This is John F. Kennedy’s economy! No wait, it’s Reagan’s...No, it’s Clinton’s.

Ever notice how the economy all a sudden spikes when a Democrat leaves office?

It must be all those years that Democrats spent in the White House that finally paid off when the Democrat leaves.

It couldn't possibly be that Democrats motherfucking suck at stoking the economy because they are communist fucktard's. That has nothing to do with it.
What spiked? Show numbers so we can compare

The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats - Forbes

Nov 7, 2016 - ... business investment and avoiding recessions, theeconomy does a lot better with Democrats in the White House than withRepublicans.
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stock market republican vs democrateconomic growth by president chartus economy by president
percentage of republican presidentsblinder watsondemocrats done
Dems Are Better for the Economy. Why Won't They Say So?

Aug 3, 2018 - You probably believe on some level all the things theRepublicans say about the free ... The economy does better underDemocratic presidents.
The Economy Under Democratic vs. Republican Presidents - Reports ...

Jun 22, 2016 - It has often been suggested that Republicans are better at overseeing the economy than Democrats. However, an analysis ofeconomic ...
We should keep not electing Democrats since they create such good economies when not innoffice.
Great if you like stagnant wages and a Dow below the highs of January...
The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats - Forbes

Nov 7, 2016 - ... business investment and avoiding recessions, theeconomy does a lot better with Democrats in the White House than withRepublicans.
People also search for
stock market republican vs democrateconomic growth by president chartus economy by president
percentage of republican presidentsblinder watsondemocrats done
Dems Are Better for the Economy. Why Won't They Say So?

Aug 3, 2018 - You probably believe on some level all the things theRepublicans say about the free ... The economy does better underDemocratic presidents.
The Economy Under Democratic vs. Republican Presidents - Reports ...

Jun 22, 2016 - It has often been suggested that Republicans are better at overseeing the economy than Democrats. However, an analysis ofeconomic ...
All we need is a Democrat to take office for a few days, then get replaced by a Republican, who after a few weeks gets replaced again by a Democrat for a week.

That seems like a solid recipe for a great economy.

Democrats leaving the White House = prosperity

They don't do JACK MOTHERFUCKING SHIT while in office. It seems to only happen when those fuckers get out. It takes them 8 years (or 4 in Carter's case) to get that economy working properly with those communist ideals.
All we need is a Democrat to take office for a few days, then get replaced by a Republican, who after a few weeks gets replaced again by a Democrat for a week.

That seems like a solid recipe for a great economy.

Democrats leaving the White House = prosperity

They don't do JACK MOTHERFUCKING SHIT while in office. It seems to only happen when those fuckers get out. It takes them 8 years (or 4 in Carter's case) to get that economy working properly with those communist ideals.
Oh? Well you failed miserably to name Republican presidents who left office with the unemployment rate lower than when they started .... let’s see if you can name any Democrat presidents who left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started....
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
If the state of the current economy doesn’t lie with the sitting POTUS couldn’t one make the retarded argument that all things happening were destined to happen based on happenings from decades or even centuries ago?
Sounds LibTardish as hell doesn’t it?
Of course the state of the economy is the responsibility of the current president. But if he is going to take credit for positive change then the %change needs to be reviewed and compared to past administrations. Wouldn’t you agree?
No, that’s fking stupid
Well if Trump is doing a better job than Obama, why is employment growing at the same pace under both presidents?

Trump is erasing Obama’s legacy.... Karma is a bitch
All we need is a Democrat to take office for a few days, then get replaced by a Republican, who after a few weeks gets replaced again by a Democrat for a week.

That seems like a solid recipe for a great economy.

Democrats leaving the White House = prosperity

They don't do JACK MOTHERFUCKING SHIT while in office. It seems to only happen when those fuckers get out. It takes them 8 years (or 4 in Carter's case) to get that economy working properly with those communist ideals.
For sake of compromise I take it by U.S. fiscal year. Thus in my mind I turned the economy over from Obama to Trump on Oct 1, 2017.
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy

Bush was handed the Dot-com crash.

Funny how liberals call a 5 trillion dollar loss of value in the stock market a "surging economy."

Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia

Clinton happened to be in the white house when Bill Gates made the PC and thus access to the internet revolutionary for the world. It caused the internet, and start-up companies to explode and gain value with no apparent hard assets to show for it. Then the bubble burst in 2000, and the mess was handed to Bush in January of 2001.

The burst of the bubble, known as the dot-com crash, lasted from March 11, 2000 to October 9, 2002. Bush took office between those dates so I would not consider the dot-com crash a "surging economy."
Last edited:
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Really?? How so?
Conservatives had to put up with the living hell of eight years of Obama… Now you fuckers got Trump
If the state of the current economy doesn’t lie with the sitting POTUS couldn’t one make the retarded argument that all things happening were destined to happen based on happenings from decades or even centuries ago?
Sounds LibTardish as hell doesn’t it?

Christ. You make the most retarded arguments going....

No wonder fucking idiots vote for Trump.
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Really?? How so?
Conservatives had to put up with the living hell of eight years of Obama… Now you fuckers got Trump
Trump won because of Clinton not Obama. I’d bet that if Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would of beaten Trump easily.
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Really?? How so?
Conservatives had to put up with the living hell of eight years of Obama… Now you fuckers got Trump
Trump won because of Clinton not Obama. I’d bet that if Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would of beaten Trump easily.
Irrelevant, Trump is a direct result of the shit stain that is Obama
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy

Bush was handed the Dot-com crash.

Funny how liberals call a 5 trillion dollar loss of value in the stock market a "surging economy."

Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia

Clinton happened to be in the white house when Bill Gates made the PC and thus access to the internet revolutionary for the world. It caused the internet, and start-up companies to explode and gain value with no apparent hard assets to show for it. Then the bubble burst in 2000, and the mess was handed to Bush in January of 2001.

The burst of the bubble, known as the dot-com crash, lasted from March 11, 2000 to October 9, 2002. Bush took office between those dates so I would not consider the dot-com crash a "surging economy."

Bill Gates made software, not the PC. And he started that in the 70’s, not the 90’s. Same with the PC, it too started commercially in the 70’s. And both MS and the PC exploded in the 80’s. The Internet explosion, and subsequent dotcom business, didn’t explode until the mid-90’s when commercial access was completely opened up. By then, the economy had already even improving each year under Clinton.
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Really?? How so?
Conservatives had to put up with the living hell of eight years of Obama… Now you fuckers got Trump
Trump won because of Clinton not Obama. I’d bet that if Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would of beaten Trump easily.
Irrelevant, Trump is a direct result of the shit stain that is Obama
Sure buddy... tell yourself whatever works for that fucked up sense of reality you’re living in.
Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy

Bush was handed the Dot-com crash.

Funny how liberals call a 5 trillion dollar loss of value in the stock market a "surging economy."

Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia

Clinton happened to be in the white house when Bill Gates made the PC and thus access to the internet revolutionary for the world. It caused the internet, and start-up companies to explode and gain value with no apparent hard assets to show for it. Then the bubble burst in 2000, and the mess was handed to Bush in January of 2001.

The burst of the bubble, known as the dot-com crash, lasted from March 11, 2000 to October 9, 2002. Bush took office between those dates so I would not consider the dot-com crash a "surging economy."

Bill Gates made software, not the PC. And he started that in the 70’s, not the 90’s. Same with the PC, it too started commercially in the 70’s. And both MS and the PC exploded in the 80’s. The Internet explosion, and subsequent dotcom business, didn’t explode until the mid-90’s when commercial access was completely opened up. By then, the economy had already even improving each year under Clinton.

I said he made the pc and access to the internet revolutionary. Learn to comprehend. That means he made the PC revolutionary, not that he made the PC period. He did revolutionize the home PC, he created Microsoft Windows and internet explorer, which was highly popular and started the internet boom. There were other web browsers but none like IE. Microsoft windows took off under Clinton. He had nothing to do with the web boom. If he did, what exactly did he do that made the 90's so profitable for web companies before they busted?

He didn't create the PC but he did make it what it is today. A PC without software is nothing. PC's would not be where they are today without the Windows OS.
If the state of the current economy doesn’t lie with the sitting POTUS couldn’t one make the retarded argument that all things happening were destined to happen based on happenings from decades or even centuries ago?
Sounds LibTardish as hell doesn’t it?
Is that argument really all that retarded? Things that are happening today ARE the result of actions set in motion years and decades ago. And yes, it was destined to happen.

When America started taking on debt, that was the catalyst of what we have today. Combine that with the federal reserve act and greedy and corrupt politicians, and terrible spending habits, and you have what we have today. True, we have a powerful military and security because of it, but that security is eroding.

Long ago, the ship started sinking, and has been slowly sinking ever since, and there is not a patch kit large enough to fix the hole. In other words, this ship will go down. American economy is hanging on by a thread.

If the u.s. dollar ever stops being used as the Petro dollar, and the world reserve currency, it's all over for the u.s.

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