This is how we end it! (solution)

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Stop badgering us about their failures or support for Islamic extremists.
I don't know why you must demonize them, but for pure hatred.

Pointing out their mistakes and failures is a NECESSARY thing in order to help ANYONE or ANY group.. Or at least realizing their past experiences DOES matter in how to help "fix it"..

How do you plan to "End it" --- if you don't know or what to know what their past problems and issues are?

That's why you're NOT helping them at all by just treating them as innocent victims with no responsibilities for the predicament they are in.

U couldn't do that with an addicted relative. What makes you think it works with entire nation of people??
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RE: This is how we end it! (solution)
※→ Coyote, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, I guess this was right.
  • When did the Israelis commit the last act of contemporary terrorism?
  • What was it?
As long as Israel needs to maintain a presence in the occupied territories as a requirement to to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety,
Killing people, stealing land, and demolishing homes is restoring and ensuring public order and safety?

Rocco, you are a hoot.
I agree, the policy of destroying the homes of terrorists famies is way wrong.

I have yet to a Jewish terrorists home destroyed and his famimy left homeless.

Providing material support to terrorists is an offense in itself. Confiscation and forfeiture of property, holdings and other materials of value is done all the time (almost everyday) in the US and other nations. It is a philosophy that proceeds of crime should be forfeited and the criminal should not benefit from criminal activity.

In the US, it is most often seen as the forfeiture of property (may include but not limited to homes, warehouses, boats, vehicles and aircraft ... etc) for tax liabilities, drug smuggling, illicit trade in weapons (SALW)/explosives, human trafficking, AND other criminal activity. Under Article 8, International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, have included similar duties - covering all the general assets one might might expect to find in an omnibus anti-crime package tailored to terrorism and related activities.

In the last decade, most of what the Arab Palestinians call Israeli terrorism centers on casualties resulting from ignoring:

• Rule 23. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.
• Rule 24. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.​

This allegation often is coupled with the complaint that the Israelis fight back too hard and that the use of deadly force is more effective than that used by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) that launch attacks --- operating within or near densely populated areas; or --- where the HoAP essential failed to remove or relocate civilian persons and objects away from the vicinity of HoAP targetable activities; which is the HoAP attempting to utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points immune from retaliatory strikes due to proximity.

Most Respectfully,
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign crap?
The same crap all 57 Arab Nations are pimping.
Someone doesn't like those West Bank Jordanians!
What Is Really to Blame for Palestinian Violence?
  • Rather than engage in institution-building, which the United States, Europe and even Israel funded with billions of dollars, PA President Mahmoud Abbas – Arafat's successor – made no effort to reform Palestinian civil society, including the education system.
  • In fact, textbooks for the 2017-2018 academic year are even more filled with incitement to violence in the name of Allah than in years before.... "Children are expendable."
  • The crux of this report is that Palestinian education is for war and against peace with Israel. When educators employ blood libels to provide a rationale for terrorism against innocent Israelis -- and the PA leadership backs these up by paying salaries to terrorists and their families -- the only process you are going to get is one of war.

It's the same with Jews only now they deserve it because of the "Zionists".
Sir, with all due respect, Jews are not zionists. There are 50 million Christian zionists in America alone. THAT IS MORE THAN ALL THE JEWS ON THE PLANET BY 35 MILLION. Please stop making this false charge and focus on the issues at hand.
Christian Zionism is a Christian movement which supports Israel.
Zionism is the national movement of the Jewish people.
Now go study! :cool-45:
Answer the question.
You first! For once! I have answered everything from you and you answer about 25%. Stop playing dumb in typical zionist fashion. How is that different then bringing up Nakba? The German crimes against the European Jews have nothing to do with Palestine while the Nakba has everything to do with European Jews. How can you be so blind?
Its a civil war, not an occupation
Man, that's a real cop out!

There is a WORLD of difference between freedom and peace!
You might be able to handle the more philosophical. Peace happens when we all realize that love is what God is.

Well actually, Louie, here's a bit of God's love as per your co-religionists.

Hamas Charter




In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

You are the best community that has been raised up for mankind.

Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors.

The Islamic World is burning. It is incumbent upon each one of us to pour some water, little as it may be, with a view of extinguishing as much of the fire as he can, without awaiting action by the others.

A little bit of God's love per islamic terrorists.

A little bit of "love" written by man, not god.
The one that explains "how we end it"... Does it all end in a multicultural march/demonstration?
With love.

Shall we all put flowers in our hair, smoke something herbal and sing Bob Dylan songs?

If that is the answer then I'm up for it...

Except I will need to tape a flower to my head as I have no hair and I am not a big fan of Bob Dylan but, hey, if it helps I will give it a go!
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The problem when fanatics overrun the argument is that it is easy to become defensive and inflexible protecting your corner against really awfull rhetoric. I find it gets harder to see both sides very well :(
Do you acknowledge an occupation and settlements?
What do you mean acknowledge? I oppose settlements as a deliberate provocation and obstacle to the peace process

Islam, which is what Israel is dealing with, needs no provocation. People that cannot admit the hate for Jews taught in the Koran and to Palestinian children guarantees no solution will ever be found. Islam will not honor treaties, it is not bound to, also clearly stated in Islamic literature.
Topic isnt Islam. Find another thread to share your hate.
Still, this Hanukkah, a number of synagogues in Canada received startling, genocidal death notes. Our local synagogue also received hate mail this past week.
Many times if not nearly 100% of the time, these crimes are done by zionists. It's sad as hell and then every time they are caught they are just written off as crazy when their real intention was to develop sympathy for Israel.
Oh geez. Thanks for proving multiple points here.
The subject is Islam, that is what drives the hatred of the Jews, among other things that plague Jews everywhere. And there is no hate over here, a very tired false reply to avoid looking at the root cause of almost all the violent conflicts in the world. I am just informing you of the hate in Islam.

Sadly you are off topic...

Sadly, you seem to know nothing of the Islam...

Start another thread, something along the lines of "The root of all evil, Islam"
To sum up: love is all we need but that excludes love for Jews who will "hopefully" be fine in a one man one vote country because that has worked out so well in the region.
I must say I found Coyote and Humanity to be very helpful. Pity about the OP who talks of love while spitting venom.
The one that explains "how we end it"... Does it all end in a multicultural march/demonstration?
With love.

Shall we all put flowers in our hair, smoke something herbal and sing Bob Dylan songs?

If that is the answer then I'm up for it...

Except I will need to tape a flower to my head as I have no hair and I am not a big fan of Bob Dylan but, hey, if it helps I will give it a go!

That's the spirit.. We should at least try it "your way".. I'm not real good at marching and chanting tho.. But I could make the peace signs and provide guitar accompaniment for the Dylan part. I have some experience there..
The one that explains "how we end it"... Does it all end in a multicultural march/demonstration?
With love.

Shall we all put flowers in our hair, smoke something herbal and sing Bob Dylan songs?

If that is the answer then I'm up for it...

Except I will need to tape a flower to my head as I have no hair and I am not a big fan of Bob Dylan but, hey, if it helps I will give it a go!

That's the spirit.. We should at least try it "your way".. I'm not real good at marching and chanting tho.. But I could make the peace signs and provide guitar accompaniment for the Dylan part. I have some experience there..

Hey, lets do it!

I need to brush up on a few Dylan songs but I recon we could make a nice duet with both of us on guitar. I too have some experience ;-)
30 pages of no soluition.... ahhh, disappointing.
It is abi's thread what did you expect?

Abi's source for the 'Zionists' commiting these hate crime(s) for sympathy is in the same place as her claim of Israel's nukes being pointed at America.
Answer the question.
You first! For once! I have answered everything from you and you answer about 25%. Stop playing dumb in typical zionist fashion. How is that different then bringing up Nakba? The German crimes against the European Jews have nothing to do with Palestine while the Nakba has everything to do with European Jews. How can you be so blind?
You do realize many European Jews are not Zionists...they are secular...
30 pages of no soluition.... ahhh, disappointing.

Only 30 pages? How many years has it been without a solution?

Shame that we didn't see too much contribution from you for a solution though I do think that there have been some good debates amongst the 30 pages.
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