This is insane.

No fetus breathes in the womb.
If that were to happen the fetus would breathe in the amniotic fluid, drown in the liquid and die. There is no air to breathe in a uterus.
So no it's not breathing. Since it's not breathing it can't be alive.
You can't be serious.
Take this fact seriously: it is indeed a fact of Constitutional law that an embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently abortion is not "murder."
Its how the leftards are OK with murdering babies..they claim they aren't human beings....that argument fails but unfortunately the people with the power the government protect murderers so...for now we will keep fighting.
No fetus breathes in the womb.
If that were to happen the fetus would breathe in the amniotic fluid, drown in the liquid and die. There is no air to breathe in a uterus.
So no it's not breathing. Since it's not breathing it can't be alive.
You can't be serious.
Take this fact seriously: it is indeed a fact of Constitutional law that an embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently abortion is not "murder."
Take this fact seriously: What you said here has nothing to do with, and is therefore utterly irrelevant to, anything I said in this topic.

Your response is an example of the ignorance, extremism, stupidly, and contempt for any sort of reason and honesty common to most on the left.
No fetus breathes in the womb.
If that were to happen the fetus would breathe in the amniotic fluid, drown in the liquid and die. There is no air to breathe in a uterus.
So no it's not breathing. Since it's not breathing it can't be alive.
You can't be serious.
Take this fact seriously: it is indeed a fact of Constitutional law that an embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently abortion is not "murder."

Nice, clean legal way to justify snuffing a life before it even begins.

This from a person who really doesn't have a bone to pick with legalized abortion (via legislative action, not the horse-hockey that is Roe V. Wade).

But I am man enough to admit what it is actually doing, unlike most of the abortion rights people, who prefer to double-think their way out of knowing that something has to die when an abortion is performed.

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