This is John F. Kennedy’s economy! No wait, it’s Reagan’s...No, it’s Clinton’s.

Republicans maintain a fantasy that every President starts with an economic blank slate

Bush started with a surging economy
Obama started fighting off a depression
Trump started with a booming economy

Bush was handed the Dot-com crash.

Funny how liberals call a 5 trillion dollar loss of value in the stock market a "surging economy."

Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia

Clinton happened to be in the white house when Bill Gates made the PC and thus access to the internet revolutionary for the world. It caused the internet, and start-up companies to explode and gain value with no apparent hard assets to show for it. Then the bubble burst in 2000, and the mess was handed to Bush in January of 2001.

The burst of the bubble, known as the dot-com crash, lasted from March 11, 2000 to October 9, 2002. Bush took office between those dates so I would not consider the dot-com crash a "surging economy."

Bill Gates made software, not the PC. And he started that in the 70’s, not the 90’s. Same with the PC, it too started commercially in the 70’s. And both MS and the PC exploded in the 80’s. The Internet explosion, and subsequent dotcom business, didn’t explode until the mid-90’s when commercial access was completely opened up. By then, the economy had already even improving each year under Clinton.

I said he made the pc and access to the internet revolutionary. Learn to comprehend. That means he made the PC revolutionary, not that he made the PC period. He did revolutionize the home PC, he created Microsoft Windows and internet explorer, which was highly popular and started the internet boom. There were other web browsers but none like IE. Microsoft windows took off under Clinton. He had nothing to do with the web boom. If he did, what exactly did he do that made the 90's so profitable for web companies before they busted?

He didn't create the PC but he did make it what it is today. A PC without software is nothing. PC's would not be where they are today without the Windows OS.
You’re still wrong because you have no idea what you’re talking about. Of course there were other web browsers before IE. Better ones, in fact. Mosaic and Netscape Navigator. IE has never been one of the better browsers. Still isn’t.
No but it came bundled with microsoft windows, the dominant OS for the PC for the past 20 years. All Bill Gates. How much is the guy who created mosaic and NN worth today?
No but it came bundled with microsoft windows, the dominant OS for the PC for the past 20 years. All Bill Gates. How much is the guy who created mosaic and NN worth today?

You have to keep changing what you say because what you say exposes your ignorance.

Mosaic Web Browser History - NCSA, Marc Andreessen, Eric Bina

Marc Andreessen and his team invented Mosaic(original NCSA page), the first popular Web browser, which greatly helped spread use and knowledge of the web across the world.

In 1992, Joseph Hardin and Dave Thompson worked at the NCSA (National Center for Supercomputer Applications), a research institute at the University of Illinois. When they heard about Tim Berners-Lee'swork, they downloaded the ViolaWWW browser, and then demonstrated the web to NCSA's Software Design Group by connecting to the web server at CERN over the Internet. The group was duly impressed.

Two students from the group, Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina, began work on a browser version for X-Windows on Unix computers, first released as version 0.5 on January 23, 1993. His release message was forwarded to the newsgroups by Berners-Lee six days later, seeding subsequent redistribution and wider awareness. Bina provided expert coding support. Andreessen provided excellent customer support, monitoring the newsgroups continuously to ensure that they knew about and could fix any bugs and make desired enhancements.

A version of Mosaic for the Macintosh was developed by Aleks Totic and released a few months later, making Mosaic the first browser with cross-platform support.​
No, you keep reading what you WANT to read.

I never said IE was the first web browser. I said it was the largest. Because it came with MS windows.

Nice try though.
No, you keep reading what you WANT to read.

I never said IE was the first web browser. I said it was the largest. Because it came with MS windows.

Nice try though.
Imbecile, you said...

”He did revolutionize the home PC, he created Microsoft Windows and internet explorer, which was highly popular and started the internet boom. There were other web browsers but none like IE.”

I just showed you there were other browsers before it which started the Internet boom. IE, an inferior browser, came later.

G’head.... this is where you change your story again...

Thanks for highlighting where I said "there were other web browsers".

Thanks for proving me right.

You changed what you said.

First you said IE “started” the Internet boom.

Then you changed that to IE was the “largest.”

MS windows started the big internet boom, IE was part of that. The internet EXPLODED in the mid 90s when MS windows was exploding in popularity. You can argue correlation is not causation, but that's another story.

Quit trying to twist words, man you're losing. Like Mueller.
The internet got started before that, but the growth was not until the mid 90s.

Internet Growth Statistics 1995 to 2018 - the Global Village Online

It went from 16 million users worldwide to 361 million in 5 years. I never said Bill Gates founded the internet (no that was Algore) I never said that he invented the PC, I never said that he made the first web browser. I said thanks to him these things TOOK OFF in popularity because he made them easy to use.
The internet got started before that, but the growth was not until the mid 90s.

Internet Growth Statistics 1995 to 2018 - the Global Village Online

It went from 16 million users worldwide to 361 million in 5 years. I never said Bill Gates founded the internet (no that was Algore) I never said that he invented the PC, I never said that he made the first web browser. I said thanks to him these things TOOK OFF in popularity because he made them easy to use.
From your own link...

The Internet is defined as the worldwide interconnection of individual networks operated by government, industry, academia, and private parties. Originally the Internet served to interconnect laboratories engaged in government research, and since 1994 it has been expanded to serve millions of users and a multitude of purposes in all parts of the world.

.... IE did not start it. It didn’t even exist in 1994. :eusa_doh:

You keep demonstrating with every post that you have no idea what you’re talking about.
I never said IE started it. Thanks for reinforcing that. Read the last sentence of what you just quoted.


Before Gates and Windows, people were having to use their PC's with MSDOS commands. That was holding back the popularity of the PC. Gates invented Windows which dumbed it down for the average user.
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He did revolutionize the home PC, he created Microsoft Windows and internet explorer, which was highly popular and started the internet boom.

I never said IE started it. Thanks for reinforcing that. Read the last sentence of what you just quoted.

Ok, I’m done with you. You have convinced me you’re completely crazy, changing your position constantly as it gets shot down as the idiocy it is.

Now you’ve even reduced yourself, as demonstrated with your two posts above, that you’re even willing to deny saying the idiotic claims you’re making.


Learn to fucking read you fucking moron. The internet has been around since the late 70s. He had nothing to do with that.

There is a difference between inventing something and inventing something that helps something grow. Ransom Olds invented the assembly line which helped the automobile GROW. He did not invent the automobile. Same idea.

Try to keep up.

Learn to fucking read you fucking moron. The internet has been around since the late 70s. He had nothing to do with that.

There is a difference between inventing something and inventing something that helps something grow.

We’ve only been discussing the start of the boom, not the Internet itself. And you said he “started” that before denying you said he started that. :cuckoo:

Learn to fucking read you fucking moron. The internet has been around since the late 70s. He had nothing to do with that.

There is a difference between inventing something and inventing something that helps something grow.

We’ve only been discussing the start of the boom, not the Internet itself. And you said he “started” that before denying you said he started that. :cuckoo:

So show me where I said he started the internet itself. You just said that I stated he started the internet before denying it.

Learn to fucking read you fucking moron. The internet has been around since the late 70s. He had nothing to do with that.

There is a difference between inventing something and inventing something that helps something grow.

We’ve only been discussing the start of the boom, not the Internet itself. And you said he “started” that before denying you said he started that. :cuckoo:

So show me where I said he started the internet itself. You just said that I stated he started the internet before denying it.

You’re insane. :cuckoo:

I just said we’re talking about the start of the Internet boom, not the start of the Internet; and that you said IE started it (the boom) before saying you didn’t say he started it.
And we are rehashing the old shit again. I said that Windows and IE was part of that, started the internet boom. I personally hate IE and always have but for a long long time it was most popular. Now it's not.

I'm done here. This thread is hijacked by you wanting to argue. Go back and play with your little friends. The grown ups have work to do.

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