This is insane.

I have not followed the Marx saying if you're not conscious you can be killed?

He's clueless and anyone that supports the murder of the most innocent of all has issues, deep rooted issues. The moron isn't worth your or my time
Are you kidding me? It's not murder, your own study even SHOWS THIS. LOL

Yawn...go bother someone else, moron. I do not take anything you spew serious. You're just another left loon annoyance.
I have not followed the Marx saying if you're not conscious you can be killed?

He's clueless and anyone that supports the murder of the most innocent of all has issues, deep rooted issues. The moron isn't worth your or my time
Are you kidding me? It's not murder, your own study even SHOWS THIS. LOL

Yawn...go bother someone else, moron. I do not take anything you spew serious. You're just another left loon annoyance.
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I have not followed the Marx saying if you're not conscious you can be killed?

He's clueless and anyone that supports the murder of the most innocent of all has issues, deep rooted issues. The moron isn't worth your or my time
Are you kidding me? It's not murder, your own study even SHOWS THIS. LOL

Yawn...go bother someone else, moron. I do not take anything you spew serious. You're just another left loon annoyance.
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Keep denying science, oh yeah, my friend had an abortion, it's not how you lunatics describe it.
He's clueless and anyone that supports the murder of the most innocent of all has issues, deep rooted issues. The moron isn't worth your or my time
Are you kidding me? It's not murder, your own study even SHOWS THIS. LOL

Yawn...go bother someone else, moron. I do not take anything you spew serious. You're just another left loon annoyance.
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Keep denying science, oh yeah, my friend had an abortion, it's not how you lunatics describe it.

Too bad your mama didn't
Are you kidding me? It's not murder, your own study even SHOWS THIS. LOL

Yawn...go bother someone else, moron. I do not take anything you spew serious. You're just another left loon annoyance.
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Keep denying science, oh yeah, my friend had an abortion, it's not how you lunatics describe it.

Too bad your mama didn't
Typical of the pro life crowd to want others to die, tell me, do you support the death penalty? Warfare?
Look at all of the " pro -life" Cons on here who have no problem with police killings.
Alabama Republican pushes bill that treats abortion clinics like sex offenders

More end-runs around Roe v. Wade.

State Rep. Ed Henry’s measure, House Bill 527, would prevent state health officials from issuing or renewing licenses to any clinics operating within 2,000 feet of a school. The statute would directly affect the Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives Services, which is currently located across the street from the former site of a local middle school.

Every low-income middle school and high school should have a health clinic across the street. Hell, put it on school grounds.

Do "christian" conservatives in the South realize that the U.S.A. goes out of its way to outsource low paying jobs? We've gutted our manufacturing sector. Do they not see all closed and boarded up factories?? Their parents can't work because there are NO JOBS. So we feed and educated these kids until they are old enough not to work and have babies of their own!!! Insanity!!!

Do these anti-choice Nazis realize that more poor unwanted kids on welfare is not the answer?
funny to hear some one who supports a eugenics program for mInorities call people NAZIS
A first conclusion of this ongoing research is that the fetus in utero is almost continuously asleep and unconscious partially due to endogenous sedation, or minimal consciousness near 25 weeks or so.. Try again.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
A first conclusion of this ongoing research is that the fetus in utero is almost continuously asleep and unconscious partially due to endogenous sedation, or minimal consciousness near 25 weeks or so.. Try again.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
It's not conscious.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
A first conclusion of this ongoing research is that the fetus in utero is almost continuously asleep and unconscious partially due to endogenous sedation, or minimal consciousness near 25 weeks or so.. Try again.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
It's not conscious.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
I already have. Not in the mood to debate with lunatics who hate women.
A first conclusion of this ongoing research is that the fetus in utero is almost continuously asleep and unconscious partially due to endogenous sedation, or minimal consciousness near 25 weeks or so.. Try again.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
It's not conscious.
Not that you can you can provide a sound explanation as to why that matters...
I already have
No, you have not. You summed up your argument with "this is what I think and if you don't like it, that;s too bad".
An honest thinking person would realize that if that's the best he has, he needs rethink his position.

You and I both know you cannot provide a sound argument for your position; you and I both know that you don't care, so long as convenience remains more important than human life.
I always think it's funny how conservatives are always praising small government, but they want to restrict women's rights, increase military spending....
And this is where we split.Murder is murder is murder. Period. If you don't want a kid don't get pregnant if you NEVER want a child get sterilized to make sure. If you get pregnant give baby up for adoption...why kill the baby?
It's a fetus.
Its a living breathing feeling human being. How ANY mother can murder their child after they have had one is beyond me...just give the baby up for adoption....
I always think it's funny how conservatives are always praising small government, but they want to restrict women's rights, increase military spending....
And this is where we split.Murder is murder is murder. Period. If you don't want a kid don't get pregnant if you NEVER want a child get sterilized to make sure. If you get pregnant give baby up for adoption...why kill the baby?
Because some people are SO important that they believe their convenience trumps innocent human life.
It's a fetus, and i support individual rights for people in regards to their own body.
If you support an individuals rights (odd for a communist since we are all part of a collective then in that view) then you should support the babies rights as an individual.

No fetus breathes in the womb.

If that were to happen the fetus would breathe in the amniotic fluid, drown in the liquid and die. There is no air to breathe in a uterus.

So no it's not breathing. Since it's not breathing it can't be alive.
I always think it's funny how conservatives are always praising small government, but they want to restrict women's rights, increase military spending....
And this is where we split.Murder is murder is murder. Period. If you don't want a kid don't get pregnant if you NEVER want a child get sterilized to make sure. If you get pregnant give baby up for adoption...why kill the baby?
It's a fetus.
Its a living breathing feeling human being. How ANY mother can murder their child after they have had one is beyond me...just give the baby up for adoption....
I always think it's funny how conservatives are always praising small government, but they want to restrict women's rights, increase military spending....
And this is where we split.Murder is murder is murder. Period. If you don't want a kid don't get pregnant if you NEVER want a child get sterilized to make sure. If you get pregnant give baby up for adoption...why kill the baby?
Because some people are SO important that they believe their convenience trumps innocent human life.
It's a fetus, and i support individual rights for people in regards to their own body.
If you support an individuals rights (odd for a communist since we are all part of a collective then in that view) then you should support the babies rights as an individual.

No fetus breathes in the womb.

If that were to happen the fetus would breathe in the amniotic fluid, drown in the liquid and die. There is no air to breathe in a uterus.

So no it's not breathing. Since it's not breathing it can't be alive.

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