whole mindset to a different level and this was exposed during the war on terror. The greatest hate crime hoaxes ever maybe. If you have never heard of Adam Pearlman and Joseph Cohen, AKA Yaḥyā Ghadan and Yousef al-Khattab, figure out why.

You need to get out more!

Is that the same way that "The Muslim people in Canada, America and everywhere else are fine"?
No, I don't think so. I think there are different dynamics in play.

Shall we all put flowers in our hair, smoke something herbal and sing Bob Dylan songs?

If that is the answer then I'm up for it...

Except I will need to tape a flower to my head as I have no hair and I am not a big fan of Bob Dylan but, hey, if it helps I will give it a go!
No, not like that. I am talking real change through clear realization.

To sum up: love is all we need but that excludes love for Jews who will "hopefully" be fine in a one man one vote country because that has worked out so well in the region.
I must say I found Coyote and Humanity to be very helpful. Pity about the OP who talks of love while spitting venom.
It certainly does not exclude Jews. Look again at the OP. There is love there. There is respect. They walk together in the pursuit of peace, attempting to end the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

That's why you're NOT helping them at all by just treating them as innocent victims with no responsibilities for the predicament they are in.
BS, and they, as a general rule have been simply fighting for freedom for decades. Were the Jews responsible for their 'predicament' in your mind?

What Is Really to Blame for Palestinian Violence?
The occupation.

To sum up: love is all we need but that excludes love for Jews
No. See the OP where Jews march hand in hand with the zionists sworn enemies for peace and freedom.

30 pages of no soluition.... ahhh, disappointing.
See the OP where Jews march hand in hand with the zionists sworn enemies for peace and freedom.

You do realize many European Jews are not Zionists...they are secular...
BINGO, but there are secular Jews who do support the zionist regime.

The Holocaust is inextricably wound in Israel' history and the Israeli national consciousness. It doesnt matter if the Palistinians were not involved it is still relevent in trying to understand the history. Without it you are erasing an important part of the history behind "never again". When you do that it mKes it easier to believe Jews are safe around the world and dont need a nation.
Yes, never again but for Palestine. Stop with holocaust references. They serve no purpose other than as a sympathy play. It is both insulting and repugnant. The German crimes HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH PALESTINE.

This tactic only hurts the chance of a lasting peace. :frown:

Only religious Jews support Israel? Really
Try 50 million Christian zionists in America alone.

the Pali suffering is FAR WORSE in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan than it is in Israel..
Sorry, but no.

It's not gonna EVER revert to the ancient ways of life there. BOTH sides to negotiate for livable space NOW.
Yes, an immediate right of return and an end to the occupation.

It's NOT GIVEN unconditionally by world Jewry. Isn't even UNANIMOUS in Israel proper.
Bingo, and our rabbis from the world over begged the UN to listen as all this was happening. Nobody listened and look at us now.

Probably more CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS in the world than Jewish Zionist at this point in time anyways. If you include SUSTAINING support for Israel as Zionism..
35 million more Christian zionists than Jews on earth.
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It is not an occupation if it is inside the borders of a sovereign nation. Word games mean nothing when the fact is Israel can, and should, do what they wish in their country.

So, to be clear, your "solution" is to move 7 million Arabs into the territory, dissolve Israel as a State, create a new State of Palestine with a Jewish minority with no guarantees for safety, security and protection of civil and religious rights for that minority.

So, to be clear, your "solution" is to move 7 million Arabs into the territory, dissolve Israel as a State, create a new State of Palestine with a Jewish minority with no guarantees for safety, security and protection of civil and religious rights for that minority.
If Jews are worried about their safety, there are many choices for them where they can find it. But, that is not your issue as you only wish to see the zionist regime thrive on Palestinian land, and it doesn't matter the death and destruction the zionist ideology brings as they are chosen to you. Sad.

So, to be clear, your "solution" is to move 7 million Arabs into the territory, dissolve Israel as a State, create a new State of Palestine with a Jewish minority with no guarantees for safety, security and protection of civil and religious rights for that minority.
If Jews are worried about their safety, there are many choices for them where they can find it. But, that is not your issue as you only wish to see the zionist regime thrive on Palestinian land, and it doesn't matter the death and destruction the zionist ideology brings as they are chosen to you. Sad.

Explain what kind of "choices" the Jewish people will have in a majority Arab Palestine State.
Answer the question.
You first! For once! I have answered everything from you and you answer about 25%. Stop playing dumb in typical zionist fashion. How is that different then bringing up Nakba? The German crimes against the European Jews have nothing to do with Palestine while the Nakba has everything to do with European Jews. How can you be so blind?
But I thought you believed in the Torah and that no one in history was allowed to take another's land by force...ever.
Until you discovered the land was originally settled by Shem.
You're pathetic.

Now continue slinging your feces at the wall.
It is not an occupation if it is inside the borders of a sovereign nation. Word games mean nothing when the fact is Israel can, and should, do what they wish in their country.
Interesting. Do you have a map of Israel that does not use those fake armistice line borders?

So, to be clear, your "solution" is to move 7 million Arabs into the territory, dissolve Israel as a State, create a new State of Palestine with a Jewish minority with no guarantees for safety, security and protection of civil and religious rights for that minority.
If Jews are worried about their safety, there are many choices for them where they can find it. But, that is not your issue as you only wish to see the zionist regime thrive on Palestinian land, and it doesn't matter the death and destruction the zionist ideology brings as they are chosen to you. Sad.

I’m afraid that your “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem” is nothing more than importing foreign Arab-Moslems in such numbers as to overwhelm the Jewish population. Not a well thought out plan. An invasion of unskilled, uneducated, welfare dependent Arabs-Moslems would put an enormous burden on UNRWA which realistically cannot currently meet the needs of the existing arab-Moslem welfare cheats.
It is not an occupation if it is inside the borders of a sovereign nation. Word games mean nothing when the fact is Israel can, and should, do what they wish in their country.
Interesting. Do you have a map of Israel that does not use those fake armistice line borders?
Are you saying Jerusalem is not within the borders?
It is not.

Nice deflection, though.
I presume you never take your meds.
I feel your agony...and I relish it.
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